p. 155 ( foll. 281);PAS. No. 206 (dated (XIX) FIATEIC called Sukhabodhā or Subodbā Sam. 1237).
composed by Sricandra, pupil of Dhane(VII) EhTerc by Jinapatisūri, pupil of Jina
śvarasuri. It is published in the D. L. P. dattasuri. It contains 79 Prākrta verses
Series, No. 62, Bombay, 1922. See also and is printed on pp. 139-141 of the
DI. p. 36. Bt. No. 167 ; DC. p. 14; JG. Jinadattasuri Bhandar edition of the
p. 157 ; PAZB. 3 (10); Pet. V. A. p. Sāmācāri ataka (A. D. 1339). KN. 39.
64 ; SA. Nos. 173 ; 399. (VIII) Flarer by Jinasuri (Gram. 1512). See
(X) FIATC by Haribhadrasūri. JG. p. 157 ; Sädhusāmācāri No. I.
VB. 36 ( 63 ). (IX) Farati of the Purnimā Gaccha by Tilakā
(XXI) FATEC called Trailokyadipikā. It is cārya. DC. p. 21; Hamsa. Nos. 2 ; 585;
published by Manchand Velchand, Surat' JG. p. 156 ; Pet. VI. No. 644; Punjab.
Sam. 1972. No. 2882.
(XXII) F#Tit Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 2105; (X) F ari by Devagupta. See Śrāvakasāmācāri.
2106 ; Bhand. V. No. 1243; DA. 38
(57); DB. 22 (30; 31; 32; 34); (XI) F a i by Devaprabhagūri of the Maladbāri
Hamsa. No. 483 ; JG. pp. 155 to 157; Gaccha. It is in 136 chapters. Bt. No.
Kath. No. 1314 ; PAPM. 60 (5-foll. 98, 166; JG. p. 156.
Gram. 2000); Pet. I. Nos. 273; 306; (XII) FATE by Devasūri. Chani. No. 488.
IV. No. 1370 ; Punjab. Nos. 2877; (1) Tikā. Anonymous. Chani. No.
2879 ; 2880 ; SA. Nos. 173; 399; 502; 488.
1585; Strass. B. No. 393; Surat. 1, 2, (XIII) A by Dhanesvarasüri. Limdi. No. 1229.
(I) Vrtti. Agra. Nos. 2105; 2106. (XIV) A I by Nareśvarasuri. Hamsa. Nos. FIAFTI Ega is the 26th chapter of the Utta167 ; 584 ; JG. p. 156; see Sāmācārīsan
radhyayanasūtra. Limdi. No. 930. graha.
(1) FIAT TT composed in Sam. 1672 by (XV) AA by Paramänanda, pupil of Abha
Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandrayadevasuri. Weber. II. No. 1951.
gani of the Kharatara Gaccha. See Pra
śnottarasataka. It is in five chapters and (XVI) ETATU by Bhīvadeva. Sae Yatisāmācāri.
discusses in the form of questions and (XVII) FATTET by Munisundarəsūri. Chani.
answers several knotty points aboout the : No. 765.
Jain religious practices. It is published (XVIII) FAAITH by Yasovijayagani, pupil of
in the Jinadattasuri Pustakoddhāra Fund Nayavijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha.
Series, No. 41, Surat. 1939. Hamsa. No. (Gram. 1450). This is published in the
705, JHB. 57; Mitra. VIII. p. 89; JAS. Series No. 53, Bhavnagar, Sam.
Punjab. No. 2881; SB. 2 ( 85 ). 1973, together with the Svopajña Vrtti. (II ) FIATita Anonymous. Strass. B. No. DB. 22 (33; 36); Hamsa. No. 399;
454. JG. P. 156; Kaira. A. 114; SA. No.
Alfariage (Gram. 4042 ) also called Säri504 ; VD. 13 ( 35 )
vallabha, composed by Nareśvara ( Dha(1) Svopajña Vrtti. DB. 22 (33;36);
neśvara according to Limdi. List), papil Hamsa. No. 399; JG. p. 156; Kaira. A.
of Kulaprabhasuri. Baroda. No. 2966 ; 114 ; SA. No. 504; VD. 13 (35).
DB. 22 (29; 44 ); Hamsa. Nos. 167
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