(II) Anonymous. Limdi. No.
1663. gracement by Devacandra. KB. 3 (57; Foll 40).
अन्यविभागः प्रथमः ।
प्रश्नोत्तररत्नाकर also called Senapraśna, composed by Subhavijayagani, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. The work contains four chapters and was composed during the reign of Vijayasenasiri. In it the author mentions the following works as his own--(1) Tarkabhāṣāvārtika; (2) Kavyakalpalatamakaranda; (3) Syä dvadabhasa with Vrtti, and (4) Kalpakalpalatä-Vṛtti. PRA. 253. The work is published in the DLP. Series, No. 51, Bombay, 1919. Its Grarh. is 4387. Agra. (1) No. 2304, Baroda. No. 2876; BK. No. 1766; DA. 36 (30; 31; 32), 76 (1); DB. 20 (3; 4); JG. p. 164; Kaira. A. 49; Kath. No. 1399, Limdi. No. 1553, PAPR. 18 (14); PRA. No. 253; Punjab. Nos. 1818 1819; SA. Nos. 401; 1919; Surat. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, VC 15 (10), VD. 9 (19).
rafa by Abhayadeva. VC. 9 (18); see Praśnavyakaranasūtra.
(1) spares composed in Sam. 1672 (JHB Note) by Samayasundara of the Khara tara Gaccha. Mitra. VIII. p. 89; SB. 2 (85). See Sämäcärisataka (I).
(III) ca
(II) प्रश्नोत्तरशतक in Sanskrit composed in Satis. 1884, by Umedacandra, pupil of Kṣamakalyana of the Kharatara Gaocha, BK. No. 1818; Hamas. No. 458, PRA. No. (II) 313; SA. No. 2554.
Anonymous. DB. 20 (58), KB. 3 (57); Surat. 1.
(I) प्रश्नोत्तरभावकाचार by Rājamalla Pande. CP. pp. 673; 696. See Lati Samhita.
(II) प्रश्नोत्तरश्रावकाचार by Sakalakirti. See Dha
Jain Education International
also called Jayantiprasnottarasangraha
or Siddhajayanticaritra by Manatunga, pupil of Silagana, pupil of Dharmaghoga, pupil of Candraprabha of the Vata Gaccha. It is in Prakṛta and extracted from i. e., based on the 12th chapter of the Bhagavatisutra. Agra. No. 2289; Bt. No. 204; Hamsa. No. 546; JA. 57 (3, dated Sam. 1261); JG. p. 178; Pet. III. A. 37f. p.
(1) Tika (Gram. 6600) composed by Malayaprabhasüri, pupil of Manatungasuri the author, in Sam. 1260. Bt. No. 204; Hamsa. No. 546; JA. 57 (3); JG. p. 178, Pet. III. A. p. 37ff. (quotation, dated Sam. 1261).
storage also called Hiraprasna, compos
ed by Kirtivijayagani, pupil of Hiravijayasuri of the Tapä Gaocha. It is pub lished by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1917. Agra. Nos. 2299-2303, AM. 197, 224, Bhand. V. No. 1210, VI. Nos. 1218, 1219, Bik. No. 1603; BO.. p. 62, Chani. No. 392, DA. 36 (34) to 38); 76 (2); DB. 20 (5; 6); JB. 125; JHB. 54 (dated Sam. 1652), Kaira. A. 48, 101, Kath. No. 1400; KB. 3 (55); 5 (32); Limdi. No. 1250; Mitra. IX. p. 142; PAP. 18 (23, 30); PAPS. 81 (7); Pet. I. No. 297 (dated Sam. 1655); V. Nos. 774; 915; SA. Nos. 226; 1713; Surat. 1, 4, 7, 8; VB. 23 (4), VC. 15 (19); Vel. Nos. 1646 1647.
composed in Sam. 1886, by Dipavijaya. DB. 20 (29); Kaira. B. 160.
rmaprasnottars and Praśnottaropasakā (1) garis composed in Sarh. 1851, by
Kamakalyana, pupil of Amṛtadharma of the Kharatara Gaccha. It contains ans
cer SB. 2 (62; foll. 165).
प्रश्नोत्तरसारसंग्रह in Prakrta by Samayasundara Upadhyaya of the Kharatara Gaocha. Hamsa No. 1567.
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