prabhoryam vidhinātmasuddhyai); PAPS.
18 (10); SA. No. 455 ; V B. 17 (30); 80 (45); Pet. V. No. 894 ; SA. No. 395. Weber. II. No. 1870 (7). (II) qat: Thirata by śānticandra. This is pro- eaterie u r BO. p. 59. Perhaps the same as bably Ratnacandra's commentary ( No. 4
the next. above) on Devāḥprabhostotra. VB. atoareak Tur in 43 Gāthās by Cakreśvara19 ( 24 ).
sūri. JG. p. 133 ; Limdi. No. 955. stafagara From Acāradinakara. Bengal. No. Ostal
of Paramānanda. Mitra. X. p. 6759.
144. qarata y o by Cirantanācārya i. e.. by R ahi Hamsa. Nos. 1014; 1017 ; Kaira. A. some ancient Acarya whose name was
180 ; Surat. 1; VA. 9 (33); VB. 17 unknown even to the commentator. It
( 29 ). consists of 378 Gāthās in Prākrta and is THE Buh. II. No. 202. This is Adināthapublished by the JAS Bhavanagar, (Series
deśanā or Vairāgyaśataka (Be :-samsāre No. 74), 1922, together with the com
natthi. ) mentary of Municandra (i.e., No. 2 below). 1977 1978 by Padmanandin. Limdi. Nos. 586; BK. No. 1711; Hamsa. No. 1494; JG. p.
610; Pet. IV. Nos. 1442; 1443. 99 ; Kiel. III. No. 178, PRA. No. 961; wataa See Deśavrataprakāśana. SA. Nos. 312; 910; VA. 9 ( 4).
etraf aret Bengal. Nos. 6976; 7274 ; (1) Tikā by Malayagiri. This is
7698. mentioned by Malayagiri in his com- qaft HOT is a lexicon of the Desi words composmentary on Gathā No. 263 of Jina
ed by Hemacandra. It is edited by Pisbhadra's Brbatsangrahaņi. No mss. of
chel and Buhler in the Bombay Sanskrit it are so far known.
Series, 1880 ; and also by M. Banerji, (2) Tikā (Gram. 2909 ) composed
Calcutta, 1931. It is otherwise called in Sam. 1186 by Municandrasūri, pupil of
Ratnāvali. In this Lexicon, Hemcaudra Vinayacandrasuri, in the spiritual reign of
quotes Abhimānacihna, Avantisundari, Nemicandrasūri, successor of Sarvadeva
Devarāja, Dhanapala, Drona, Gopāla, suri of the Brahd Gaccha. It was corrected
Rahulaka, Samba, Silaika, Satavāana, by Cakradevasuri, at Ahnilvad ; cf. PRA.
and Padalipta (only mentioned ); cf. No. 961. BK. No. 1711; JG. p. 99; Kiel.
Vaidya, ABORI., Vol. VIII. p. 63 ff. III. No. 178 ; PRA. No. 961 , SA. Nos.
Agra. Nos. 2810; 2811 ; Bhand. III. 312; 910; VA. 9 (4).
No. 438 ; Buh. III. No. 184 ; IV. Nos. aaraarentures in 300 stanzas, ascribed to Rsi
270 ; 271; VI. No. 724 ; DB. 37 (17; pāla of the Brahmadvipa Śākha. It is
18); KB. 3 ( 27; 66), Kiel. II. No. published with the other 9 Prakirņakas
281, PAP. 24 (12); 40 (10); PAPR. by the Agamodaya Samiti, (No. 46),
7 (1); PAS. No. 371 ; Pet. VI. No. Bombay, 1927. Also in the Agamasar
397 = PRA. No. 1027; SA. Nos. 94; 887 graha, by Ray Bahadur Dhanapatisimba,
(palm ms.); 1818; Samb. No. 273 ; Benares, Sam. 1942. Bengal. No. 7500 ;
Surat. 1, 2, 9; VB. 16 ( 24 ); 17 (21; Bhand. VI. No. 1168 ; Bik. No. 1592 ;
27); VD. 7 (4). DA. 27 (36; 37); Hamsa. No. 19 ; JB.
(1) Svopajña Vrtti. Bhand, III. No. 124; JA. p. 46; Limdi. No. 525; Mitra.
438 ; Buh. ILL. No. 184; IV. Nos. 270, VIII. p. 21 ; PAPL. 5 (19); PAPR.
271, VIII. No. 419 ; DB. 37 (17; 18);
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