अन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
Amitagati. It is published in the Sanās / past of Kālidäsa. tana Jaina Granthāvali, No. 16, Calcutta,
(1) Sisuhitaişini by Caritravardhana, 1918; cf. Winternitz, History, II. p.566.
pupil of Jinabhadrasuri of the Kharatara PR. No. 29.
Gaccha. Bhand. IV. p. 7 ; Bub. IV. Nos. (IV) TITATT Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 1060 ;
45; 48 ; CC. I. p. 487; II. p. 113;JA. 1061; Hamsa. No. 467 ; Lal. 103 ; 118 ;
111 (12); Jesal. No. 532; Kundi. No. Limdi. No. 1404; Surat. 7.
53 ; PAP. 24 ( 34 ); Pet. III. A. p. 210; (1) Țikā. Anonymous. Lal. 118.
Samb. No. 268. T a of Patañjali. This is published with Yaso
(2) Tikā by Dharmameru, pupil of vijaya's commentary by the JAS., Bhav
Muniprabhagani. Bendall. No. 18; nagar, Series No. 72, 1922.
Bhand. IV. p. 7; VI. No. 445 (dated
Sam. 1748 ); CC. I. p. 487; III. p. 104; (1) Vrtti by Yasovijaya, pupil of
DA. 65 ( 8 to 11 ); JG. p. 335; PRA. Nayavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. JG. p.
· No. 816; VA. 14 ( 36 ). 107. ulatie of śāntarasa ( Gram. 4500 ). Mud. 650.
(3) Viseşärthabodhikā composed in
Sam. 1646, by Guņavinaya (Guņavijaya TETTE JG. p. 113. ( Graṁ. 1500).
of JG. is a misprint ), pupil of Jayasoma tigma E VD. 11 (11; 12). One Yogānu
Upādhyāya of the Kharatara Gaccha. sthānavidhi by Viyaya vimala is published
Bhand. VI. No. 448; CC. III. p. 104 ; in the Prakaranasarigraha, Indore, 1923.
JG. p. 335 ; Mitra. X. p. 152; SA. No. Otra of Virasenadeva, AK. No. 627.
1610; Samb. No. 424; Surat. 1, 6. g uia of Subhacandra (see Jñânārņava ). Bub.
(4) Arthālā panikā composed in Sam. VI. No. 659.
1692, by Samayasundara, pupil of rangiffar Mitra. X. p. 90.
Sakalacandra of the Kharatara Gaccha.
CC. II. p. 114; DB. 37 ( 36; 37 ; ); (1) Troftraga by Dharmabhūsaņabhattāraka. Idar.
DC. p. 58; Hamsa. Nos. 1048; 1191;
JG. p. 335; JHB. 49; KB. 1 ( 23 ); (II) Profis Anonymous. Bhand. VI. No. 1003
3 ( 31 ); VC. 12 ( 24 ). (24).
(5) Țikā (Gram. 8000) by SrivijayaIngeniars DA. 39 ( 25; 26; 28 to 33 ).
gani, pupil of Rāma vijaya. CC. I. p. (1) fagra by Praśnasravanamuni, or rather
487; DA. 65 ( 1 to 5); DB. 37 ( 39 ); Prajñāsravaṇamuni ; see Anekānta, II,
PAPS. 73 ( 37 ); VA. 14 ( 40 ). p. 487 (quotations. ); 668. Jesal. No. 1726 ; Pet. I No. 266 (ms, dated Sam.
( 6 ) Sugamānvayā by Sumativijaya. 1582.)
Buh. IV. No. 46; OC. I. p. 487 ; II. p.
114; III. p. 104 ; JG. p. 335; Pet. V. (II) ontfagra on spells and charms composed iu
No. 373. Vira Sam. 600 by Dharasenācārya. Bt. No. 92; JG. p. 66.
(7) Tikā by Hemasuri. Jesal. No.
1018. (III) tatua composed by Hariseņa. See Ane: kānta, II. p. 666.
(8) Țikā by Ratnacandragaņi, pupil ofereca by Dharmaghosasūri. It is published with
of śānticandragani of the Tapā Gaccha. an Avacuri by the JAS. ( Series No. 4),
Bhand. VI. No. 446 ; CC. III, p. 104 ; Bhavnagar, Sari. 1968. JG. p. 145.
PRA. Nos. 305; 816.
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