प्रन्याविभागः प्रथमः।
No. 2123 ; BK. Nos. 250 ; 442; Buh. (II) toract by Prabodhacandragani. This is IV. Nos. 211, 212; DA. 31 ( 65 );
a mistake. See above Commentary No. DB. 19 ( 19 ); Hamsa. Nos, 597; 669;
(2). Buh. IV. Nos. 211, 212; SA. 920; Jesal. Nos. 253; 267 ; 369 ; 976;
Nos. 471; 1553 ; Surat. 1, 2, 5, 9. JG. p. 165; JHA. 39 ( 4 c.); KB. 3 सन्देहनिराकरण VB. 36 (20). (17; 41); Kiel. III. No. 182; Kundi.
Patarratta composed by Merusundaragani. No. 71 ; Limdi. Nos. 60; 930; 1288 ;
BK. No. 1312; DB. 20 ( 59 ). PAP. 47 (9); 79 (7); PAPL. 3 (25; 32 ); 7 (36); PAPR. 4 (1), PAZB. &RCT (TOJl. 8). JG. P. 211. 4 (14, 15), 6 ( 21 ) ; Pet. IV. No. Telaf TO (foll. 9 only at PAP; or 1358 , VI. No. 635; PRA. Nos. 697 ;
Grar. 1812 at JG.). Is this a fragment 1104 ; Punjab. Nos. 2748 to 2751 ;
of Jinaprabha's Sandehavişausadhitikā on SA. Nos. 471 ; 1553 ; Samb. No. 18 ;
the Kalpa Sūtra ? JG. p. 165; PAP. VB. 35 (42), Vel. No. 1685.
72 ( 60 ); Surat. 1, 5. (1) Tīkā composed in Sam. 1257 EryaT is a defence of Jainism in about 400 by Jinatilaka Upādhyāya. JHA. 39.
Slokas against Hinduism, composed by (2) Vivarañamañjūsā (Gram. 4750)
Jñānakalasa, pupil of Dharmaghosasiri, composed in Sam. 1320, by Prabodha
successor of Amaracandrasūri, a candragaņi, pupil of Jin eśvarasüri of the
descendent of the famous Vādi Devasūri Kharatara Gaccba. AM. 280; Baroda.
of the Brhad Gaccha. The work is quoted No. 2123; BK. No. 250 ; Buh. IV.
in Munisundara's Upadeśaratnākara. Nos. 211, 212 ; DA. 31 ( 65 ); Hamsa.
See Vel. No. 1572. Agra. No. 2965; Nos. 597 ; 669; Jesal. Nos. 267; 976;
Bhand. V. No 1388 ; DB. 20 ( 32;41); JG. p. 165; Kundi. No. 71 ; Limdi.
JG. p. 165; JHA. 47;PAP. 23 (22), SA. No. 60 ( ms. dated Sam. 1485 ); PAP.
Nos. 879 ; 2046; Surat. 1, 9; VB. 37 47 ( 9 ); 79 ( 7 ); PAPR. 4 (1);
(12); Vel Nos. 1686 ; 1687. PAZB. 4 (15); PRA. Nos. 697 ; 1104; EH ETETT composed by Udayadharmagani, SA. Nos. 471; 1553.
pupil of Ratnasimhasūri of the Tapā (3) Vidhiratriakarandikā composed
Gaccha and author of Vākyaprakāsa in in Sam. 1495 by Jayasāgara Upādhyāya,
Sam. 1507. PRA. No. 845. pupil of Jinsrājasuri of the Kharatara Thaimaasta of Raidhū Kavi in Apabhraṁsa. Gaccha. It is based on No. (1), and
SG. No. 1269. was corrected by Taporatna Vācaka and
FFH TUT See Sammatimahātarka. The name Jinabhadrasuri. BK. No. 442 ; DB. 19 ( 19 ), Hamsa. No. 920; Jesal. No.
is an improvement on the older name 253 ; JG. p. 165; JHA. 39; Kiel. III.
sugegested by the editors of the work No. 182, PAZB. 6 ( 21 ); Pet. IV. No.
( Ahmedabad, 1924-1931. 1358 = IV. A. p. 118: Punjab. Nos. Fastiat (Gram. 7200) composed in Sam. 2748; 2749 ; Samb. No. 288; VB. 35
1178 by Guņākarasuri. Bt. No. 328; ( 42 ).
JG. p. 235. (3) Vrtti. Anonymous. KB. 3 ( 17, Falarea is a work on Karman, consisting of 41a ; this is a Laghuvrtti with foll. 34
about 70 Gāthās and ascribed to Candrarsi only ), KB. 3 ( 41 , this is Brhad Vrtti
Mahattara. It is generally appended to with foll. 87).
Devendra's Karmagrantba. Devendra
by Jayal of the 1), and
, editors
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