The work is closely related to the Prākr
part of the Indranandisarnhitā and is tapaingalam and quotes two Prākrta
published in the MDG. Series, No. 18, poet-metricians i. e. Allu and Gulhu or
Bombay Sam. 1978. Arjuna and Gosala. Agra. Nos. 2852 ; 2853; AZ. 1 (22); Bhand. V. No. 543;
g ia or Chedanavati is another work on PrāyaVI. No. 1366; BK. Nos. 821 ; 1237;
scitta in 94 Prākrta stanzas ; published in Buh. IV. Nos. 74; 75 ; CP. p. 642 ; DB.
the MDG. Series, No. 18, Bombay, Sar.
1978. 38 ( 60-62 ); Hamsa. Nos. 90 ; 495; 10. No. 1115; JG. p. 317 ; Pet. III. No. 3lare JG. p. 198. 591 ; V. p. 192; SA. Nos. 1760 :/ i toi' TT TT Anon. 1932.
(1) Vyākhyā by Meruturgasuri. DA. (1) Țīkā composed by Candrakīrti,
37 ( 71 ). See Vicārasreni and Vel. No. pupil and successor of Rājaratna of the
1656. Nāgapuriya Tapā Gaccha. AZ. 1 (22); Fragat139h Bengal. Nos. 7178; 7193. Bik. No. 594 ; BK. No. 821 ; Buh. IV. F ita composed by Sarvānandasuri, pupil of No. 75; CP. p. 642 ; DB. 38 (60);
Dhanaprabhasūri. It is a Sanskrit poem Hamsa. No. 90; JG. p. 317; Pet. III.
in 7 cantos, containing 388 stanzas in all. No. 591; V. A. p. 192.
The author describes the Gujrat famine (1) aistra of Jayadeva.
of Sam. 1312-15 (at VI. 68 ) and re(1) Vrtti by Vardhamana. JG. p.
fers to King Visaladeva (VI. 25). It is 318.
published by M. D. Khakbar, Bombay, (2) Vrtti-Tippana by Sri Candrasuri.
1896. Buh. II. No. 284=PRA. No. 828. Bt. No. 481.
STUSTIETTF Limdi. No. 1345. (3) Tikā by Harsa. Kundi. No. 45. 5ęFarrala by Vinayaharnsagani. Baroda. No. (II) =:TIE by Rāmavijayagani. VB. 11 ( 29;
672 (a). 32).
F U5137 (Graxi. 233 ) in Sanskrit is a life of 5 TEIRO See Chandonusāsana of Hemacandra.
Hiravijayasuri of the Tapā Gaccha, comgratarea of Dharmanandanagani of the Ancala
posed by Padmasāgaragani, pupil of Gaccha. Chani. No. 800; Kath. No.
Vimalasagara of the same Gaccha. It is 1366.
published in the YJG. series, No. 14, (1) Svopajña Tikā. Kath. No. 1366.
Bhavanagar. Agra. No. 2893 ; Baroda. 5 :57 of Rāja( Jaya ? )sekhara. JG. p. 318;
No. 2798; BK. No. 163; PAPR. 8 Kundi. No. 8.
(17); PAPS. 81 (93; dated Samvat
1646). są:#JB. 164 ( foll. 73). 53995HT31191 in Prākrta. Weber. II, No. 15 fascy by Suvarṇānanda. This is a 1928.
wrong title given to Jaga ducarita of guruhT by Ratnamuni. See Kalyāna
Sarvānanda. Buh. II, No. 284 ; = PRA. mandira stotra chāyāstavana.
No. 828.. GITIZA KB. 1 ( 22 ).
Fofack in Sanskrit. Limdi. No. 530. Àgita JB. 136 ( foll. 88).
(1) Fra T UTAIG ( Be :- mayanakariņo vidiBasque is a work on Prāyascitta composed by
mnam) of Yasahkirti, pupil of VimalaIndranandin. It contains 361 Prākrta
kirti, pupil of Rämakirti, of the Bäga da stanzas, Pet. III No. 488. This is a
Sangha, It contains 43 chapters. It is in
TER by
i. No.
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