(1) Tikā by Vallabhayani. Buh. III. No. 191 ; VB. 35 ( 46 ).
(2) Ţikā Anonymous. KB. 3 ( 66 );
SB. 2 ( 163 ); VB. 40 ( 21 ). (II) TEATRAI by Sadhukirti. Buh. VI. No.
773; JG. p. 313; SA. No. 718. FEIET DA. 64 ( 60 ). Staniqrorafare Bhand. V. No. 1230 ( dated Sari.
1671 ). V saanuefi Chani. No. 367 ; Hamsa. No. 390 ;
PAP. 21 ( 18 ). TIETETE JG. p. 205. Tefat Limdi. No. 2558. T eafa also called Tirthesastati or Caturvimsa
tijinastuti by Sobhana. Published with the commentary of Dhanapāla, in Kavyainālā, VII. p. 132 and in the Agamodaya Samiti Series, Bombay, 1926 and also with the commentaries of Jayavijaya, Siddhicandra, Saubhāgyasagara and Devacandra, in the same Series No. 51, Bombay, 1930. It is edited and translated into German by H. Jacobi in ZDMG. Vol. 32 p. 509ff. Bhand. IV. No. 284; VI. Nos. 1410; 1411; 1412; BO. p. 59; Buh. II. No. 317; Chani. Nos. 357; 438; CP. p. 695 ; DA. 40 ( 53 to 66 ); 75 ( 3 ); DB. 24 ( 7 to 15 ); Flo. No. 689; Hamsa. Nos. 545; 864 ; 1135; 1351 ; JG. p. 292; Limdi. Nos. 1025; 1159; 1213; 1427, 1715; Mitra. VIII. pp. 175; 183 ; PAP. 23(7); PAPR. 5 ( 9 ); PAPS. 41 ( 4 ); 48 ( 7 to 10 ); Pet. L. A. p. 101; III. A. p. 22;
Punjab. Nos. 2560-2571; SA. Nos. 75, 662, 1970; SB. 2 ( 91 ); Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; VB. 40 ( 18 ); VC. 14 (1); 15 (1); VD. 14 ( 30 ), Vel. No. 1823; Weber. II. No. 1973.
(1) Tikā by Dhanapāla Kavi, brother of the author. Chani. No. 357, DB. 24 (11; 12); Hamsa. Nos. 864 ; 1351 ; JG. p. 292; Limdi. No. 1427; PAP.
23 ( 7 ); PAPS. 48 ( 8 ); PRA. Nos. 717 ; 1186.
(2) Vrtti by Pandit Gunākara of the Devāpandita Gaccha. Patan. Cat. I. p. 196 ( ms. dated Sam. 1211 ).
(3) Avacuri composed in Sam. 1151, by Rajamuni, pupil of Dharmacandra. CP. p. 695; JG. p. 293 ; PAPR. 5 (9); SA. Nos. 75; 662.
(4) Tikā composed in Sam. 1671 by Jayavijaya, pupil of Devavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. Bhand. IV. No. 284 ; VI. No. 1412, Bik. No. 1522 ; Chani. No. 438; DB. 24 ( 7; 8); DC. p. 56; JG. p. 292, Keith. No. 66 ; PAPS. 41 ( 4 ); Punjab. Nos. 2563; 2564; VC. 14 (1); 15 (1); VD. 14 ( 30 ).
(5) Tikā by Siddhicandrayani, of the Tapā Gaccha. Bhand. VI. No. 1411; DA. 75 ( 3 ); JG. p. 292; PRA. No. 754; VB. 40 (18).
(6) Vrtti by Devacandra, pupil of Bhanucandragani, of the Tapa Gaccha. DB. 24 ( 10 ); JG. p. 293.
(7) Tikā composed in Sam. 1778, by Saubhāgyasāgara, pupil of Vijayaprabhasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. DB. 24 ( 9 ); JG. P. 293.
(8) Vrtti by Bhānucandragan. JG. p. 293. Probably same as No.( 6 ).
(9) Avacūri. Anonymous. DB. 24 (13); Flo. No. 689; Mitra. VIII. p. 175; Punjab. Nos. 2560 ; 2565; 2566; 2569-2571 ; SB. 2 ( 91 ); Vel. No.
1823; Weber. II. No. 1973. graza Punjab. No. 2644. Taula This is published along with the Paksi
kasūtra, by the JDPS. Bhavnagar, San. 1979 and in Dayāvimala Granthamāla, No. 6, A. D. 1917. Also see Sadhupratikramanasūtra. Bengal. Nos. 6732, 7624 ; Bhand, VI. No. 1262; DB. 12
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