ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
584 ; JG. p. 156 ; Limdi. No. 1229;
his Dhavala by Virasena. See Satkhandā. PAPR. 18 ( 47 ); PRA. No. 322; SA.
gama ( Amraoti, 1939 ), Intro. p. 60. No. 21 ; Strass. B. No. 381.
(V) F ÅTE in Prākrta composed in Sam. 1284 सामान्यगुणोपदेशकुलक of Municandrasuri in 25|
by Mahendrasuri, at the advice of DharGāthās. JG. p. 206 ; Limdi. No. 955 ;
masuri. Patan Cat. I. p. 153. Pet.. V. No. 803.
FITANTEI of Kulabhadra. It is also called GranHTATOUAGOST DA. 39 (147); JG. p. 193.
thasärasamuccaya. It contains 328 SanAgga in Sanskrit. Punjab. Nos. 2885; 2886 ;
skrit Slokas and is published in the MDG. 2888 ; 2889; 2890 ; 2892.
Series No. 21, Bombay, 1979. BK. No. Higinou of Cāmundarāya. AK. No. 924.
106 ; Buh. IV. No. 218; JG. p. 131; Elgigania by a Jain author. JG. pp. 356; 357 ;
Kath. No. 1315; Pet. IV, No. 1237 ; Patan Cat. I. pp. 81; 171 ;. SG. No.
PRA. No. 995; SG. No. 2550 ; Surat. 2. 1789.
Flawarga in Sanskrit. Pet. IV. No. 1492 (dated (I) F i ta by Ravisāgara. Published by
Sam. 1650) = IV. A. p. 165. Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1917. AltFa r in Sanskrit. By Meghavijaya. Per(II) Fragrawita in 849 Gāthās (Be: namira
haps a commentary on the Sārasvata Vyasurasuramani). Patan Cat. I. p. 405.
karaña. Punjab. No. 2913. HitaqyF99-u composed in Sam. 1659, by
FITEAquaria of Harsakirti. See Dhätupatha. Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra
FITFagar See Sārasvata Vyakaraņa. of the Kharatara Gaccha. Buh. VI. No. Fitraagiarę KB. 3 (53 - foll. 85).
779, PAPS. 69 (65); PRA. No. 910. FITFESTAUER (Gramn. 1500 ) by Mandana Kavi. F1F25705 by Vijayasimhasuri, pupil of Abhaya
Hamsa. No. 901 ; JG. p. 305; Limdi. devasuri of the Cāndrakula. It contains
No. 585; Samb. No. 432. 106 Sanskrit Slokas and is published by
altaan razgratt Limdi. No. 1315. A. M. & Co. Bombay, 1918. Agra. Nos.
Fitfaragh of Subhacandra, pupil of Vijaya1870 ; 1871 ; Bt. No. 624 ; DC. p. 53.
kirti. Buh. III. No. 192 (the ms. beETTENETETU Anonymous.
longed to Munivimala, pupil of Vimala(1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1662,
harşa ); Pet. V. No. 925. by Harsapramoda, pupil of Harsacandra. AltraTEFT by Samayasundara of the Kharatara DC. p. 53.
Gaccha. KB. 3 (29, foll. 8). erugfastiaat of Sakalakirti. Bhand. V. Nos.
सारस्वतव्याकरण or the Sarasvata Prakriya is the 1091; 1092 ; Bub. VI. No. 691 ; CMB.
exposition of the Sarasvati Sūtras of an 50 ; SG. Nos. 1896 ; 2020 , Tera, 223,
unknown author by Anubhūtisvarūpā224.
cārya. This system of grammar was Frca ( THIETT) KB. 1 ( 62), 3 (57); 5 (15);
much popular with the Jainas and the KN. 48.
following are the commentaries on it. (I) FITTEDE of Mahāvirācārya. See Ganitasära
(1) Dipikā composed by Candrakīrti
suri of the Nāgapuriya Tapā Gaccha in sangraha.
Sam. 1664 (Gram. 7500 ). AL. No. (II) ATTEINE of Harsakirti ; see Jyotissāra.
183 , Bhand. V. Nos. 1392; 1393, BO. (III) ETTÉUT of Surendrabhūşaņa. CMB. 150.
pp. 13; 43; 44; Bod. Nos. 1136 ; (IV) Erreiat of Pujyapāda. This is quoted in
1137, BK, No. 787; CC. I. p. 700 ; II, J.......55
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