अन्यविभागः प्रथमः।
led in them. The house ga, becauset of
critically edited by Prof. H. R. Kapadia qaladtarget in Prakrta (Gram. 46 ) by Jinain the Gaek. 0. Series, No. 58, Baroda,
prabhasūri. JG. p. 365; PAPR. 12 (5). 1932. The shorter Jinaendra-Caritra is
Perhaps this is a part of the Tirthakalpa. published in the Appendix Ka of the (1) qoraafts also known as Citrasenapadmā. Gaek. O. S. editon. The longer recension
vaticaritra, composed by Pathaka Rājais called Padmānanda Kāvya, because it
vallabha, pupil of Mahicandrasüri of the was composed at the special request of
Dharmaghosa Gaccha. The work conthe minister Padma. The shorter Jinen
tains 511 Sanskrit Slokas and was comdracuritra contains the lives of all the 24
posed in Sam. 1524. It is published by Jinas, while the longer one contains only
Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1924. the life of the first Jina. At the end of
Baroda. No. 1787; Bhand. V. No. the 18th Sarga, it is described as
1283 ; Bod. No. 1416 ; Buh. II, No. Vrsabbadevacaritabhidhano grantah. BK.
349, Cal. X. No. 58; Chani. No. 734 No. 32; DB. 25 ( 1;2); JA, 72 (1;2);
DA. 50 (26 ; 27; 28; 29; 30; 31; 38 ); Jesal. No. 1313 (palm ms.); JG. p. 331;
DB. 31 (11; 12); JHB. 32, Kath, No. PAP. 18 (3); 35 (1); PAZB. 9 ( 24 );
1333; Limdi. Nos. 533; 1116 ; 1422 ; Pet. I. No. 285;1. A. p. 2( dated Sam.
Mitra. VIII. p. 232 ; PAP. 17 (50); 1297); PRA. Nos. 275; 1138 , VA. 11
63 (5); 76 (104); PAPS. 62 ( 19 ); (7); VC. 8 ( 30 ); VD. 9 ( 15).
63 (1); 80 (91); Pet. III. A. p. 215; (1) Vrtti (Gram. 6281 ). JG. p.
Vel. No. 1747. 331.
(II) qaraarafta See Citrasenapadmăvaticaritra. (2) Tippana by Harsa vardhana Upā (III) qaracteria by Padmasena. Bengal. No. dhyāya, pupil of Jinavardbamāna (?).
1518. PRA. No. 275.
(IV) qaraduft Anonymous. Agra. No. 1661. a zafarsifat by Kundakunda. Bengal. No.
SG. No. 1618 ( a palm ms.). 1523 ; see Pancavimsatikā.
qaractera by Harsaságara. Pet. VI. No. 575. a mah also called Vairāgyasataka, or Dhana
arafareta SA. No. 705. devasataka. It was composed by Pad
Eraggi by Bhojasangha. CP. p. 665. mānanda, son of Dhanadeva Srāvaka,
(1) pupil of Jinavallabhasuri. Bhand. VI.
afara by Viśālakirti. Idar. 78. No. 1198; Chani. No. 301 ; DB. 22 (78; (II) qaragarrara Anonymous. CP. p. 665 ; 79); JG. p. 209; SA. No. 340.
Pet. VI. No. 575. garaat Bengal. No. 6799.
qergatoa Anonymous. Bhand. V. No.
1203; VI. No. 1003; CP. p. 665; (I) garraata of Mallisenasūri. See Bhairava
Kath. No. 1099; Pet. VI. No. 673. padmavatikalpa. DB. 21 (78); JG. p.
in Bengal. No. 7244. 364; KB. 5 ( 29).
Tractamen Limdi. No. 1614. (II) qarganen (Gram. 1163) by Nandisena
sena araathaalaeals Bengal. No. 7427; JG. p. (Mallisena ?). PAPR. 12 (5).
283 ; Pet. VI. No. 575; Panjab. No. (III) grade of Jinaprabha. See Padmāvati
1573, SG. No. 111. catuspadi. SA. No. 543.
(I) qalgatata by Prthvibhūsana. JG. p. 283; (IV) quatre Anonymous. KN. 15; Punjab.
Pet. IV. No. 1445; V. No. 747. No. 1569 , SA. Nos. 508 ; 543.
(II) qeradeats Anonymous. AD. Nos. 75; qarata Pet. VI. No. 575.
112; 153 ; Bengal. Nos. 7085; 7324;
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