श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः ।
कुन्दकुन्दपञ्च नामकथा List (8. J.) grafarmaco JG. p. 159. See Pravacana
pariksi. gree of Dharmasagaragani. Buh. II. No. 186. See Pravacanapariksa.
gr Limdi. No. 530. gryer of Manikyasiri. See Nalayana Mahaka
कुमताहिविषजाङ्गुलिमन्त्र otherwise called Hitopades, camposed in Sarh. 1677 by Ratna candragani, pupil of Santicandragani of the Tapa Gaccha. This work is mention ed by Ratnacandra in the Prasasti to his commentary on Adhyatmakalpadruma. (III) Chani. Nos. 66; 67; DA. 76 (14), DB. 20 (64), JG. p. 159; Hamsa. No. 1084, Limdi. No. 1179; PAPR. 15 (4), PAPS. 65 (85); Surat-5.
कुमतिस्थापक KB 1 (63).
gafaweza KB. 1 (62); SA. No. 490. कुमतिविषउत्तारणजाङ्गुलिमन्त्र the same as Kumatihiviṣajangulimantra. DB. 20 (64). कुमतिशिखामात्रस्वाध्याय of Mānavijaya. Chani. No. 971, SA. No. 2999. कुमारतिलककाव्य SB. 2 (162). कुमारदेवमवन्ध JG. p. 214.
gareteft is a Präkta poem in 8 cantos, des cribing the life of King Kumarapala and at the same time illustrating the rules of Prakṛta grammar composed by Hema candra. It is published in the Bombay S. Series, 1900. This poem is really the second part of the Dvyasrayakävya composed by Hemacandra, to illustrte his Sabdanusasana, the first part illustrating Sanskrit grammar being usually known as the Dvyasrayakavya (s v. ). Agra. No. 2896.
(1) garceaft () in Prakrta (Gram- 950) by Hariścandra, pupil of Prthvicandrasuri. JG. p. 213; PAS. No. 98.
(II) garcraft (re) in 10 cantos (Gra 6307), composed in Samh. 1422, by Jaya
Jain Education International
simbasuri, pupil of Mahendrasiri of the Krsnarsi Gaccha. It is published by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1915 and by Godiji Jain Upasraya, at Bombay, 1926. See also M. D. Desai, Jaina Sahityano Itihasa, p. 440. Bhand. IV. A. pp. 6 and 313 (This is a Patan ms. examined by the author i.e. Dr. Bhandarkar); V. No. 1274; VI. No. 1300; BK. No. 467; DA. 50 (23); DB. 30 (28; 47); Hamsa. No. 357; PAP. 30 (25); 47 (11), 65 (13); PAPR. 15 (5); SA. No. 1775; Surat. 1, 5; VA. 5 (28); VB. 7 (4); VC. 4 (11).
ft (4) composed in Sari. 1487 by Caritrasundaragani, pupil of Ratnasirihasüri. This is published by the JAS. Bhavanagar, (Series No. 57), Sam. 1973. Chani. No. 508; JG. p. 213; Kath. No. 1357.
(IV) कुमारपालचरित्र ( काव्य ) in mixed prose and verse by Dhanaratna in Sam. 1537; compare Sadhanasamagri by Muni Jina vijaya p. 32.
garcareafter (m) by Somavimala. Patan Cat. I. Intro. 44. P. HATCASE() (metrical) by Somacandragani (Gram. 6300). VB. 8 (15). ArtSita (1) Anon. Agra. Nos. 1420;
garegresara in Präkṛta prose and verse composed in Sari 1241 by Somaprabha carya, pupil of Vijayasithhasüri, pupil of Ajitadeva of the Brhad Gaccha. The work is also called Jinadharmapratibodha and Hemakumaracaritra. It is published in the Gaek. O. Series No. 14, Baroda, 1920; cf. Winternitz, History, II. p. 570. For a review of its contents, see Alsdorf, Alt und New Indische Studien, Hamburg, 1928, p. 8. A discussion of the Pradyotakatha from this book at Annals, BORI., Vol. II. pp. 1-21. Chani. No. 175; Pet. V. A. pp. 24; 37, PRA. No 365.
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