xifrata 1
Upad Gaccha,
fagurgare ur by Candraprabha. JG. p.
pp. 18; 34; 413; Pet. VI. No: 623 ; 260. See Vijayacandracaritra (I).
= VL. A. p. 48 ( quotation ); - PRA. (1) fag ardata by Viradeva. JG. p.
Nos. 924; 1102 ; SA. Nos. 415; 531; 232. See Vijayacandracritra (II).
Surat. 1, 5. (II) frajerkaufts by Amrasuri. JG. p. (II) Farguits in Prākrta (Graṁ. 1311) 232. See Vijayacandracaritra (II).
composed by Viradeva, pupil of Amara
deva, in Sam. 1187. This is probably (III) far a leit in Prakrta ( Grám.
the same as above. PAP. 30 (15). 3900) composed in Sam. 1299; DA.
(III) fari aita Anonymous. 49 ( 23, ms. dated Sam. 1642 ).
Agra. No. 1526 ; Bhand. V. No. · (IV) facurgharcaite by Jayasūri. VB. 32
1318; VI. No. 1337, Flo. No. 777 ; S (10).
JB. 112 ; KN. 48; Patan Cat. I. p. (V) ataqdicata by Hemaratnasuri. VB.
153; VB. 33 (12; 24; 30 ) 33 ( 30 ).
विजयदानसूरिस्वाध्याय in Prakrta by Sakalacandra (VI) fagacarseits by Candraprabha. See
Upādhyāya. PAP. 79 ( 51 ); Surat 1. below.
विजयदेवमाहात्म्य or the Life Vijayadevasuri of the (1) fasteuraa (Gram. 1311 ) also called
Tapā Gaccha, written by Srivallabha Haricandacaritra composed in Sam.
Upādhyāya, pupil of Jnanavimala of 1127 by Candraprabha Mahattara, pupil
the Kharatara Gaccha. It contains 19 of Abhayadevasūri of the Kharatara
cantos and is published by the Jain Gaccha ( Amrtadevasüri of the Nir
Sahitya Samsodhak Samiti, Ahmedabad, vrtivamsa according to the editor ). It
1928. Buh. III.' No. 156; Chani. No. was composed at the request of Vira
819 (ms. dated Sam. 1709); Hamsa. devagani, and is in two recensions :
No. 1078; JG. p. 333; JHA. 57, the shorter one containing Gram. 1300.
PAP. 30 ( 21 ); 61 ( 43 ) ; 62 (19; 21 and the longer one' containing about
22, 23). 4000 (1163 Gātbā ). Both are in
(1) Vivarana by Meghavijaya, pupil Prakrta. The work contains 8 stories
of Krpāvijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. to illustrate the 8 modes of Jina's wor
Intro. p. 8 of Devānandakāvya, ed. in ship. It (the longer one ) is published
Singhi Jain Series 1937 A.D. in in the JDPS. Series; No. 16, Bhavnagar, 1906. Its Gujrati translation is also
विजयपताकाकल्प PAZB. 17 (14). published in the same Series, Bhavnagar, विजयपताकायन्त्र See Vijayayantravidhi. . Sam. 1962. Baroda. No. 697 ; Bhand. (I) Teated by Jinadevasūri (Gram. V. No. 1317 ; BK. No. 208; Bt. No.
10000). VB. 31 ( 30 ). 336, Buh. III. No. 179; VII. No.(II) fatigue 1 by Căritravijaya (Gram. 47 ; Chani. No. 433 ; DA. 49 ( 23 to 32
10000). VB. 32 ( 13 ). all long. ); DB. 29 (11 and 12 are
(III) fast IFTTHIEU composed in Sam. 1681 long; 13 and 14 are short ); Hamsa.
by Hemavijaya, pupil of KamalavijayaNos. 49 ; 382; 843 ; 944; 1390 ; JG.
gani of the Tapā Gaccha. It is in 21 p. 260 ; Limdi. No. 1234 ; PAP. 35
cantos, the last 5 of which were added ( 48 short ); 47 (12 long ); 73 ( 18
by the commentator Guņa vijaya. It gives long ); PAPS, 34 (4); Patan Cat. I.
information about Hiravijaya, Vijaya
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