DA. 41 (208-220); 75 ( 23 ); Limdi.
1361 , Hultz. III. No. 1966 ; JB. 121 ; No. 1548.
Jesal. Nos. 1073, 1108, JG. p. 214; (1) Vrtti. Agra. No. 3266.
PAP. 12 ( 37 ); PAZB. 9 (14); SA. adalafhaigua Buh. II. No. 404.
No. 117 ; SB. 90, Strass. p. 396 ; (I) agràriadi True of Dámanandin. SRA.
Surat. 6; Vel. Nos. 1717 ; 1718; 1719. 54.
laufen Bengal. No. 7482. (II) agrafa áreaTGTIOT of Malliseņa. SRB. 72. ada tang17 is a single stanza in Sanskrit which (1) gratiarütar of Sribhūsana. SG. No.
ig applicable to all the 24 Jinas. It was 69, SGR. III. pp. 104; 105 (quotation).
composed with a commentary in Sar. In Sanskrit.
1699 by a Digambara writer called (II) tafarlaatängsl of Vidyābhūşana. See
Jagannātha Pandit, pupil of NarendraCaturvimsatipujā.
kirti. It is published by Ravaji Sakharama
Doshi, Solapur, 1921. SG. No. 2211. (III) wafazaatama Anon. Buh. VI. No. 579 ; Pet. III. No. 484 ; IV. No. 1413.
arazziaegrafen in 61 Gāthās of Bhadrabāhu.
This is a part of the author's Avasyaka - चतुर्विशतितीर्थकरपूजाजयमाला by Maghanandin.
niryukti. JA. 25 ( 12); 95 (7); Pet. Strass. p. 301.
I Nos. 273; 306 ; I. A. p. 52. wafaarfaquetaan of Jinaharsa. Cal. X. No
wafáafarrera7% by Nemicandra. Bhand. V. Nos
, 38.
1052; 1055 ; DB. 23 ( 6 ); Flo. No. ugrazia gai Pet. V. No. 925.
593; Kath. Nos. 1362; 1363; Pet. IV. grazifaqe IT of Pārsvacandrasuri. KC. 16.
Nos. 1414; 1415 ; V. No. 931, Tera. waráztracat of Vidyābhūşana. CP. p. 640.
1-6. agfagfararu also called Prabandhakośa (Gram.
(1) Tīkā. Anon. Bhand. V. No. 4000) or Prabandhämrtadirghikā com
1052; Flo. No. 593; Pet. IV. No. 1414; posed at the house of and at the request
V. No. 931. of Mahanasimha, son of Jagatsimha of Delhi, in Sam. 1405 by Rājasekhara,
चतुर्हारावलीचित्रस्तव of Jayatilakasuri of the Agama
Gaccha. It is published in Stotraratnapupil of Śrītilaka of the Maladhāri or
kara, Pt. II, by the Jaina Sreyaskara Harsapuriya Gaccha. The work con
Mandala, Mhesana, Sam. 1970. Also at tains the lives of 24 great men of Jai
Anekānta I. p. 522ff., with the Svopajna nism. It is published by the Hemacan
Vyakhā and a Hindi translation. drasabbā, Patan, 1921 ; and also by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1913. Re
(1) Svopajña Vyākhyā. Published ; cently it is critically edited by Muni Jina
see above. vijaya, in the Singhi Jaina Granthamālā, a cute Toft otherwise called KusalānubandhŠāntiniketana, Bengal, 1935.
yadhyayana. It contains 63 Găthās and is Agra. Nos. 1799 ; 1800 ; Baroda. Nos.
ascribed to Virabhadra. It is published by 2785; 2786 ; Bendall. No. 286; Bhand.
Balabhai Kakalbhai, Ahmedabad, Sam. V. Nos. 1279; 1302 ; BK. No. 658;
1962, as also in the JDPS. Series, Bha Bt. No. 354; Bub. II. No. 363;
vnagar, Sam. 1966, and in the DLP. VI. Nos. 748 ; 749; Chani. Nos. 104 ;
Series (No. 59), Bombay, 1922. It 919 ; 921 ; DA. 51 (34; 37); DB. 30
describes the four resorts i. e. the Arhat, (35, 36); Hamsa. Nos. 6189; 1338;
Siddha, Sadhu and Dharma, of man,
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