stilarante: 1
List ( Savai Jaipore ); Pet. IV. No.1472; (I) SemiFaia by Padmaprabhadeva. See PārsvaSG. No. 59.
nāthastotra. (IV) diffofiaalaga by Sivajilāla. List (Savai(II) Genitals by Padmanandin. Idar. 166, 169 Jaipore ).
(2 copies ) ; 177. (V) arconigalaga Anonymous. Buh. VI. No.
h V N (III) genitats Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7158. 665.
ge a r by Harsakirti. SA. No. 754.
GHETE in 133 Gāthās by Haribhadraguri. It is triguitaa Bengal. No. 6704.
published by Bhimasi Manek, Bombay, रोहिण्यशोकचन्द्रनुपकथा also called Rohinikatha or
Sam. 1974. It is also called LagnaRohiņitapamāhātmya composed in Sam.
Kundali. It is also recently published by 1657, by Kanakakusala, pupil of Vijaya.
Pandit Kşamāvijayagani, at Bombay, senasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. It is pub
1938. AM. 246, DB. 24 (170), Hamsa. lished by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam.
No. 708 ; JA. 60 ( 10 ); JG. pp. 101 ; 1971 (Series No. 36), and also by
349; KB. 1 (66); PAPS. 66 (94); Hiralal Hamsaraj Jamnagar, 1912. BK.
68 (144); Pet. I. A. p. 88; V. No. No. 1948 ; Hamsa. Nos. 172; 1285;
515; SA. No. 411. PAP. 36 ( 33 ); Pet. I. No. 319; PRA,
hizofar Limdi. No. 3159. No. 979; Tapa. 334. itibaren in Sanskrit by Devamūrti, pupil of
gaytayt by Udayaprabhadevasūri. Idar. 156. Davacandra of the Kāsadraha Gaccha. Sarara Surat. 1, 9. It is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, gara by-Hemaprabhasūri. Kiel. II. No. 396. Jamnagar, 1908 and by the JAS. GHSR by Haribhadrasūri. See Lagnasuddhi (Series No. 45), Bhavnagar, 1916. It galder or wrongly called Nyāyakumudais translated into English, by H. Johnson
candra at Bt. No. 389, composed by in Studies in Honour of M. Bloomfield',
Akalankadeva. It is a work containing 78 New Haven, 1930, p. 159 ff. Bhand. VI.
Karikās divisible into three chapters on No. 1334; PRA. No. 1346.
Pramāņa, Naya and Agama which give trgoera eta by Kanakakusala. See Rohinya
it the name Laghīyastrayi. It is publishsokacandraurpakathā. PRA. No. 979.
ed with Abhayacandra's commentary in matara by Visuddha Muni. Is this a Stotra
the MDG. Series, No. 1 Bombay, Sarn. of the Pāśupatas ? Patan Cat. I. p. 5.
1972. It is also recently edited with the HUT Anonymous. Hamsa. Nos. 511 ; 1011.
Svopajña Vivrti by Pandit Mahendra(1) Avacuri. Hamsa. Nos. 511; 1011.
kumāra Shastri in the Singhi Jain Series
(No. 12), Ahmedabad, 1939. AD. No. tegutas front by Srutasāgarasuri. Bhand. V. No.
34; Bt. No. 389 ; CP. p. 687; Hum. 2, 1122.
283; KO. 160 ; Limdi. No. 14 ; Strass. B ATTI by Jinabhadrasuri. Bhand. V. No. 1365.
p. 309. quent by Ratnasekharasuri (Gram. 699 ). JG. p. 96.
(1) Svopajña Vivrti. Published. No geurage composed in Sam. 1473 by
independent mss. are known to me. The Kirtirāja Sadhu of the Kharatara Gaccha,
edition mentioned above is based upon It was corrected by Jayasāgaragani. See
two mss.; one from Idar and the other DC. pp. 63-64. The Vihāra was begun
from Jaypore. in Sam. 1459 at the advice of Jinarāja
(2) Țikā called Nyāyakumudacandrosuri.
daya or Nyāyakumudacandra, composed
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