Vel 53); 292, 3, 4, 5. 2; SA.
(22); Vb. 11 (14; 15; 16; 17); Vel.
p. 187, Limdi. Nos. 159, 1150, 1370; Nos. 1649 to 1652; Weber. II. Nos.
SA. Nos. 1650, 1913; 2561; Kiel. II. 1956; 1957.
Nos. 51; 52; Keith. No. 61 ; Vel. Nos. (1) Tikā Svopajña (Gram 12000).
1650 ; 1651. Agra. Nos. 1045 ; 1047, 1048; Bhand.
TITÉ ET Pet. I. Nos. 273 ; 306. VI. Nos. 1398 ; 1399; Bt. No. 193; Chani. No. 166; DA. 31 (4; 6; 7);
TITEAE Bengal. No. 7800; JA. 60 (11); Pet. DB. 16 ( 4 ); Hamsa. Nos. 378 ; 986 ;
III. A. p. 28; SG. No. 2620. 1418; JA. 4 (1); 42 (1;2); 49 (1); (I) T UEETT by Jinacandra. AD. No. 49. 97 ( 4 to 8); JB. 109; Jesal. No. 1372; (II) TIETEET Anonymous. JG. p. 113. JG. p. 187, Kath. No. 1410; KB. 2
GITTE TETTU by Nandiguru. It is also called (9); Kundi. No. 82 ; Limdi. No. 980; PAPM. 18 ( dated Sam. 1292); PAPS.
Adhyatmapaddhati; cf. Patan. Cat. I. p. 76 ( 16 ); PAS. No. 97; Pet. I. A. pp.
56 for quotations. Baroda. No. 13152
(A); Hum. 116; Mud. 95 ( 399 ). 21 ; 22 ; 57 ; III. A. pp. 74, 176; IV. No. 1317; V. No. 809; PRA. No.
(I) HATT by Gurudāsa. SG. No. 1379. 1270 (dated Sam. 1251 ); SA. No. ( II ) THEIT by Yogindradeva in 108 Apabhrama 198; Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9; VB.
stanzas. It is published in the MDG. Series 28 ( 53 ); 29 ( 2; 3; 4); VC. 12 (22);
No. 21, Bombay, Saṁ. 1979. It is Vel. No. 1652; Weber. II. Nos. 1956
also published in the Appendix to the to 1958.
second edition of Paramātmaprakāśa in (2) Balāvabodha by Somasundara
the RJS. Series, Bombay, 1938. There sūri, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the
it is critically edited by Prof. Upadhye Tapā Gaccha. BK, No. 664; BO. p. 47;
of Kolhapur, from 4 mss. The author is Buh. V. No. 43 (dated Sam. 1531 );
sometimes called Yogindu or Yogacandra DA. 31 (15; 21; 23; 24; 25; one of
Muni. The work is composed in the Apathese mss. is dated Sam. 1508 ), DB: 16
bhramsa language and the Dobā metre (9-11); Hamsa. No. 294 ; Limdi. No.
and is therefore also called Dohāsāra. For 744; PAPS. 55 (6); 61 (14); Pet. III.
Yogindu and his works, cf. A. N. No. 624; PRA. No. 1193; SA. Nos.
Upadhye, Annals BORI, Vol. XII, p. 132 2671; 2682.
ff. Bengal. No. 2601; BK. No. 717 ; CP. (3) Vārtika by Indrasaubhagyagaại.
p. 685; DA. 31 ( 52 ); DB. 22 (117); Bhand. V. No. 1363.
Idar. 39; JG. p. 112 ; Limdi. No. 760 ; ( 4 ) Bālāvabodha composed in Samn.
Mitra. IX. p. 281; PAP. 18 (39); 1508 by Merusundaragaņi. DA. 31
PAPS. 60 ( 49, 50 ); 67 ( 157 ); Pet. ( 22 ); Limdi. No. 991 ; PAPL. 7 (45).
III. No. 625; V. A. p. 147 (dated Saṁ.
1192); Tera. 12; 13; 14; 15; 39. (5) Tīkā-tippaņa. JA. 42 (2). (6) Vrtti by Amaraprabhasuri, pupil
(1) Tikā by Indranandin, pupil of of Padmaprabhasuri. Baroda. Nos. 695 ;
Amarakirti. CP. p. 685. 2215; JHA. 72 (dated Sarn. 1619 );
(2) Ţikā. Anonymous. Bengal. No. PRA. No. 210.
2601 ; Mitra. IX. p. 281. (7) Avacuri or Vrtti (Anon.). DA. (III) JITET This is a didactic poem containing 9 31 ( 8-14; 27 ); DB. 16 ( 5-8 ); JG.
chapters in Sanskrit ascribed to Vitaraga
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