ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
cāri is published in the Agamodaya Samiti
1255 ; 1256 ; BK. No. 462, DB. 11 Series No. 27, Surat. Bengal. No. 7493;
(11 to 14); DC. p. 9; Kiel. II. No. 27 KB. 1 (15); Samb. No. 12; Surat. 1.
(dated Sam. 1138); PAS. No. 280 ; साधुसामाचारीकुलक by Somasundarasuri of the
Pet. IV. No. 1336 ; PRA. No. 634; SA. Tapā Gaccha. JG. p. 204 ; Limdi. No.
Nos. 1717 ; 2078 ; Tapa. 1; 2; 3. 1452; Pet. VI. p. 142, No. 83.
(4) Bhāşyavrtti-Tikā ( Gram. 28000) harai Limdi. No. 1704.
composed in Sam. 1175 by Hemacandra, Frarigar of Samayasundara. See Yatyārādhanā.
pupil of Abhayadevasuri of the Harsaara fata EITHETIC Bengal. Nos. 6788 ;
puriya Gaccha (Be: śrīsiddhārtha7718.
narendra ). A Gujrati translation of (I) VIRTHE I3 See Bhavanặdy trinsika I.
this commentary is published by the
Agamodaya Samiti, Bombay, 1927. (1) Țikā by Śrutasāgara. CP. p. 708.
Agra. No. 227; AM. 7; Baroda. No. (2) Tikā. Anonymous. CP. p. 707.
2929, Bhand. V. No. 1228; Buh. VI. (II) ECHT=913 of Amitagati. See Bhāvanādvā.
No. 768 ; DB. 11 (11; 12); DC. pp. trimsikā (II).
18; 33; 37; 38; 53; Hamsa. No. 56; ETHIYES i atâ of Ksamākalyāņa. JHA. 70.
Jesal. Nos. 27 ; 59; Kaira. A. 39; Kap. EIRÍKale Surat. 2, 4; Bengal. Nos. 7151;
Nos. 1107-1112; Kath. No. 1171; 7317; 7414.
Kiel. II. No. 58; Kundi. Nos. 322; सामयिकसूत्र Published by the Jaina Sreyaskara
325; 364 ; Limdi. Nos. 73; 74; PAPS.
38 (3); Pet. IV. No. 1336; VI. No. Mandala, Mhesana, Sam. 1914.
625 - VI. A. p. 49 (quotation); SA.No. FIAFTI a a part of the Avasyakasütra.
160; Strass. p. 301 ; VB. 33 (6); Vel. (1) Niryukti of Bhadrabāhu. Bhand.
No. 1520 ; Weber. II, No. 1915. VI. No. 992 ; Bub. VI. No. 768; DC. p. (I) FAT in 40 Präkrta verses composed by 9; JA. 95 ( 7 ); Pet. I. Nos. 273; 306;
Jinavallabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha. V. No. 982 ; VI. No. 690.
This is wholly reproduced in the Sāmā(2) Viseşāvasyakabhāsya by Jinabha
cări Sataka of Samayasundara printed on dragaạiksamāśramaņa. It consists of
on pp. 136-138 in the Jinadattasuri 3603 Prākrta Gātbās. It is published
Bhandar edition of 1939 ( Be-sammam with a Gujrati translation by the Agamo
namium devam.) daya Samiti, Bombay, 1924-1927. It is
(II) FAT in 30 Prākrta verses composed by also pubilshed with Hemacandra's com
Jinadattasüri of the Kharatara Gaccha. mentary in the YJG. Series, Benares, Vir Sam. 2427-2441. Agra.
This is printed in the Jiradattasūri Bhan
Nos. 226; 227; AM. 7; 331 ; 386; Bhand. VI.
dar edition of the Sāmācārīšataka (1939) Nos. 1254 ; 1255 ; 1256; Chani. No.
on pp. 138-139. 76, DB. 11 (13; 14); Jesal. No. 463;
) E RT (Gram. 1500 ) by AbhayadevaJG. p. 60; JHA. 25; Kap. Nos. 1103 to
sūri. Chani. No. 388 ; DB. 22 (31; 32); 1111; Kiel. II. No. 56; Samb. No.
Hamsa, No. 229; JG. p. 155. 390, Strass. B. No. 164; Tapa. 1; 2; 3. (IV) FATFIT by Kulaprabha. SB. 2 (85); (3) Visesăvaśyakabhāsyavrtti by
Surat. 5. Jinabhadragani himself and Kotyācārya. (V) Tari Ksamākalyāņa. Chani. No. 155. Bhand. V. No. 1227, VI, Nos. 1254; (VI) FIATT by Jinacandrasuri in Prākrta. JG.
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