auf: 9944:1
#raftfool of Sadhuranga Upadhyāya. See
(3) Vrtti composed by Devabhadra, Sütrakıtāngasutra-tikā. No. (5).
pupil of Dharmaghosa, pupil of Candra(II) Frafatger of Udayasagara. See Snātrpan
prabhasuri (Gram. 527), JA, 108 (2); cāsika,
JG. p. 179; Kundi. No. 322; Limdi.
No. 78; PAPR. 18 ( 40 ). FFU walaury of Bhăvavijaya in Sam. 1679. Publi
(4) Vrtti called Ratnamahodadhi shed at Calcutta, 1875.
(Gram. 8000 ) commenced by Cakreśvara EF#raquafástierait of Devendra (?), or Haribhadra
and finished by his grand-pupil Tilakā. (?). Bengal. No. 7264 ; DA. 76 (76);
cārya in Sam. 1277; cf. DI. p. 36. DB. 34 ( 59 to 65 ); Hamsa. No. 925;
BK, No. 169; Bt. No. 185; Chani. No. JG. p. 139 ; Limdi. No. 775; SA. No
718; DB. 16 (32); DC. p. 55; Hamsa. 2001 ; Vel. Nos. 1695; 1696 : 1697.
Nos. 29, 361; JG. p. 191; PAP. 68 (1) Avacūri. Bengal. No. 7264 ; DA.
(6); PRA. No. 1089; Punjab. No. 76 ( 76 ) ; DB. 34 ( 59 tv 62 ); JG. p.
2821 ; SA. No. 875; Tapa. 318. 139; Vel. No. 1697.
(5) Tikā. Anonymous. ( Be :-namah acciat in 180 stanzas, composed in Sam.
srivardhamānāya). AM. 136; JG. p. 1813 by Vibudbavimala, pupil of Kirti
179. vimala of the Tapā Gaccha. It is publish
(6) Vrtti (Gram. 12000) containing ed in the DLP. Series, No. 28, Bombay,
stories in Prākrta. Bt. No. 186; JG. p. 1915. Agra. No. 860; BK. No. 1303 ;
191. Buh. II. No. 253; DB. 29 ( 65), JG. p. 1799a915 is an interior compilation based on 190 ; Limdi. No. 539; VD. 14 (1).
the different original works and commen(1) Svopajñabālāvabodha. BK. No.
taries on Jain religion and philosophy. Its 1303.
author is unknown; for a brief analysis, see Ardfragato also called Darsanasuddhi (Be ;
J. Mukhtar, Anekānta, Vol. II. pp. 538pattabhavannavatiram. ). composed by
542. Buh. VI. No. 777 ; JG. p. 191. Candraprabhasuri. Agra. No. 1271; AM. Ayawaat Hamsa. No. 304. 136; Bik. No. 1652; BK. No. 169; Chani.
(1) Avacūri. Hamsa. No. 304. Nos. 309; 718; DB. 16 ( 32 ); Hamsa.
सम्यक्त्व महोदधि See. Samyaktvaratnamahodadhi. Nos. 29; 361; JA. 62 (1); 82(1); 108
SB. 2 ( 80, foll. 146 ); Surat. 1, 5. (2); JG. pp. 190; 191; Kandi. No. 322; Limdi. Nos, 78; $65; PAP. 68 (6);
#TAIGI SB. 2 ( 99, foll. 14). PAPL. 5 (29; 34); PAPR. 18 ( 40); FeatraGu SB. 2 ( 97, foll. 314); Surat. PAZB. 3 ( 4 ); Pet. I. A. p. 41; III. A. . 1, 5. p. 145; SA No. 875; Tapa. 318. सम्यक्त्व रत्नमहोदधि of Cakresvara and Tilakācārya. (1) Brhadyrtti. Svopajūa (Be :
See Samyaktvaprakarana, Com. No. 4. yadvaktrāmbhoja vāpyah ). JA. 62(1);
FaxTiergtata by Siddhasüri. Agra. No. Pet. III. A. p. 145.
1272; Hamsa. No. 1349; JG. p. 146. (2) Tīkā, composed in Sam. 1184
| सम्यक्त्व लक्षण another name of Samyaktvaprakasa ; (Be :-cancaccandra) by Vimalagasi,
see Anekanta, Vol. II. p. 539 (quotation). pupil of Dharmaghosasuri. Chani. No. #*#afan Anonymous. Bengal. No. 7204. 309; JA. 82 (1); JG. p. 179; PAZB.
(1) Tikā by Kamalasımyma. Kundi. 3 ( 4 ), Pet. I. A. p. 41.
No. 21. J....54
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