stiftrarea: 1
(III) of Anonymous. Kap. No. 566.
(1) Țikā called Dhumāvalikā by TUTTEUTETTT composed in Sarn. 1893. BK. No.
Silānka. BK No. 1828; Bt. No. 638. 419.
(2) Tīkā (Gram. 250 ) called Kusuogwartaa is a collection of 110 Prākrta Gāthas
māñjali by Samudrasuri. Bt. No. 639. regarding the Paryuşaņāparvan, composed (I) qaqat of Santisūri Vadivetāla. The work is by Dharmasāgaragaại, pupil of Vijaya
otherwise called Snapanavidhi. Bt. No. senasüri of the Tapā Gaccha. BK. No.
637. This is the same as above i. e., 538 ; DB. 8 (7; 8); JG. p 162 ; SA
Parvapaficāśikā. No. 566 ; Vel. No. 1847.
(II) qe of Silācārya. JG. p. 149. This is (1) Vrtti Svopajña. BK. No. 538;
Silācārya's commentary on the ParvaBuh. IV. No. 166; DB. 8 ( 7; 8); SA.
pañjikā or Parvapañcāśikā (s. v.). No. 566 ; Vel. No. 1847.
qarraradt also called Pañcaparvi, is a story in 621 (1) qggoreriggrauanta composed in Sam 1789
Sanskrit stanzas. It was composed in by Nandalala at the command of Jina
Sam. 1478, by Jayasāgaragani, pupil of bhaktisuri. Kap. No. 563.
Jinarājasuri and Jinavardhanasuri of the ( II) पर्युषणाष्टाह्निकाव्याख्यान of Ksamakalyana of
Kharatara Gaccha. Other works of the the Khare.tara Gaccha. Punjab. No.
author are Prth vicandracaritra (in Sam. 1596 ; see Astāhnikāvyakhyāna.
1503 ), and Vijñaptitriveni (in Sam. (III) पर्युषणाष्टाहकाच्याख्यान of Laksmivijaya, pupil
1484). BK. No. 232; Bub. IV. No. of Subhavijaya of the Tapā Gacche. He
167 ( dated Sam. 1546 ) , KB. 3 ( 41 ); is a recent writer who wrote his Prasnot
PRA. Nos. 327; 874. tarapradipa in A. D. 1903. Both the
Telera Agra. Nos. 1703 ; 1704 ; 1705. works are published with Gujrati translation by Bhogilal Kalidas, Ahmedabad,
qaraar by Dayāvardhanagani. JG. p. 162 ; Pet. 1909. The first is also published in the
IV. No. 1339. See RatnasekhararatnaJAS. Series, No. 26, Bhavnagar, Sam.
vatīkathā. 1971.
Vefasiasta JG. p. 209. (IV) patrí TEUTETTA Anon. Kap. No. 564. qaragine Agra. No. 1702. q ueefaat Bod. No. 1372 (2); Kath. Nc. Totaart DB. 23 ( 29 ); JG. p. 355. 1281.
TEI CESTIT JG. p. 355. g onfula of Harsabhūsaņagani (Gram 258 ).
T argera Bub. VI. No. 634. See Paryuşaņāvicāra. JG. p. 162; PAPS. 15 ( 22 ); SA. No. 866.
Terrazas by Ratnanandin. Bhand. IV. No.
No. 302 ; Pet. IV. No. 1449. (1) #ker in Prākrta. Kaira. B. 151. ( II ) qaer or the Caitri Vyākhyāna in Sanskrit. (1) Telangagter by Srutasā gara. Kath.
No. 1335; Tera. 35. (I) qa Y E by Ksamakalyana. See Dasapar- (II) veuiangalia by Gopala. Idar. 74. vakathā.
|(I) telautalarga by Anantakirtī. Idar. 74 (II) qayde Anonymous. Agra. No. 170!;
(ms. dated Sam. 1664). JHB. 35 ( 2c.).
(II) qayfartyga by Subhacandra. This is geliariaate of Dayāvardhana. Hamsa. No. 1510
also called Palyavratodyäpana or PalyoSee Ratnasekhararatnavatikathā.
pamavidhāna and is mentioned under the पर्वपञ्चाशिका also called Snātravidhi by Santisuri last name as his own work by Subha. Vādivetāla. BK, No. 1828; Bt. No.
candra in his Pandavapurāņa (s. v.). 637
Idar. 74 ( 7c.); 162; 179 , List (Dehli
Ahmed.transa parete
also pub
oiab. No. 1602... See Daśapar
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