ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
1723; 2565 ; 2703 ; SB. 1 (47); Samb.
47 (9; dated Sam. 1506 ; Gram. Nos. 2, 266, 400 ; Surat. 1, 2, 6, 11 ;
5700 ). Tapa. 18 ; VB. 6 ( 28-35 ; 38-45); VC.
(6) Uddhāra by Gunaratnasūri. It con3 (16); Vel. No. 1422 ; Weber. II. Nos.
sists of 140 Gathās extracted from the 1871 ; 1922 ; 1923 ; 1924; 1925.
text itself. Vel. No. 1422. (1) Bhāsya Anon. (Grari 2570 ).
(7) Uddhāra (Anon.) in 177 Gāthās. DC. p.17 (dated Sam. 1490); DI. p.22;
PAP. 61 ( 28 ). Kundi. Nos. 101 ; 137 ; PAPS. 45 ( 5);
(8) Avacūri by Prajñāsāgāra. Buh. PAZB. 7 (1; dated Sam. 1490); Samb.
VII. No. 18. This is a mistake. The
author is Jnānasāgara. PRA. No. 915. No. 401.
(9) Avacūri. Anon. Limdi. No. 141 ; (2) Vrtti by Malayagiri (Gram. PAPS. 47 (10); Pet. II. No. 286 (dated 8850). Bt. No. 25 ( 4 ); Hamsa. No.
Sam. 1313 ); IV. No. 1214 ; Samb. No. 360 ; JG. p. 40; PAPM. 8 (a good
25; Strass. p. 309. palm ms.).
(10) Tikā. Anon. Very probably all (3) Avacuri (Gram. 6825) composed
the following are mss. of (3). PAP. 61 in Sam. 1149 by Droņasuri or Droņā
(1;2; 10 Gram. 8285 ); PAPS. 47 cārya. Bhand. V. No. 1175; Bod. No.
(11) Gram. 7570 ; 71 (13) Gram. 6500; 1356 ; Chani. No. 716; PA. 22 ( 22 ;
PAZB. 23 (16) Gram. 8285; Samb. 34); DB. 10 (1;2); DC. pp. 17; 18;
No. 402. 41 ; Jesal. Nos. 805 ; 807 ; Kundi. Nos.
(11) Tikā. Anon. Agra. Nos. 405; 233; 274 ; Limdi. Nos. 46; 117; Mitra.
407; Bhand. III. No. 417; VI. No. X. p. 14; PAPS. 53 (5); 76 (4;5);
1114 ; DA. 22 ( 25; 26; 28 ; 29; 31PAZA, 6 ( 4); Pet. IV. No. 1212 ( ms.
36 ); DC. p. 15 (dated Sam. 1487 ); dated Sam. 1436 )= IV. A. p. 79 ( quc
Kaira. B. 15; 38 ; PAP. 60 (16); 61 tation ); V. A. p. 32; SA. No. 423;
( 22 ); SA. Nos. 498; 1572 ; SB. 1 VC. 3 (16); Surat. 1, 2, 11 ; Weber.
( 47 ) ; Tapa. 18. II. Nos. 1924 ; 1925.
BITATATER (Gram. 1500 ) JG. p. 155. (4) Avacūri composed in Sam. 1439 (1) silfri (Grammar; Gram. 415 ) by Somapraby Jñānasāgara, pupil of Devasundara
bhasuri. PAPR. 21 (16). The Auktikas sūri of the Tapā Gaccha. AZ. 3 (12);
are a sort of Prākrta into Sanskrit DictioBhand. VI. No. 1115 (dated Sam.
naries. 1439 ); 1116, BK. No. 1926 ; Bod.
) Sitesi (Grammar. Gram. 550 ) by KulamaNo. 1356 ; Buh. VII. No. 18 ; DA. 22
ndana, composed in Sam. 1450. JG. p. ( 23; 24; 27; 30; 37 ); DB. 10 (3;
306. See Mugdhāvabodha. 4); Hamsa. Nos. 83 ; 873; JHB. 15; Kiel. III. No. 147 ; PAP. 61(6:24? (III) Siffri by Jinacandra. JG. p. 306. 25; 33 ); PAPS. 77 (17); VB. 6 ( 28 ; |(IV) sitfi Anon. Bt. No. 454 ; Surat. 5; VA. 29; 31); Weber. II. No. 1925.
3 ( 17 ). (5) Dipikā of Manikyasekharasüri, pupil
greiteira SA. No. 2627. of Merutungasuri of the Arcala Gaccha. Sigui arathor is the name of a commentary by This Dipikā is mentioned by the author
Srutasāgara on bis own Prākrta Vyākain his Prasasti to his Āvasyakaniryukti
raņa. According to some, it is the name Dipika ( s. v.). PRA. No. 927 ; PAPS.
of the Vyakarana itself. Srutasāgara
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