(II) atarrhana by Sarvānandasuri. It consists No. 609; DB. 22 ( 103 ); Pet. V. No: of 43 Sanskrit stanzas (Be :-- guroh sri
721 ; VI. No. 583 ; Vel. No. 1821. vardhamānasya ). Chani. No. 236 ; JG ;
(3) Vrtti by Nayanasundara, pupil of p. 270; Pet. V. A. p. 53 (dated Sam.
Jivakalasagani ( Be :— vardhayatu var1336).
diamānāh). This commentary is the (III) ainak by Somasundara (Jinasun
same as No. 1 above. Nayanasundara dara?). KN. 39 ( foll. 58 ).
appears to be only the name of the scribe. (IV) ataan by Hemacandra. This is a
Mitra. VIII. p. 157. chapter from the author's Mahāvīracarita;
(4) Țikā. Anonymous. Agra. No. cf. Flo. No. 712. DA. 60 (261-265).
1462 ; KB. 1 (10); 3 (20); 5 ( 28 ). Flo. No. 712 ; JHA. 56.
gregatu See Lingānušāsanatīkā No. 2. aliaia in Sanskrit, by Devendrakirti. SG. No. fqqCIETT of Kanakaprabha. See Śabdānusāsana1614 (foll. 91 ).
(Haima ) tikā No. 6. दुरियरयसमीरस्तोत्र so called from its first words, is a दुर्गवृत्तिव्याश्रयकाव्य See Dvyasrayamahakavya of hymn composed by Jinavallabhasūri. It
Jinaprabhasuri. is otherwise called Viracaritrastotra or
gitka by Narapati, who is probably a non-Jain. Mabāviracaritra. It consists of 44 Gāthās,
JG. p. 355. See Vel. No. 380. and is in Prākṣta. It is published with
guitarria SA. No. 3018. Samayasundara's commentary by the manager of the Jinadatta Suri Bhandar
COTTEETTEJ (Gram. 300 ) by Rājakunda. of Surat. Agra. No. 1462, Baroda. No.
DB. 38 ( 22 ); VB. 16 ( 15 ). 2134 ; Bhand. III. No. 437 ; V. No. The Bengal. No. 6964. 1321; VI. No. 1338; Bik. No. 1474 ; agga Probably a portion of the Vajjālagga. Bub. IV. Nos. 251 ; 257; Chani. No.
Ko. 77 ; 107. 957 ; DB. 22 (103); Hamsa. Nos. 271;
g an Limdi. No. 2650. 848 ; JHA. 51 ( 2c.); KB. 1 (10;
TIRÀ Anon. Idar. 36. 48); 3 ( 20 ); 5 (28); KN. 12; Limdi. No. 1288; Mitra. VIII. p. 158, Pet. I. Q:Ecuatanga of Yasahkirti. Idar. 73 ( 6c. ). No. 334 ; V. Nos. 721 ; 794 ; VI. No. CATIFITAEFEfara in Prākrta composed by 583; PRA. Nos. 277; 883; 1263; SA.
Dharmakirti (alias Dharmaghoșasūri ), Nos. 1561 ; 1816 ; Vel. No. 1821.
pupil of Devendrasuri of the Tapā (1) Țikā composed by Sadhusoma
Gaccha. BK. No. 105; JG. p. 146, gani, pupil of Siddhāntaruci of the
Pet. III. A. p. 307 ( quotation); PRA. Kharatara Gaccha in Sam 1519 (Be :--
No. 1093; VC. 7 ( 29 ). vardhayatu vardhamānāḥ). Bik. No.
TUATIE 19Tu in about 86 Gäthäs (Be :-attam 1491 ; Hamsa. Nos. 271 ; 848 ; JHA. 51 ( 2c.); Mitra. VIII. p. 157; PRA.
gayā ya bhingā). JA. 95 (5); Pet. I. A. Nos. 277 ; 1263 ( No. 61 ); SA. Nos.
p. 31 ; III. A. p. 21 (quotation ). 1561 ; 1816.
qapfogat (Gāthās 112). Bt. No. 152. (2) Vrtti composed by Samaya- AIOTATTU by Vimalaprabhasūri in about sundara, pupil of Sakalacandra Upā.
92 Gāthās. Bt. No. 150; JG. p. 133; dhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha ( Be :
PAPL. 8 (8). Is this the same as Dusama. natvā vīrajinendram). Baroda. No.
gandikā! 2134; Bhand. V. No. 1321 ; Buh. VI. RETOSSIGT Hamsa. No. 1161.
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