Bengal. No. 7599; Bhand. III. No. Falfettuare composed in Saka 1246 by Jinapra452, Buh. II. No. 308; DA. 44 ( 13 to
bhasuri. Limdi. No. 1705. 16 ); DB. 26 ( 13; 14); JG. p. 268 ; रुचितदण्डकस्तुति by Jinesvarasuri of the Kharatara Kiel. III. No. 169; Mitra. X. p. 134;
Gaccha. It is also called AdbhutadandkaPAPS. 57 (10); Pet. IIL No. 611;
stuti. Bhand. VI. No. 1166 ; KB. 1 Strass. p. 447 ; VB. 29 (9).
(34); Pet. VI. No. 618 = VI. A. p. (II) TATUUT See Trisastisalākāpuruşacaritra of
47 quotation); PRA. No. 219. Hemacandra, separately published, Poona,
(1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1624 by · 1890. See Winternitz, History, II,
Padmarāja, pupil of Punyasāgara of the p. 494.
Kharatara Gaccha. Bhand. VI. No. 1166; (III) TATUUT by Pampa Kavi. Padma. 66.
Pet. VI. No. 618 = VI. A. p. 47 Italyogtrot by Caturmukha Svayambhudeva. It
(quotation ), PRA. No. 219. is written in the Apabhramsa language.
nša language. sagia JG. p. 356. It was begun by Caturmukha Svayambhū and was completed by his son, Tribhu
5 12strafe by Namisādhu. See Kavyālankāra, vana-Svayambhū. It contains 90 Sandhis.
of Rudrata. Sandhis I and II of this poem are publish
(I) H13 by Punyanandana Upadhyāya. ed with brief notes by Prof. M. Modi at
Hamsa. No. 99 ; JG. p. 187; Pet. V. Bharatiya Vidyā, August, 1940, pp.
No. 813. 253-294. Bhand. V. No. 1120 (mg.
(1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1663 by dated Sam. 1521 ).
Samayasundara, pupil of Sakalacandra of
the Kharatara Gaccha. Bhand. V. No. tratantas Bhand. VI. No. 1003 ( 50 ).
No. 1219 (ms. dated Sam. 1664); TUHET Thrat in 25 cantos composed in Sam.
Hamsa. No. 99, JG. p. 187 ; Pet. V. No. 1615, by Padmasundara, pupil of Padma
813; PRA. No. 1031. meru, pupil of Anandameru. The author is a Digambara writer. JG. p. 332, Pet.
(II) ETATO composed in Sam. 1586 by PārsvaIII. A. p. 255, Vel. No. 1770 ( this ms.
candrasuri. Kath. No. 1411; PRA. No. contain the last cantos only of the
794. poem).
(III) ETAIGT Anonymous. tao* FTET JG. p. 270.
(1) Tikā composed in Sam. 1582
( netrasıddhjanacandra ) by Ratnaranga trauereiarę Limdi. No. 3266.
Upādhyāya. Bik. No. 1512. frEET TE (Gram. 300, Gathās 260 only) by
(2) Bälāvabodha. KB. 3 ( 22). Durgadeva who in the introduction pays homage to Mādhavacandra, Samyama
Eetgage by Jayakrsna. This seems to be a work deva and Samyamasena. It is in Prakrta
on metres. Agra. Nos. 2863; 2864 ; and was composed in Sarn. 1089 (cf.
Bengal No. 6987 ; Buh. VIII, No. 428. Gāthā 257); see JH. Vol. 12, p. 437. ETICH ET composed in Sam. 1644, by Baroda. No. 13190 ; Buh. VIII. No.
Rūpacandra, son of Gopāla. BK. No. 392; JG. p. 356 ; PRA, No. 932.
1368 ; JG. p. 312 ; Kiel. III. No. 170; frenuta in Prakrta (Gram 202 ; Be :- panamanta
SA. No. 258. surasurā). PR. No. 136.
(1) Tippana. SA. No. 258. wartoffertes by Chatrasena Acārya. Idar. 110. ETTARIAT Anonymous. VB. 30 (13).
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