: 1
fangiąc is the name of a Suktasamuccaya
compiled by Narendraprabha of the Maladhāri Gaccha. Patan Cat. I. p. 187
(quotations). (1) fa a Described as “expounding the
twelve Angas" composed in Prakrta ( Gram. 11250 ) by Padmadevasuri, successor of Jayasimba, pupil of Dharmaghosa. AM. 330; BK No. 1042; Hamsa. No. 1460; PRA. No. 1068; SA. No. 313.
(1) Vrtti (Gram. 11250 ) composed by the author's pupil Devaprabhasuri and completed hy his pupil Akalankadeva. AM. 330; BK. No. 1042 , Bt. No. 189, Hamsa. No. 1460; JG. p. 188; PRA. No. 1068; SA, No. 313. According to Bt. the commentary is in Prākrta ( begins māņusakhitte ) and was
composed in Sarn. 1223. ( II ) fara ft in.144 Gäthäs composed by Asada
in Sam. 1248. It is published with the commentary of Bālacandra, by the Jain Vividha Sahitya Sastramālá Office, Benares, Sam. 1975. Agra. Nos. 980985; Bik. No. 1543, Bub. IV. Nos. 186; 187; 188; VI. No. 1269 ; DA. 33 ( 44 ); 60 ( 28 to 32 ); DB. 35 (111; 112 ); Flo. No. 634; Hamsa. Nos. 722; 1134; JA. 24 (2); 31 (6; 7); 95 ( 5 ); 105 ( 4 ); 106 ( 4, 5); Jesal. Nos. 335 ; 1610; JG. p. 188; Kaira. B. 144 ; Kiel. II, No. 73, Kundi. Nos. 127; 186 ; Limdi. Nos. 836; 930; 952; 953; 1071; 1144 ; 1288 ; 1456; 1719; 3281 ; PAPL. 6 ( 38 ); 7 ( 8; 39 ); PAPR. 4 (2); PAPS. 60 ( 62 ); 67 (30; 63 ); 69 (5); 81 ( 22 ); PAS. No. 24; PAZB. 13 ( 7 ); Pet. I. A. pp. 56 ; 74 ; 82, 91 ; III. A. pp. 12; 23 ; 31, 100; V. Nos. 835; 836 ; V. A. p. 93; Punjab. Nos. 2377; 2378; SA, Nos. 313; 661; 1536; 3050;
Samb. Nos. 33; 341; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 9; Tapa. 222, VB. 33( 75).
(1) Tikā composed by Bälacandra, pupil of Haribhadrasuri at the request of Asada's son Jaitrasirnba. JA. 24 ( 2 ); JG. p. 188; Kundi. Nos. 127; 186 ; PAPR. 4 ( 2 ); PAS. No. 24; PAZB. 13 (7); Pet. IIL. A. p. 100 ( ms. dated Sam. 1322 ); Punjab. No. 2378 ; Surat.
1, 4, 5, 9. fantral T Anonymous. Agra. No. 3139. (1) faalasie by Bhāvasenasuri. CMB. 185. (II) facesiagra by Jinadattasuri of the Vayada
Gaccha. It has 12 chapters which contain 1323 Slokas in all, dealing with varions subjects like the duties of a layman, different philosophical systems etc. It is published by the Manager, Diamond Jubilee Press, Ahmedabad, 1898. It is also published in the Sarasvati Grantha Mālā, No. 1, Agra. Sam. 1976. Vivekaviläsa is quoted in the Sarvadarśanasargraha of Mādhavācărya. See Bhand. IV. p. 156 and Vel. No. 1659.
AD. No. 128 ; Agra. Nos. 2093-2095; Bhand. III. No. 455; IV. No. 282, Bik. No. 1544 ; BK. No. 55; Buh. IL Nos. 235; 236; IV. No. 189, BSC. No. 447 ; Chani. No. 109; DA. 32 (8 to 13); 14 ( 34 ); DB. 15 ( 13; 14; 15 ); Hamsa. No. 1445; Hultz. III. No. 2088; JG. p. 152; JHA. 48 ; JHB. 49 ; Kaira. B. 17; 49; 156; Kiel. III. No. 173; Limdi. Nos. 37 ; 542 ; 1554; 1631; PAP. 64 (1; 19); 68 (2); PAPS. 25 ( 20 ); 42 (8); Patan Cat. J. pp. 51; 85; 279 ; Pet. IV. No. 1334 ; V. No. 837; VI. No. 624; PRA. Nos. 559; 1080; Punjab. Nos. 2379 ; 2380; Surat. 1 ; 5; VB. 33 ( 8; 91 ); VC. 13 (17) ; Vel. No. 1659.
(1) Vrtti composed by Bhānucandragani in Sam. 1671 during the reign of
No. 2088, 8:17; 49 : 37 ; 542;
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