P. Obu.
(XIV) af a fts by Vikrama. This is the afatgrafa Bhand. IV. No. 1003 ( 49 ), DA. 40 same as the Nemidütakävya. JG. p. 243;
( 67; 71 ); Pet. V. No. 826. JHA. 49; PAP. 43 (11).
(I) afhagia ( Tuni) in 9 Sanskrit Slokas. (XV) afarafta by Gunabhadra. This is a
It is published in the MDG. Series, No. part of the author's Uttarapurāna. CP.
21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. p. 660.
(II) ATATEATS of Jinavallabhagani. Limdi. No. (XVI) Awaruara (Ghattābandha ). This is per
1288. haps Puspadanta's work i. e., No. XIII
(1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1519 by above. Lal. 6.
Šādhusoma. See Jainastotrasrndoha, (XVII) afarreta in Sanskrit by Narasimha.
(Ahmedabad, 1932 ), I. Intro. p. 27. SG. No. 2342.
(III) afwateriala by Vijayasimbasuri. PAPL. 8 (XVIII) NA7127719 in Sanskrit by Harisena,
( 27). pupil of Vajrasena. This is mentioned
(I) aiagaform of Brahma Nemidatta. This is in the Karpuraprakara ( s. v.) as his own
probably the author's Neminātha Purāņa. work by the author.
Idar. 113. (XVIII) altaf Anonymous. Agra. No. (II) Hagorney of Vägbbata, son of Soma 2903; Bhand. V. No. 1294 ; VI. No.
and the author of the Vāgbhatalankära. 992 (19); Hamsa. No. 508 ; Kath. No.
It is a Mahakāvya in 15 cantos and is 1151 (this is from the Kalpasutra ; cf.
published in the Kāvyamälä Series, Kap. No. 541); KB. 3 (15); VB. 19
Bombay, 1896. AD. No. 146 ; AK. No. (4; 19 ).
423; BK, No. 385; Bt. No. 512; CMB. afhaagara by Samayasundara. Limdi. No.
65 ; CP. p. 661 (10 mss.); Hamsa. No. 1723.
205 ; Idar. 113 (4 copies), Idar. A. 66 ( 8 नमिनाथजन्माभिषेक in Apahhrainsa by Jinaprabha
copies), JG. p. 331; Kath. No. 1152; suri. Patan Cat. I. p. 274.
KO. 124; 131 ; Padma. 75; PAZB.
24 (2); Pet. IV. No. 1278 = IV. A. (I) watergero of Brahma Nemidatta, pupil of
p. 103; Punjab. No. 1483; Rice. p. 302. Mallibhusana. It contains 16 chapters. AD. No. 111; Bhand. V. Nos. 1111;
(1) Tikā by Upendra. CP. p. 661
(2 mss.) 1112, Bah. VI. No. 622 ; CP. p. 661; Kath. Nos. 1149; 1150; List (S. J.);
(2) Țikā by Abhinava Laksmisena. Pet. III. No. 522; V. No. 948 (dated
KO. 131. Sam. 1636); Strass. p. 305 ; Surat. 2,
(3) Tippana. Anon. CMB. 65. Tera. 2; 3; 4; Weber. II. No. 1988. Til of Bhāvaratna (Bhāvaprabhasuri ). (II) FOOTTO of Mangarasa. Hum. 42.
Hamsa. Nos. 116 ; 568 ; PRA. No. 377. (III) Hauger of Karnapärya in Kanarese.
See Bhaktämarapādapūrtistavana. It is Mud. 122 ; 148.
published by the Agamodaya Samiti
Series, No. 54, Bombay, 1926. aihaagiin 62 Gāthās ( Be : caiūņa deva). Pet. I. A. p. 83.
afÆTIFICENT Bengal. Nos. 7525 ; 7673 ; 7677. alaterrothaigla TAETTU Bengal. No. 6907. Afrah Anon. JG. p. 282 ; PAPR. 1 (15). THATTUTTE in 10 Apabhrarisa stanzas by Jina- afwaga by Vijayasimha (Grar. 24). JG. p. 282.
prabhasuri. Patan Cat. I. p. 269. (I) afheata composed in different dialects by afwarcraaa of Subhacandra. Idar. 83.
Somasundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha,
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