प्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
1284 ; 1285 (dated Sam. 1445 ); Mitra.
110 ff. Bombay, 1936. Agra. Nos. 934; X. p. 124.
1977-1979; Bhand. V. Nos. 1194 ; FATETIT also called Brhadyogasāra. CP. p. 646.
1195; DA. 40 ( 3; 9); 75 (2), DB. MONAFTE in 46 Sanskrit Slokas by Vădirāja
23 ( 36-40); Kaira. B. 191 , Limdi. süri, son of Pomarāja. This Vadiraja
No. 1506 ; PAPR. 12 (11); PAPS. 63
(20); Pet. IV. No. 1254 ; PRA. No. wrote a commentary on the Vāgbhatalarikāra in Sam. 1729; cf. JH. Vol. VS. No.
1330; SA. Nos. 56; 88; 314 ; 757; 12. He is thus different from the author
1745, SB. 2 ( 44 ; 72 ); Surat. 1, 5, 7, of Pārsvanāthacarita and Yasodharacarita.
VC. 5 (3); Vel. No. 1608. The Stotra is published in the MDG.
(1) Tīkā Svopajña, called Dipikā
(Gram. 3800). DA. 40 (9), PAPS. Series, No. 21, Bombay, Sam. 1979. SG. No. SS.
63 (20); SB. 2 (72); VC. 5 (3). ga
(2) Tikā composed in Sam. 1796 by ie composed by Ajaya, grandson of Asa da,
Devecandra, Pupil of Dīpacandra of the author of the Upadesakandali. It is a work
Kharatara Gaccha. DA. 40 (3); 75 (2) on Jain Philosophy and is mentioned in
DB. 23 (36); JG. p. 104; PRA. No. the Prasasti to his commentary on Upadesakandali by Bālacandra ; cf. Pet. V. A.
1330 ; SA. No. 56. p. 49, verse 20. No ms. of this work is
(3) Tikā composed in Sam. 1954, by so far available except Surat. 8.
Gāmbhiravijayagani, pupil of Vrddhi
vijayagani of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. No. a composed in Sam. 1959 by Hirālāla.
415; PAPR. 12 (11); SA. No. 314. PAPR, 18 (3).
(4) Tīkā Anon. Agra. No. 1979 ; (1) Tart in two chapters composed by Matinanda
SB. 2 (44); Vel. No. 1608. nagani, pupil of Dharmacandragaņi, pupil
(I) grategięgach composed in Sam. 1648 by of Jinasāgarasuri of the Kharatara Gac
Vädicandrasuri, pupil and successor of cha. PRA. No. 346.
Prabhācandra, succssor of Jnānabhūsaņa (II) ज्ञानसार composed at Ambaka on the 9th day
of the Sarasvati Gaccha. Bengal. No. of the bright-half of Srāvana in Sam.
1536; BK. No. 659; CC. I. p. 210; 1086 by a Digambara writer called
CP. p. 646 ; Padma. 118, 119, Pet. II. Padmasimha Muni. It is in Präkrta and
No. 267 , III. No 495 ; VI. No. 664, contains 62 Gāthās in all. It is published
PRA. No. 342; SG. No. 2011 ; Tera. 19, with a Sanskrit rendering in the MDG.
20; 21; 22. Series, No. 13, Bombay, Sam. 1975.
(JI) ज्ञानसूर्योदयनाटक of Hastimalla Kavi AK. (III) FATE in 32 Astakas and hence called Astaka
No. 1016. Prakarana or Astakadvātrisat, composed by Yasovījayagani, pupil of Nayavijaya of
arafatigu by Caraṇadāsa. Bengal. No. 6947. the Tapā Gaccha. It is published with Garn. a1$97 in 28 Sanskrit stanzas. Bt. No. 620: DR
35.( 172 ); JG. pp. 111; 179; Hamsa. bhiravijaya's commentary by the JDPS.
No. 392 ; Patan Cat. I. pp. 105 (quota. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1969; and with Devacandra's commentary by the JAS., Bha
tion) ; 175. vnagar, in No. 38 of their Series, 1918.
altar GÌAT in Sanskrit. Hamsa. The text is also published in the Muktika
No. 755. mala Jaina Mohanamāla, Baroda, Vir Sam. gar90 in 84 Gathās in Prākrta composed by 2447 ( Series No. 17); and by Ksamāvi
Haribhadrasuri. This is translated as Nānā. jayagaņi in Srutajñāna Amidhārā, p. ! citra by Weber. II. p. 987 and Peterson
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