अन्थाविभागः प्रथमः ।
See Jainstotrasamuccaya, Bombay, 1928,
called Nyāyakumudacandrodaya ( s. v.). p. 99.
Bt. No. 389; JG. p. 91 ; Strass. p. 305. (II) aratata in 14 Gathās. Hamsa. No. 697 ;
erg of Prabhäcandra. This is a comJG. p. 282.
mentary on Akalarka's Lagbiyastrayi aratar Bhand. VI. No. 1003 (11).
(see under it). Bhand. VI. No. 1056; arogaftaficu of Śrīharşa, a non-Jain.
JG. p. 91 ; MHB. 66 ; Mud. 638; Rice. (1) Tikā (Gram. 1200) by Muni
p. 306 ; SG. No. 1893 ; Strass, p. 305. candrasuri who lived about Sam. 1170.
FUTVECIU ( Gram. 5500) also called KbandaHJL. p. 243.
nakhādya or Mahävirastavana, composed (2) Tīkā by Jinarājasūri, the head of
during the reign of Vijayadevasüri of the
Tapā Gaccha, by Yasovijayagani, pupil the Kharatara Gaccha; cf IA. 1882, p. 252. BO. pp. 17; 60; CC. I. p. 306.
of Nayavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. It is
published by Mansukhbhai Bhagubhai, (3) Tikā composed in A. D. 1368 by
Ahmedabad. Hamsa. No. 84; JA. 110 Cäritravardhana, pupil of Kalyāṇarāja of
( 20 dated Sam. 1735); JG. pp. 75; the Kharatara Gaccha. Bendall. No. 238;
105; JHB. 58; Pet. III. A. p. 194 ; CC. I. p. 306.
PRA. No. 1232 ; SA. Nos. 202 ; 1767 ; (4) Subodhikā by Ratnacandrayani,
SB. 2 ( 151 ). pupil of Sānticandra. (Gram. 13364).
(1) Svopajña Tikā. PRA. No. 1232; Bhand. V. No. 369 dated Sam. 1668 );
SA. No. 202; SB. 2 ( 151 ). VA. 9 ( 48 ); VD. 7 (15).
Fra TU JG. p. 351.
JG. p. 82.
Folgari of Jayasimha. See Nyāyasāra-9146get of Sridhara, a non-Jain.
tīkā (2). Panjab. No. 1490. (1) Pañjikā (Gram. 4000) compos
10 geiga (About 100 Slokas ). BSC. No. 473;
ini Ahont 100 ślokas) BSC. ed in Sam. 1385 (according to Bt.) by
this is perhaps a copy of Dharmabhüşana's Rajasekhara, pupil of Sritilaka of the
Nyāyadipikā. Harsapuriya Gaccha. Bt. No. 417; JG. p. 95; Pet. III. A. p. 272 (ms. dated
reqia i also callad Pañcamithyātika, in SanSam. 1480 ); VA, 10 (10).
skrit by Sukhaprakāsa. Mud. 166.
(1) Vivekavyākhyāna (2) Tippanaka by Naracandra (Be :
by Amrtaavyāhatam. Gram. 2500); cf. Pet. III.
nandin. Mud. 166. 15. BO. 41. Bt. No. (1) Fiziqot of Bhävasena. Rice. p. 306. 416; DC. p. 4; DI. p. 32; JG. p. 95; (II) Fugiat of Dharmabhusana, pupil of VarPAZB. 11 (28; 29).
dhamāna. It is pubiished with a Hindi (3) Tīkā by Candramunisvara. BO.
commentary by Pandit Nathuram Premi, p. 41.
Bombay, A. D. 1913. AD. Nos. 156; This is probably the same as No. 2.
191; Bhand. V. Nos, 1147 ; 1148 ; VI.
Nos. 1057 ; 1058, BK. No. 104; BO. ( 4 ) Tikā by Asa da Kundi. No. 288.
p. 30; Bod. No. 1378; Buh. VI. Nos. This is probably a copy of Asada's Upa
623; 624; CMB. 22; 23 ; 182 ; CP. p. desakandali.
662, DB. 39 ( 25 ); DLB. 17; Hamsa. graa g by Akalanka. See Laghiyastrayi. Bt.
No. 383; Hum. 279; Idar. 133 (8 No. 389; JG. p. 91.
copies; one dated Sam. 1586); Idar. A. (1) Vrtti (16000) by Prabhācandra,
68 (3 copies ); JG. p. 91 ; KN. 38;
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