PAPR. 15 (9); PAPS. 62 (9); PAS. Nos. 91 ; 96 ; cf. · Patan Cat. I. pp. 111 (quo. ms. dated Sam. 1294); 126; SA. Nos. 642 ; 1576; VA. 15 (6); VC. 12 (31 ;32); Vel. No. 1653.
(8) Vrtti (Be :-- pranamya srimahāvīram ) composed by Sricandrasuri, pupil of Dhanesvarasuri, pupil of Silabhadrasuri. The author's name before Dikşā was Parsvadevagaņi. DB. 21 (65); DC. p. 6; Jesal. No. 943.
(9) Vrtti called Kulapradipa (Grari. 2458). Bt. No. 24 ( 14 ).
(10) Visamapadaparyāyamañjari by Akalankadevasuri. Bt. No. 24 (9); JG. p. 28 ; PAZB. 10 (10)
(11) Vrtti by Tilakācārya (Gram. 550 ). Baroda. No. 678; Bt. No. 24 ( 15 ); Chani. No. 683; JG. p. 28; Keith. No. 54 ; Patan Cat. I. p. 126.
(12) Vrtti by Taruņaprabhasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha, composed (Gram. 7000) in Sam. 1411 (acc. to JG.). Bt. No. 24 (26); JG. p. 24. Bt.'s date Sam. 1331 is evidently wrong.
(13) Vicāra (in about 50 Gāthās ). Bt. No. 24 ( 23 ); Flo. No. 555.
(14) Curņi by Saubhāgya (Gram. foll. 178). JG. p. 28.
(15) Bhāsya by Devendrasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. This is metrical. This is one of the three Bhāşyas known usually by the name 'Bhāsyatraya.' This contains 63 Gāthās. The other two Bhāsyas are Guruvandana-Bhasya and PratyakhyānaBbāsya. Compare Vel. No. 1601. For other references see under Bbāsyatraya. Agra. Nos. 273; 277; Bengal. No. 7643; Bhand. V. No. 1190; VI. Nos. 1150; 1230 ; 1269, BK, No. 460 ; Bt. No. 24 (24); Buh. VIII. No. 390 ; DA. 56 ( 55 to 89 ); DB. 17 ( 7; 8; 29); DC. pp. 17 ; 54 (dated Saxi. 1329); Hamsa.
Nos. 277; 666 ; 783; JA. 11 (1); Jesal. Nos. 52; 1870 ; JG. p. 26; Kundi. No. 295; Limdi. Nos. 811; 1133 ; 1288; PAP. 5 ( 30 ); 45 (24); 64 (6); Pet. I. A. pp. 14; 64 (dated Samvat 1290); IV. No. 1240; V. Nos. 691; 787, PRA. Nos. 339; 1268 (11); SA. No. 833; SB. 1 ( 33 ); VD. 13 ( 28 ); Vel. No. 1601 ; Weber. II. Nos. 1916-1918.
( 16 ) Bhāsyasanghācāra-Vrtti (Gram. 8500) composed before Sam. 1327 ), by Dharmaghosasuri, (earlier name Dharmakirti, pupil and successor of Devendra, the author of the Bhāsya. BK. No. 460 ; Bt. No. 24 (25); DB. 17 (7; 8;29); 33 (51); DC. p. 17 (dated Sam. 1329; this is probably the author's own copy ); 54 ; JA. 11 (1); Jesal. No. 52; Kundi. No. 294 ; PAP. 5 (30); Patan Cat. I. p. 94 ; Pet. I. A. p. 14 ; PRA. Nos. 339 ; 1268 (11); SB. 1 ( 33 ).
(17) Bhāsya-Tikā ( Gram. 1027) by Somasundarasuri, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tapā Gaccha. For other mss. see under Bhāsyatraya-Tikā (1). Bhand. V. No. 1190 ; BO. p. 61; Buh. VIII. No. 390 ; DB. 33 (36 ; 39 ); Hamsa. No. 882; Pet. V. No. 787; VD. 13 ( 28 ); Weber. II. Nos. 1917 ; 1918.
(18) Bhāsya-Tīkā by Jñānavimala. See also under Bhāsyatraya-Tikā (2). Bhand. VI. No. 1230, DB. 33 ( 40-43); Limdi. No. 1789.
(19) Bhāsya-Avacuri. Hamsa. No. 882; JG. p. 26 ; Pet. I. No. 263.
( 20 ) Bhāsya-Vārtika. Vel. No. 1601.
(21) Bhāsya-Vrtti Anon. Bt. No. 24 (12).
(22) Tikā Anon. DA. 56 (53Gram. 1180; 54); Limdi. Nos. 68 ;
1288 ; SA. Nos. 19; 2943. racealalt (about 50 stanzas ). Bt. No. 24
( 23 ); Flo. No. 555.
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