ग्रन्थावमागः प्रथमः
by Pandit Sukhlal of Ahmedabad, Purātattva Mandira along with Patanjali's Yogasūtras, and with Yasovijaya's commentary on both, in No. 72 of the JAS. Series, Bhavnagar, 1922. BK. No. 1939; Hamsa. No. 1393; PRA. No. 1132; SA.
No. 220. All mss. contain the commentary. (1) ulars by Indrācārya. This is quoted in
Samayasundara's Gathāsahasri ; cf. Pet.
III. A. p. 286. (II) utrar composed in Sam. 1273 by Ajita
deva, pupil of Bhānuprabha. This is quoted in Vicāraratnasangraha by Jaya
somasūri; cf. Pet. III. A. p. 306. (III) T re ( Be :- āgamagranthārthayogahetu
tvāt). Pet. V. A. p. 142. (W) ia by Sivanidhānagaņi. JHB. 50. (V) liars Anonymous. Bhand. V. No. 1217;
Buh. IV. No. 179, DA. 39 ( 34 to 46 ); DB. 22 (14; 15; 17; 18 ); Hamsa. Nos. 103; 124 ; 488 ; 670; 985 ; 1030; JHA. 44 (3 c.); Limdi. No. 1610; SA. Nos. 367; 781 ; 1832, 2055; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 6; VB. 28 ( 43 to 46 ); VC. 12
( 15 ); VD. 11 (20). ollaacut by Yādavasūri. Kundi. No. 124. Toad gifsftat Mitra. X. p. 89. (I). T a on medicine by Vidagdha Vaidya who
according to Pürnasena, his commentator, is Vararuci. Mitra. IX. p. 204; X. p. 153.
(1) Tikā by Purnasena (Be :- srivardbamānam praņipatya). Mitra. IX.
p. 204 ; X. p. 153. (II) TT in Prākrta (Be:-namiūna jogināham ).
Pet. I. p. 95. (III) yatata Anonymous. Agra. No. 1853 ; JG.
p. 359.
(1) Tikā. Bik. No. 1793. tirater in 101 Prākrta Gāthās by Haribhadra.
JG. p. 113. TIST&TT by Hemacandrasuri. It consists of
twelve chapters containing instructions re
garding Yogic practices etc. See Winternitz, History, II. p. 567 ff. It is also called Adhyātmopanişad. Text only, is published by the JDPS., Bhavnagar, A. D. 1915. Chs. I-IV are edited and translated into German by E. Windisch, in the ZDMG., Vol. 28, p. 185 ff. The text with Svopajña Vrtti is published by the JDPS. Bhavnagar, 1926. It is being edited by Muni Indravijayasuri in the Bibliotheca Indica, Calcutta, with Svopajña Vitti. The text alone, chs. 1-12, is also published in Vijyadānasūrisvara Jain Series, Surat, 1939. Agra. (1-4 only) Nos. 1037–1043; 1047-1051; 1055– 1058; (5-12 only) 1044, 1051; Baroda. Nos. 695; 2215 ; Bhand. III. No. 451; V. No. 1363 ; VI. No. 1269 ; BK. No. 664; BO. p. 47; Bod. No. 1375 , Bt. No. 193; Buh. III. No. 186; IV. No. 120; V. No. 43, VL No. 838, Chani. No. 166 ; CMB. 197 ; DA. 31 ( 4 to 10; 12 to 51; 53 to 61); 74 (23; 24); DB. 15 (14-16 ); 16 ( 4 to 11 ) ; DC. p. 301 ; Hamsa. Nos. 294; 378; 986, 1418 ; JA. 42 (1; 2 ); 49 (1); 97 ( 4 to 8); JB. 109; Jesal. No. 1372; JG. p. 187; JHA. 72, Kath. No. 1409; KB. 2 (9); Kiel. II. Nos. 73; 74; Kundi. No. 82; Limdi. Nos. 590; 744; 758 ; 759 ; 964 ; 980; 991, 994; 995; 1148 ; 1149 ; 1150 ; 1288; 1354 ; 1704 ; 1727 ; 1763; PAP. 42 ( 41 ); PAPL. 7 ( 45 ); PAPM. 18; 30; PAPS. 55 (6), 61 (14); 76 (16), PAS. No. 97 ; Pet. I. A. pp. 21; 22; 56 ; 57 ; 63 ; 74; 82; 91 , III No. 624; III. A. pp. 5; 7; 8; 32; 74; IV. Nos. 1315; 1316; 1317; V. No. 826, V. A. pp. 54; 95; PRA. Nos. 210; 1193; 1270 ; SA. Nos. 198; 774; 1633; 1921; 2671 , 2682, 2930; Samb. No. 17 , SB. 2 ( 66 ); Surat. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; VB. 28 (53); 29 (2, 3, 4); VC. 12
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