श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः। 3095 to 3103 ; Bengal. Nos. 68 ; 1844; (III) yaaar by Maladhāri Hemacandra. See 4332, 5556; Bhand. V. No. 1360 ;
Balinarenadrākhyāna. Bod. No. 1408; BO. p. 31; BSC. Nos. 627; 628 , Bt.
VC. 10 (13); VD. 10 (14). No. 577 ; CC. I. p. 173 (under Graha
(IV) yaanigaity in Prākrta composed in Sam. bhāvaprakāsa); II. p. 35; III. p. 37;
1557 by Indrahamsa, pupil of DharmaDA. 67 ( 47, 58 ), DB. 24 ( 187-191;
harsa of the Tapā Gaccha. See Bali228 ); Hamsa. Nos. 78; 1183; 1312;
narendrakathānaka (I). JG. p. 228 ; 1770; Idar. 156; JA. 112 (1);
PAP. 73 ( 21 ). Jesal. Nos. 432; 435; KB. 1 (27); (69); 5 (14); KN. 12; Kiel. I. No. (I) yaagafafts by Harikalasagani. JHB. 63; II. No. 391 (dated Sam. 1553 );
31, Limdi. Nos. 1967 (dated Saṁ. Limdi. Nos. 672 ; 921; Mitra. I. Nos.
1572); 2283; 3096 (all three contain 762 ; 850; Pet. I. No. 310; PR. No.
Gujrati tran. only); PAP. 33 ( 11 dated 209; PRA. Nos. 455; 864, 973;
Sam. 1609); 36 (12); 40 ( 21 ); SA. 1222; Samb. Nos. 196 ; 198 ; 421 ; SG.
No. 837. No. 2192 ; Surat. 6, 10, VB. 25 ( 4 ; 13, 20); 27 (8); VD. 10 ( 17 ); Vel.
(II) भुवनभानुकेवलिचरित्र by Vijayacandrasuri of No. 372 ( quotation ).
the Maladbāri Gaccha. Jesal. No. 878.
(III) yaanigaaicafts Anonymous Agra. Nos. (1) Bhāvabodhikā by Daivajñasiro
1483 to 1485; Bengal. No. 4330 ; Bik. maņi. Mitra. I. Nos, 762 ; 850.
No. 1466 ; BK, No. 563; Bub. II. No. (2) Vrtti by Simhatilakasūri, pupil
366; DA. 48 ( 8-14); DB. 29 (15of Vibudhacandra, composed in Sam.
19 ); KN. 48, Limdi. No. 846 ; Surat. 1326 (Gram. 1700). Bengal. Nos. 6334;
1, 2, 5, 6, 8. 6501 , Bt. No. 577 (1), CC. I. p. 413 ; II. p. 94 ; DB. 24 ( 187, 188); JG. p.
YAFET SA. No. 650. 348 ; PRA. No. 455.
yaagatten In Prākrta (Be: padhamañciya pa(3) Avacūri composed in Sam. 1521
dhamajinassa ) composed in Sam. 975, by Lakşmisāgarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha.
according to Bt., by Vijayasimha, pupil Jesal. No. 432.
of Samudrasuri of the Nailakula (Gram.
10350 ). Bt. No. 322; JA, 53 (2); (4) Bālāvabodha composed in Sarn. 1805 by Ratnadhira Vācaka, pupil of
JG. p. 228 ; Pet. I. A. p. 38 (ms. dated Danasāgara Upādhyāya of the Kbaratara
Sam. 1365 ); SA. No. 332. Gaccha. CC. I. p. 173 ; Pet. I. No. 310;
| yaefata JG. p. 228. See BhuvanasundariPRA. Nos. 973 ; 1222; Surat. 1.
kathā. (5) Vitti by Hematilaka. JG. p. 348. ( 6 ) Țikā. Anonymous. Agra. No.
JAIOTITAE by Jinalābhasūri. KN. 48 (foll. 3097 ; Bengal. Nos. 68 ; 5556; BSC.
12). No. 628 ; DB. 24 (189); JG. p. 348, 915ugrastraat by Devanandin .Bhand. VI. No. KB. 3 (69), 5 (14); Surat. 10.
1003 ( 36 ); JG. p. 286, Pet. IV. No. Yh tet (asiafia) Bengal. No. 4330.
1440; VI. p. 143, No. 94. (I) yahrgafta by Haribhadrasūri. VB. 27 Gaia by Bhūpāla. See Caturvimsatijinastava (12).
No. XXII. It is published in the Jaina II) Yarafta by Udayavijaya, pupil of Vi
Nityapāthasamgraha, N.S. Press, Bombay. jayasimhasuri. SA. No. 837.
AD. No. 138; AK. Nos. 579-588;
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