ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
it contains unda's works, and (3) the
magistreta %3 ( 26 ; 29
Sam. 1160. AM. 300; Bhand. V. No.1 Surat, 1917. Also in the Jain Atma Vira 1215, VI. No. 1232; BK. No. 170;
Series, No. 5, Bhavnagar, 1917. Bt. No. 205, Hamsa. No. 507 ; JG. p. (I) Erker Limdi. No. 569, Surat. 1, 2. 186, PAP. 22 (5), PAPR. 11 (1); (II) ECETE of Aparăjita. This is mentioned PAS. No. 1090; PAZB. 3 (8); Pet. V.
by Rājasekhara. See Krishnammachariar, A. p. 165; PRA. No. 1090; Surat. 1;
History of Sanskrit Literature, p. 445.. VA. 14 (3); VB. 6 (13).
TEğerafta DB. 43 ( 98 ) ; Hamsa. No. 1542. GAZETATA Idar. 170.
ITETETA JG. p. 257. Frant See Acārānga Sūtra (II) by Vatterakā
Frigaafta in Prākrta. JG. p. 230. cārya. It is regarded as a sort of compilation by a little known author called
EgaHellasca in the Apabhramsa language. It Vatteraka, who is surely different from
contains 60 stanzas and is also called Kundakunda, according to Mr. Parama
Mrgāputrasandhi. JG. p. 186; Pet. V. nanda Jaina Shastri. He points out how
A. P. 68 ( quotations). it contains a large number of Gäthäs from zeifa See above. JG. p. 186. (1) Kundakunda's works, (2) Avaśya- galeria is the 15th chapter of the Uttarakaniryukti of Bhadrabāhu and (3) the
dhyayanasūtra. Limdi. No. 930. Arādhanā of Sivakoti among others. See raaisel by Hiravijayasuri (Gram. 800);
Anekānta, Vol. II. pp. 319-324. Fierig by Sakalakirti. It is in 12 chapters waait Anonymous. Pet. I. A. p. 83 ; VB. 28 and is probably based on Vatteraka's
(14). work; for quotations, cf. SGR. V. p.52 ff. ad in Präkrta. JG. p. 202 ; Pet. V. For mss., see Acärānga Sutra (No. II)
No. 641. Tikā No. (3). The work seems to have (I) gaalalta by Devaprabhācārya of the Malabeen composed in Sam. 1481. See SGR.
dhāri Gaccha (Gram. 2400 ). It is V. p. 56. Also see PR. No. 10.
edited by Hiralal Hamsaraj Jamnagar, UITTETU by Sivakoti. See Arādhanā (V.)
1909. Agra. Nos. 1507 ; 1508 ; 1677 ; ita in 83 Gāthās by Padmakumära. JG.
Buh. VI. No. 757 ; DA. 50 (123 ; 124); p. 230.
DB. 31 (135; 136); DC. p. 52; JG. reria of Harnsadeya, a protege of King
p. 230; JHA. 51; PAP. 42 (44); Saundadeva. It is in two parts, contain:
Pet. V. No. 798 (dated Sam. 1480); . ing a total of 1712 stanzas. It is a rare
VB. 28 ( 11 ); VD. 11 (3). work on Zoology and a ms. of it is (ID) alaita by Maladhari Hemacandra. This preserved in the palace Library of
appears to be a mistake. The work is Trivandram. The author is said to have
probably the same as above. VD. 11 (3). lived in the 13th century.
RHEIAT ( Vows to be taken by a Yati on the (1) aprice Anonymous. DB. 31 (145); deathbed ). CMB. 188; CP. p. 682.
Hamsa. No. 657; JG. p. 258; Surat. 7. FATTO Surat. 2, 5, 8. (II) TT& by Kanakakusalagani composed altofta by Jinaprabhasūri. Bengal. No. 6768. in Sar. 1667. BK. No. 1658.
(I) मेघदूत of Kalidasa. AE A T Agra. No. 1510; Hamsa. Nos. 654 ;
(1) Tikā by Asada mentioned by 1398 ; JG. p. 257.
Balacandra on Vivekamañjari; cf. Pet. Faits composed by Ķddhicandra. Published at
III. A. p. 102, v. 5. J.......40
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