stiferasmatte: 1 Euardia by Vijayatilaka Upadhyāya of the 35 (95); PAP. 45 (7), PAS. No. 418 Kharatara Gaccha. JHB. 47; Mitra. III.
cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 159 ( quo.); SA. No. p. 101, PAPR. 16 (5).
539; Surat. 1, 5, 7. (1) # sta! composed by Somamandanagaņi,
(2) Vivarana by Nemicandragani. BK. pupil of Munisundarasuri of the Tapā
No. 363; DA. 60 (17; 18); DB. 35 Gaccha ( see Yugādidevadesanã and Adi
(97); JG. p. 281 ; PAP. 19 ( 44 ); 37 jinadharmadeśanā). Baroda. No. 3001 ;
(12); PAS. (cf. Patan Cat. I. p. 385; Surat. 1.
quotation). (II) #Theta by Munisundarasüri; probably the
(3) Tikā Anon ( Be :--natvā jinensame as above. VC. 3 (18).
draviram ). Mitra. IX. p. 171. (III) #THETAT Anon. SA. No. 904.
(4) Avacuri by Mahimerugani. DB. 35
(96). ऋषभनाथचरित्र See Rsabhadevacaritra.
(5) Avacūri by Dharmasekhara. Buh. 5 5722119TET also called Dhanapālapañcāsikā, com
III. No. 148 ; DB. 35 (99); JG. p. 281; posed by Dhanapala Kavi, brother of Sobha
PAPS. 43 (8) ; 45 (19). namuni. It is in Prākrta and is published
(6) Avacuri. Anon. Agra. Nos. 1910; in Kavyamālí, VIL p. 124. It is edited
1911 ; DA. 60 (19); DB. 35 (98); Flo. and translated into German by Klatt, in
No. 667; JG. p. 281 ; Weber. II. No. ZDMG., Vol. 33. p.445. ff. It is also publish
1966. ed by the JDPS; Bhavnagar, with a commentary and Gujrati explanation. It is
(7) Tabă composed in Sam. 1744 by again recently edited by Prof. H.R. Kapadia
Jitavimala. PAPS. 45 ( 41). in the DLP. Series, No. 83, Bombay. #THAIETAT FATET in Sanskrit, modelled after the Agra. Nos. 1902 to 1907; 1909 to 1915;
Sivamahimnastotra of the Hindus. It was Baroda. No. 2828 ; Bhand. IV. No. 1111;
composed by Ratnasekharasūri of the BK. Nos. 342; 363; Bod. No. 1381
Tapa Gaccha. Published in Prakarana(2); Bt. No. 129; Buh. III. No. 148 ;
ratnākara, Vol. II, by Bhimsi Manek, Chani. No. 539 ; DA. 60 (17-22); DB.
Bombay. SA. No. 1768. 35 (95-101 ); Flo. No. 667; Hamsa. #haitraa in 39 Sanskrit stanzas praising Rsabha No. 574; JG. p. 281; JA. 107 (6);
and Vira Jinas, jointly. Composed by Kiel. II. No. 73 ; Limdi. Nos. 1218;
Santicandra Vācaka, pupil of Sakalacandra 1344 ; Mitra. IX. p. 171 ; PAP. 19
of the Tapā Gaccha, in imitation of (44); 37 (12); 45 (7); PAPS. 43
Nandişeņa's Ajitaśāntistava. The various (8); 45 (19; 41); PAS. No. 418;
metres are faithfully copied by our (cf. Patan Cat. I. pp. 30, 129, 159, 177,
author from the original. It is published 300, 302, 305, 440); Pet. I. A. pp. 85;
in Prakaranaratnākara, Vol. III, by 92; III. A. p. 28; V. No. 646 ; VI. No.
Bhimsi Manek, Bombay. Also see W. 626; SA. Nos. 539; 880; 1649; Samb.
Schubring, ZII. 1923, p. 178ff., where it Nos. 29; 231 ; Surat. 1, 5, 7, 8, 11;
is edited by the side of Nandisena's hymn. VD. 11 ( 23 ); Weber. II, No. 1966.
Hamsa. No. 893 ; SA. No. 883. (1) Tikā by Prabhānanda, papil of a composed in Sam. 1656 by Hemavijaya, Devabhadra (JG. p. 281 ). Baroda. No.!
pupil of Kamalavijayagani of the Tapā 8828 ; Bhand. VI. No. 1111, BK. No.
Gaccha. It was corrected by Läbhavijaya 342; Bt. No. 129 ; Chani. No. 539 , DB.'
Pandita. Agra. No. 1827; AZ. 3 (1);
metres from the orla ars, Vol.
dee W.
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