प्रन्याविभागः प्रथमः
farge Bengal. No. 6763..
511 ; Hamsa. No. 1070; JB. 30; faauguftst by Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. 95.
31; 32; 33; Jesal. Nos. 204; 206 ; (I) fatiutuita in Prākrta. JG. p. 233.
JG. p. 6; JHB. 10 ( 4 c. ); Kaira. A. (II) Faadigrafia in Sanskrit prose, by Siladeva.
97, KB. 3 (4); Kiel. I. No. 82;
Kundi. Nos. 39; 128; 183 ; Limdi. Punjab. No. 2366.
Nos. 31 ; 99 ; 116; 219; 323, 324; विनयभुजङ्गमयूरी by Amrtasāgaragani. According
357 ; 385; 403 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 318 ; to JG. p. 163, this is a criticism (Gram.
IX. p. 216 ; PAP. 38 ( 4; 6; 8 to 10; 122) of Vinayavijaya's doctrines, compo
15; 16 ) ; PAPS. 17 (1; 3; 12; 13 ), sed by Padmasāgara, pupil of Dharma
37 ( 17 ); PAZB. 4 ( 20 ), Pet. III. sāgara. Chani. No. 359; JG. p, 163,
A. p. 73; Punjab. Nos. 2367-2371 ; PAPR. 15 ( 21 ); SA. No. 409.
SA. Nos. 1621, 1978; 2720; 2802; fayfa | JG. P. 144.
28 23; Strass. p. 397; Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, a tarya in 48 Gāthās. Flo. No. 633.
6, 8, 9; SB. 1 ( 23 ), VA. 15 ( 32; argita JG. p. 210.
33 ); VB. 31 ( 33 ); 33 ( 28 ); VD. 8 (1) Vrtti. JG. p. 210.
( 10 ); Vel. Nos. 1516 to 1519 ; Weber. faalace by Rajasekhara. Bhand. V. No. 1320.
II. Nos. 1818 to 1821. See Antarakathāsangraha.
(1) Vrtti by Abhayadevasuri. (Grań. विनोदकथासङ्ग्रह See Antarakathasangraha.
about 1000 ). Agra. Nos. 150; 151 ;
AM. 66; 195; Bengal. Nos. 2595; . Hamsa. No. 1273; Kaira. A. 66
7459; Bik. No. 1783 ; Bod. No. 1338; (ms. dated Sarn. 1540 ).
Buh. I. No. 53; IV. No. 185, DA. 10. fagfiagequt by Dharmasāgara. KB. 3 ( 57).
(3; 17 to 22); DB. 4 ( 8.; 9); Flo. faqa f DB. 20 ( 82, 83).
No. 511, JB. 30 ( 3 copies ); Jesal. No.
206 ; JG. p. 6; JHB. 10; Kaira. A. 97; fa915 is the 11th Anga. It is published with
KB. 3 (4); Kundi. Nos. 39; 128; Abhayadeva's commentary, by Rai
183, Limdi. Nos. 116; 230 ; Mitra. IX. Bahadur Dhanapatisimba, Calcutta, 1876
p. 126 ; PAP. 38 ( 4; 6; 8 to 10; 15; and also by the Agamodaya Samiti,
16 ) ; PAPS. 17 (1; 3; 12, 13 ); 37 Bombay, 1920; and in the Muktikamala
( 17 ); PAZB. 4 ( 20 ); Pet. I Nos. Jain Mohananālā, Baroda, 1920. It
329 ; 330; III, A. pp. 73; 146, IV. treats of the Karmavipāka doctrine with
No. 1206 ; SB. 1 (23; 3 copies ); the help of stories, in 20 chapters. For
Strass. p. 397; VA. 15 ( 32, 33 ); VB. its original form; cf. Shubring, Worte
31 ( 33 ); 33 ( 28 ); Vel. No. 1519; Mahāviras, p. 6. The text is recently
Weber. II. Nos. 1818 to 1821. edited also by Dr. P. L. Vaidya, Poona, 1933, with introduction and notes.
(2) Stabaka by Pārsvacandra. JHB. The text with Gujrati translation is published by JDPS., Bhavnagar, Sar. 1987. I fattareTTo See Dvijavadanaca peta (I). Bt. Agra. Nos. 148, 149 ; 150; 152 - 155;
No. 630. AM. 66; 121, 195; 222, 297 ; 367;
fagligIT BK. No. 1673. 404 ; Bengal. Nos. 2595 ; 7459; Bhand. faga EFT JG. p. 82 ; Surat. 1. VI. No. 1253; Bik. Nos. 1541, 1784; lagu TU JG. p. 188. Buh. III, No. 120; DA. 10 (3; 17 (1) fruita art by Jinapatisuri of the Kbaratara to 37 ); DB. 4 ( 8 to 11 ); Flo. No.
Gaccha. JG. p. 308.
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