TATAASTAT is the name of śānticandra's com- |
(1); 23 (75; 77 ); PAPR. 3 (12); mentary on Jambūdvipaprajňapti Sūtra.
PAPS. 71 (20), SA. No. 363; SB. 2 AU TOT by Laghu Anantācārya. Rice. pp.306;
(58); VA. 14 (38); VB. 22 ( 43 ); 310. This is probably the author's com
VD. 10 (5); Weber. II, No. 1976. mentary on the Pariksāmukha Sūtra. (II) T a ie by Padmanabha (Gram. 55000). #AFTRISTEET by Abhinava Cărukirti. This is
VA. 12 (6). a commentary on Pariksämukha (s. v.). (III) qazatitan by Jinendracandra. SRA. 86. Mysore. I. p. 97; II. p. 283 ; SG. No. (IV) quanta by Dharmabūşaņa. SG. No. 1480.
1609 (foll. 88). TÀUTHAT of Sāntişeņa. AK. No. 523. See Prame
(v) qaxaqat by Nemicandra. SRA. 139. yakanthikā.
(VI) qazanten by Mallisena. Mud. 110. TÄVarat on logic by Aśādhara. This work is
Tauagaat by Akalanka. Mud. 250; 638; SG. mentioued in the author's Pratisthāsārod
No. 1521. dhāra or Jinayajñakalpa ; cf. SGR. II.
TTT TTTU JG. p. 185. p. 68.
yalarait in Sanskrit composed by Nayagaraia in Prākra. A Gātha is quoted from it
kuñjara Upadhyāya, pupil of Jinarājain Vāmadeva's Bhāvasaṁgraha. See
süri of the Kharatara Gaccha. Bhand. JH. Vol. 14, p. 18.
VI. No. 1215, Chani. No. 83 ; JG. p. (I) Tawa (Gram. 17882) also called Kupaksa
130; PAPS. 61 (13); PAZB. 20 (17); kausika-sahasrakiraņa, in eleven chapters,
PRA. No. 357. composed in Sam.1629 by Dharmasagara
Taaahan (foll. 12 only). KB. 2 ( 16 ). gani, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. The work is an examination of Tage te also called Navapadaprakarana, in 250 the tenets of the ten sects of the Jainas,
Gāthās (Be : namiūņa vaddhamāņam which according to the author are hete
vavagayamäņam). BO. p. 31; Bt. No. rodox; cf. Bhand. IV. p. 144ff. See also
90 ; DA. 37 ( 41 ); JA. 31 (6); JG. p. Weber, Procceedings of the Royal Aca
127, PAS. Nos. 174; 375; Patan Cat. I. demy of Sciences, Philo and His. Secs.,
pp. 5; 23 ; 45; 58; 69; 106 ; 176 ; Wien, 1882, pp. 793-914. AM. 412;
295; 298; 304; 365; 411 (dated Baroda. No. 2872; Bhand. IV. No. 278;
Sam. 1332 ); Pet. I. A. p. 71; V. A. Buh. II. Nos. 186; 219; DB. 20 (1; 2);
p. 150; SA. No. 522. Hamsa. Nos. 765; 952; 963; JG. p.
(1) Vitti. Bt. No. 91 ; JG. p. 127. 159, Kaira. A. 37 ; Kiel. II, No. 386;
T aart of Kundakundācārya ; cf. Bhand. IV. p. Limdi. No. 1226; PAP. 13 (1); 23
91ff. It consists of three chapters on the (75; 77); PAPR. 3 (12); PAPS. 71
Jñāna, Jõeya and Caritra Tattvas having ( 20 ), Pet. I, No. 293; SA, No. 363 ;
respectively 92, 108 and 75 Prāksta SB. 2 ( 58 ); SG. No. 1609; Surat. 3;
Gatbās. It is published in the RJS. VA. 14 (38); VB. 22 ( 43 ); VD. 10
Series with the Tattvapradipikā of Amrta(5); Weber. II. No. 1976.
candra and Tātparya Vrtti of Jayasena, (1) Tikā Svopajña. AM. 412;
as also the Hindi commentary of Pāņde Baroda. No. 2872 ; Bhand. IV. No. 278;
Hemarāja, Bombay, Sam. 1969; second DB. 20 (1; 2); Kaira. A. 37; Kiel. II.
edition with a very useful exhaustive inNo. 386; Limdi. No. 1226; PAP. 13
troduction, and a literal English trans.
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