B. Dhruvas. DA. 36
KO. 145; 153; PAPR. 1 (4); Pet. III.
(3) Pañjikā by Pārsvādeva. JG. p. No. 523 ; IV. No. 1438 ; V. Nos. 949 ;
75. This is the same as above No. 2. 950; PR. No. 259 ; SA. No. 252 ; SG.
(4) Tikā. Anonymous. DB. 39 ( 29); Nos. 20; 21; 2005 ; Strass. p. 305;
Hamsa. Nos. 794, 1013. VB. 19 (3).
Furfag of Dharmakirti a Buddhist writer. The +919fifq179 13T (Foll. 9). SA. No. 252;
work is edited with Dharmottarapāda's Surat. 1.
commentary by Peterson in the Biblio.. (1) Tikā. Surat. 1.
theca Indica Series, Calcutta, 1889. Malla
vādin's Tippani is published by Th. ayaq (Grariu. 783). JG. p. 183; Pet. I.
Stcherbatskoi, in the Bibliotheca Buddhica, No. 284.
XI. St. Petersburg, 1909. FUTUTAHUI (?) by Rājasekhara. VA. 10 ( 10 ).
(1) Tikā by Dharmottarapāda, also a -19 ate of the Buddhist Dirināga. Its Tibetan
Buddhist. BO. p. 41 ; Bt. No. 399; Text is edited with Introduction etc.
Chani. No. 184; DC. pp. 31, 414; Jesal. by Vidhushekhara Bhattacarya, in the
Nos. 7; 91; 677; 1279; 1342; JG. p. 95, Gaek. O. Series, No. 39, Baroda, 1927.
Kundi. Nos. 87 ; 122; PAP. 72 (84; Its Sanskrit text, along with the com
86); PAPM. 62; Pet. III. A. p. 33 mentaries of Haribhadra and Candrasuri
(dated Sam. 1229 ); V. A. p. 3; Surat. (Parsvadevagaại ), is edited by Prof. Dr.
1, 7. A. B. Dhruva, in the same Series, 1930.
( 2 ) Dharmottaratippanaka by MalBt. No. 400; DA. 36 (54); DB. 39
lavădin Acārya who was a Jain author. ( 29 ); Jesal. Nos. 1 ; 38; JG. p. 74;
DC. pp. 4 ; 14 (dated Sam. 1206 ); DI. Kundi. Nos. 107; 134 ; PAPR. 21 (32);
p. 29; Jesal. Nos. 7; 91 ; 677 (palm); PAS. No. 238; Pet. I. A. p. $1 ; Punjab.
1279 (palm); 1342; JG. p. 95; Kundi. No. 1491; SA. Nos. 348 ; 536 ; SB. 2
Nos. 87; 122; PAPM. 62 ( 8,dated Sam. (152); Surat. 5.
1231); Patan Cat. I. p. 375; Pet. V. (1) Tikā by Haribhadrasuri (Grain.
A. p. 3 ( quotation); Surat. 1, 7. 500 ; Be:-samyari nyäyasya vaktāranı). 21T is another name of the Nyāyasāra. See Bhand. VI. No. 1378 (dated Sarii,
Bt. No. 407. 1499); Bt. No. 400; Buh. VI. No. 738 ; PITHvraak of Sukhaprakása (Subhaprakāsa). DC. p. 4 (dated Sam. 1201 ); DI. p.
It is in Prākrta (Gram. 3500); AK. 30; Jesal. No. 1 ; JG. p. 74; Kiel. II.
No. 394 ; Mud. 502. No. 40; Kundi. No. 134; PAPR. 21 FITHSHQIFTE see Nyāyārthamañjūşā. JG. P. ( 32); PAS. No. 238 (see Patan. Cat. I.
302. p. 86, quotation).
F11Throtrga in Sanskrit by Ajitasena. Hum. (2) Tikā on No. (1) called Pañjikā,
4;97; 130; SG. No. 1481 ; SRA. 208; composed in Sam. 1169 by Cardrasuri
402 ; SRB. 209. (formerly Pārsvadevagaại ), pupil of Dhanesvara, pupil of Sildbhadra ( Be :
(I) Fratea by Sasadhara, probably a non-Jain. durvāramāra). Bt. No. 401 ; DC. p. 31;
Punjab. No. 1493. DL. p. 30, JA. 90 (2, dated Sam. 1368 );
(1) Mañjari by Rājasekhara (Gram. JG. p. 74 ; Kundi. No. 107; Patan Cat.
1200). VA. 10 (10). Possibly also, I. p. 293 ( quotation); Pet. I. A. p. 81;
Punjab. No. 1493. SA. Nos. 348 , 536 ; Surat. 5.
(II) =qrama of Manikanthu. AK. No. 391.
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