p. 241; JHA. 49; JHB. 32 (3 c.); (XI ) maalgata by Jñanasāgara. VB. 38 (5). Kaira. A. 2; Keith. No. 64; Kiel. I. (XII) s aareraita by Somaprabhasüri in No. 92 (dated Sam. 1535 ); Limdi.
Prākrta. SA. Nos. 846 ; 1688. No. 1775 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 124 ; Mysore.
(XIII) Taarafta by Pradyumnasūri. This is III. p. 180; PRA. No. 1149 ( ms. dated
probably the same as No. (IV), above. Sam. 1535 and written by the author
VB. 38 ( 2 ; 3); 39 ( 9 ). himself); Punjab. Nos. 2508 ; 2509 ; (XIV) t arafta by Harsbhusaņagasi. VB. 2516; SA, No. 1688 ; Tapa. No. 144;
38 ( 4). VC. 14 ( 45 ); 15 (2); VD. 14 ( 28 );
(XV) atata by Ratnasekharasüri. (Gram. Vel. No. 1777. (VI) Tearseita in Sanskrit (Gram. 5574)
6775). VC. 14 ( 46 ). composed by Māņikyacandra, pupil of
(XVI ) Etarafta by Megha vijaya, pupil of Sagaracandrasuri of the Rāja Gaccha. It
Krpāvijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. This is is in 8 cantos. For quotations, see Patan
a Padapürtikāvya describing the life of Cat. I. pp. 203-205. The author men
Santinātha based on the Naisadhacarita tions as his predecessors, Bhadrabāhu
of Sriharsa. It is published in the (au. Vasudevacaritra ), Haribhadra, Dā.
Abhayadevasuri Granthamäla of Bikaner. ksinyacihna, Siddha Vyākhyātā and
(XVII) izaaraita (Grarn. 5000) by BhāvaRāma Kavi (au. Prabandhasagara ).
prabha ( Bhāvacandra ?) VC. 15 ( 8). Another work of our author is Pärsva
(XVIII ) maaryana in Sanskrit prose (Gramn. nātbacaritra (s. v. ) composed in Saṁ. 1276. Bt. No. 255; JG. p. 241; Kiel. II.
2700) by Udayasagara af Añcala Gaccha. No. 65; III, No. 17; PAP. 65 (5,
JG. p. 241. ms. dated Sam. 1485 ); PAS. NO 444
XIX ) graagafta by Vatsarāja; published by (ms. dated Sam. 1470 ).
Hiralal Hansraja, Jamnagar, 1914. ( VJI agafta (Gram. 6272 ) composed by 1 (XX) 11-aaraita Anonymous ; probably by Manibhadra in Sam. 1402. Bt. No. 258.
a Svetāmbara author. Agra. Nos. 1529 This is probably the same as No. IX
to 1531; JB. 110; 114; Jesal. Nos. below.
1083; 1806; Kaira. A, 158; KB. 3 (VIII) zirzaangafta in 33 Gathās by Jina
(14; 17; 18); Limdi. Nos. 1296 , vallabhasuri. JG. p. 292; Limdi. No.
1709; Pet. V. No. 847; Surat. 1, 3, 1288.
5, 6, 7, 9. (IX) fearaita in Sanskrit (Gram. 6272) (XXI ) agraria ( Grai. 4911 ) by Jinacomposed in Sam. 1410 by Munibhadra,
prabha. Punjab. No. 2518 ( ms. dated pupil of Guņabhadrasuri of the Brhad
Sam. 1649). This is probably, the Gaccha. It is in 19 cantos and contains
same as Ajitaprabha's work (No. III ). about 5000 Slokas. It is published in (I) featergrot by Sakalakirti, pupil of Padmathe YJG. Series, No. 20, Benares, Vir
nandin of the Sarasvati Gaccha. It conSarn. 2437. Bt. No. 258 ; JG. p. 241;
tains 16 cantos (Gram. 4375 ) and is PAPL. 1 ( 13 ).
published by Lalram Shastri, Surat. AD. (X) zararea in Sanskrit (Gram. 485 )
No. 66 ; Bhand. IV. No. 309 ( See IV. composed by Kanakaprabha, pupil of
Introduction p. 121 ); BO. p. 31 ; Bod. Devānanda. It is also called Sāntivrtta.
No. 1398, Buh. VI. No. 673, CP. p. JG. p. 241 ; PAS. No. 84,
694; Idar. 109 (3 copies ), Idar.
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