ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
composed in Sari. 1503 (J. G.'s 1603 3 E TEATRAIET of Bhāņdāgārika Nemicanis a mistake ) by Somadharmagani, pupil
dra. It consists of 161 Prākrta Gathās of Caritraratnagani, pupil of Somasunda
and is published with Marathi and Hindi rasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. Another narne
explanations by Jaychand Shravane, of the work is Grhasthadharmopadeśa. See . Nagpur, 1898. CP. p. 628 ; Tera. 11. Bik. No.1471. It is published by the JAS.
gonfae Anon. JHA. 41. Bhavnagar, (series No. 33 ), Sam 1971.
s 3 in 25 Gathäs by Municandra. Agra. No. 1874, Bik. No. 1478, BK.
Limdi. No. 955. Published in No. 245, Buh. IV. No. 138; Chani. No.
karanasamuccaya, Indore, 1923. Patan 509 ; DA. 38 (20) ; DB. 21 ( 49; 50);
Cat. I pp. 130; 131 ; 132. Hamsa. No. 1493; JG. p. 173 ; KB. 3
3991fati FUTERY JG. p. 158. (16); KN. 25; PAPR. 20 (10); PAZB. 8 (6) ; Pet. IV. No. 1204 - IV. (1) 39919928157* is one of the 19 Pañcasaka's of A. p. 77 (quotation); PRA. No. 869;SA.
Haribhadrasuri ; see Pancāsakasutra. KN. No. 426 ; VA. 4 (6) ; Surat. 1, 5.
15 ; cf. Pet. I. A. p. 16. .. (1) Vrtti Svopajña. DA. 38 ( 20 ).
(II) 199X197 by Abbayadevasuri. This is (II) उपदेशसप्ततिका by Ksemaraja of the Kharatara
probably the commentary of Abhayadeva Gaccha. It is published with the Syopa
on Upadbänapañcāsaka of Haribhadra.
Pet. III. A. p. 45. jña Tīkā by JDPS., (series No. 37), Bhavnagar, 1917 ; Gujrathi Translation 3991ag a scara by Cakreśvarasüri. JG. p. published by the same body, Sam. 1976.
153. BK. No. 245 ; DB. 21 ( 49; 50 ) ; SA. TY T O by Mānadevasuri. Chani. No. 96 ; No. 426.
. SA. No. 591. (1) Tikā ( Grań. 7975 ) composed in 59917faET by Devasūri. Bt. No. 169. Sam. 1547 by Ksemaraja of the Khara- warar Anon. tara Gaccha himself. BK. No. 245; JG.
DA. 39 (27; 47 ; 48 ; 49; 51, 52); p. 173 ; SA. No. 426.
DB. 22 ( 19; 20; 21 ; 25 ); Hamsa. (2) Tīkā Anon. DB. 21 (49; 50).
Nos. 418, 1082 ; 1099 ; 1146 ; 1276 ; (1) S TEIT in Prākrta by Devabhadra. Patan
1289; JG. p. 153; Kaira. B. 110; Pet. Cat. I. p. 119 ( quotation ).
V. No. 632, SA. Nos. 221; 636 ; (II) STIETEIT Anon. Agra. No. 927; Bhand.
1988; Strass. p. 433b; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 7, V. No. 1264 ; BK, No. 323; DA. 74
9; VB. 4 (13); 6 (10); VC. 2 (20). ( 31 ) ; Hamsa. No. 512; JG. p. 174
39919 taga by Samayasundara. Hamsa. No. 417; ( foll. 306 ); KB. 1 ( 41 ), SA. No. 18;
SA. No. 715. SB. 2 ( 35 ) ; Surat. 1, 2, 5.
yhracata of Vinyavijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. (1) Tikā Anon. BK. No. 323 ; Hamsa.
Bengal. No. 7625; DB. 45 (50; 51 ); No. 512 ; SA. No. 512.
SA. No. 745 ; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 7. (III) J ETENT Anon. JG. p. 174 ( foll. 33
fawa9927 composed in Sam. 962 by only); perhaps the same as above.
Siddharsi, pupil of Durgasvāmin. Edited (IV) 3ÈTEIT in Prakrta, also called Dharmavidbi
by Peterson and Jacobi in the Bibliotheca (Be : dhammamabā ). -
Indica Series, 1899-1914. It is also (1.) Vrtti by Jayasimha sūri ; compare
published in the DLP. Series, No. 46, Patan Cat. I. p. 249. it
...Bombay, 1918, 1920. German Transla
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