sutra, as may appear from its title. Bhand. IV. No. 294 ; CP. p. 648 ; DLB. 21 ; Hum. 67 ; JG. p. 90; Idar. 43 ( 2 copies, one dated Sam. 1576 ; Pet. IV. No. 1426; SG. No. 2497 ;
Strass. p. 302. (1) aFarias also called Jinakalpi Sutra. It con
tains 10 chapters and a total of 107 Sūtras (Be :- saddrstijñānavrttātmā). It is ascribed to one Brhat Prabbācandra. For the only mauscriprt, see Anekānta, Vol. III. pp. 393 ff., 433 ff., where the text is wholly published with a Hindi
translation and explanation. (II) avaries also called Tattvärthadhigamasutra,
contains in ten chapteas, the principal doctrines of the Jainas. It is claimed by both the Digambaras and the Svetāmbaras. For a summary, compare S. Vidyabhusana, History o: Indian Logic, p. 168 ff. The author is Umāsvāti (Umāsvāmin according to the Digambaras; but this is incorrect; cf. Anekānta, I. p. 269-270). The Svopajñabhāsya expresses views which are opposed to thoge of the Digambaras; hence, they do not consider it to be the work of the author of the Sutras. Winternitz, History, II. p. 579, doubts 'whether the Digambaras are justified in claiming him as one of their own.' All authorities agree that he belongs to a period when the difference between the two sects had not yet become very sharp. It is to be noted however, that while there are only 2 or 3 Svetāmbara commentaries on the Sūtra, there are as many as 15 to 20 Digambara ones on it. The text of the Digambara commentators has 367 Sūtras, while that of the Svetambara ones contains only 344 Sütras ; cf. Anekānta, I. p. 587 ff. For a lucid discussion on the text of the Sūtra and the authorship of the Svopaiña Bhāsya etc. compare A. M.
Ghatage, B. U. J. Nov. 1935, p. 105. Also see Jainasatyaprakāsa, Vol. VI. p. 155 ff., for Prof. J. C. Jain's views on the matter. His contention is that the Svopajña Bbāsya was composed by Umāsvāti himself and was known as such to the author of the Rājavärtika. Both the text and the author's own Bhāsya are published in the RJS. Series, Bombay, 1906, as also in the Bibliotheca Indica Series, Calcutta, 1903-1905 and in the Arhatamataprabhākara Series, Poona, 1926. They are again carefully edited together with the commentary of Siddhasena and also Umāsvāti's own Sambandha Kārikās, 31 in number, accompanied by the commentary of Devagupta and Siddhasena at the beginning ), by Prof. H. R. Kapadia, in the DLP. Series, Nos. 67 and 76, Bombay, 19261930. The text with the Sarvārthasiddhi of Pujyapāda is published by Kallapa Nitve, Kolhapur, Sake 1839 ( 2nd ed.); with Rajavārtika of Akalanka in the Sanātana Jaina Granthamālā No. 4, Benares, 1915; and with the Slokavārtika of Vidyānandin by Mohanlal Shastri, in the Natharanga Jaina Granthamālā, 1918. It is also edited with introduction, translation and notes in English, in the Sacred Books of the Jainas, No. 2, by J. L. Jaini, Arrah, 1920. It is translated into German and explained by H. Jacobi, in ZDMG., Vol. 60, pp. 287, 512. AD. Nos. 4; 23 ; 41; 43; 51; 52; 112 ; 135; 149 ; 170; 186 ; Agra. Nos. 799 to 804 ; AK. Nos. 288 to 300; 303 ; Bengal. Nos. 1502 ; 1506; 6974; 7447 ; Bhand. V. Nos. 1068 to 1071 ; VI. Nos. 1000 ; 1001 ; BK. Nos. 132 ; 547 , BO. p. 32 ; Buh. VI. Nos. 593; 606; Chani. No. 915, CMB. 34 ; 57; 160; CP. p. 649 ; DA. 30 (1-4); DB. 15 (3-5; 8);
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