and perhaps bumatikirti. It Vira
(II) FHEITH. Vol. 15, P: 5700) by Prad Bhand.
DB. 35 (24); JG. p. 141; PAPS. 81 (96).
(1) Vrtti ( Gram. 727). JG. p. 141. (I) feaal of Jinacandra, a Digambara writer.
It contains 79 Gāthās and is published with the commentary in the MDG. Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. AD. No. 81; CP. p. 709; Idar. 84 (2c); Pet. IV. No. 1493 , PR. No. 160 ; SG. No. 1138 ; and perhaps Rice. p. 312.
(1) Bhasya by Sumatikirti. It was revised by Jñānabhusaņa, a pupil of Viracandra. CP. p. 709 ; SG. Nos. 1708 ;
1760. (II) FACIETETT by Jinendra (Jinacandra ? ); see
JH. Vol. 15, p. 83. Rice. p. 312. (III) fagier (Gram. 100 ) by Pradyumna
sūri of the Purnatalliya Gaccha. Bhand. V. No. 1246; Jesal. No. 593 (palm ms.); JG. P. 136 ; Pet. V. A. pp. 80; 93. This is probably another name of the author's Mülasuddhi also called Sthānakāni, Mülasuddhi being the last or the 8th Sthānaka: cf. Pet. V. A. p. 80 with
p. 165 (Be: vandāmi savvanu. ) (IV) ETETT of Kamalasamyama. See Sid
dhāntasāroddhāra. (V) fagier of Prabhācandra in Prākrta. This
is perhaps the Kanarese com. on No. I above ; cf. JH. Vol. 15, p. 83. Ko. 191;
Mud. 220. (VI) EgITETT (Gram. 700 ) of Bhāvasena. It
is in mixed Sanskrit prose and verse.
Mud. 672 ; Strass. p. 311. (VII) Eger of Sakalakirti. Rice. p. 320. See
(1) Bhāsya of Sakalakirti. SG. No.
1760. (VIII) STRETC Anonymous. AK. No. 946;
Bengal. No. 1519; SG. No. 2618;
Surat. 1 ; VA. 17 ( 40). (IX) fe a t This is a difficult work on Logic
mentioned along with Astasahasri and
Nyāyakumudacandrodaya by Jayasekhara in bis Saddarśanasamuccya. See Ane
kānta, Vol. I, p. 258. (X) iagtraalt of Māghanandin, pupil of Kumu
dendu. This is mentioned in a grant which the author received in A. D. 1265 from the Hoysal King Narasimba. See under Padārthasāra, and MJ. pp.
84-85. FGTST ETTATOTT 378 Gāthās by Harşaśruta, pupil
of Silagunanidhāna. DA, 60 ( 100 ). IzaerTo Surat. 1 ( foll. 16). feraerrafos containing about 4516 stanzas in
Sanskrit by Sakalakirti. It is divided into 16 cantos. AD. Nos. 40; 46; Bengal. No. 1526 ; Bhand. V. Nos. 1094; 1095, BO. p. 62 ; Buh. VI. Nos. 692 ; 693; Hum. 93 ; Idar. 16 ( 5 c.); Idar. A. 44 (5 c.); Kath. No. 1215; Pet. I. No. 357 ; IV. No. 1494; Rice. p. 320; SG. Nos. 1261, 1760 ; Strass. p. 311 ; Tera.
62 to 69. ferEITÍTETT DB. 21 (1). FECIFLETTETE by Narendrasena. Bengal. No.
1511 ; SG. No. 2757. jergtrawITEJUT Bengal. No. 7420. (I) FAETTII composed by Kamalasarnya
magaņi, pupil of Jinaharsa of the Kharatara Gaccha. Chani. No. 859, DB. 20 (71); Hamsa. No. 406 ; PAPS. 63 (30); PRA. Nos. 469; 594 ; 617; Punjab.
No. 2971; SA. Nos. 36 ; 1710. (II) feE ITIG by Cakreśvara. See Siddhän
toddhāra (II). (III) fegir ETLIGT Anonymous. SA. Nos. 36;
1710 ; Surat. 1, 5, 6, 7, 8. fegaraa of Jinaprabhasuri in 46 stanzas. It is
published in his Prakaranaratnākara, Vol. IV, by Bhimsi Maņek, Bombay. It is also published in the Kāvyamālā, VII. p. 86. DA. 76 ( 56 ); DB. 24 (137 ; 138); JHA. 58, 65; KB. 3 ( 59 ); Kiel. III. No. 188; Limdi. No. 1094 ; Pet. VI.
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