अम्थविभागः प्रथमः ।
No. 1928; Buh. VII, No. 20 ; DC. p.
No. 1168, Bik. No. 1594; DA. 10 (45); 39 (Nos. 313, 315 ); Hamsa. No. 1372;
27 (36-37); Hamsa. No. 19; JG. p. 47; Jesal. No. 148; JG. p. 159 ; Kundi. No.
Limdi. No. 525; PAP. 23 (30), PAPS. 393 ; PAP. 7 ( 34 ); PAZB. 13 (3);
81 (2); Pet. VI. No. 579 ; Weber. II. PRA. No. 1130 ; Pet. VI. No. 565.
No. 1870 (8); 1871 ( 9 ). (2) Tīkā based on No. (1) and com T a ggia Bengal. No. 7498. This is perhaps posed by Sarvarājagani, pupil of Jine
the same as the above mentioned Prakiśvarasuri of the Kharatara Gaccha.
rņaka. Baroda. No. 2106 ; BK. No. 387 , Chani. Taaraan of Sripati, Non--Jain. No. 295 ; DB. 22 (104); JHA. 39;
(1) Vrtti by Simhatilaka. Bt. No. Mitra. X. p. 52, PAZB. 14 (19); SA.
568. This is edited in the Gaek. O. Series, No. 293 ; Weber. II. No. 1979.
No. 78, by H. R. Kapadia, Baroda, 1937. (3) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1676 by forafango See Ganavidyāprakirnaka. Padmamandiragani. JHA. 39.
TOGETT of Yallācārya. Rice. p. 318. ( 4 ) Vrtti. Anon. Jesal. Nos. 405; 484;
AEITENE of Mahāvīra, a Digambara writer who KB. 3 ( 52 ).
quotes Sridbara and lived at the time of गणधरसार्धशतकसार in Sanskrit prose. This is an
Amoghavarsa, the Rāstraküta prince, in abridgment of Sumatigani's commentary
the middle of the 8th century A. D. The by Caritrasirnbagani, a pupil of Sumati
work is published with English translation gani. Published by Chunilal Pannalal,
by Rangacarya, Madras, 1912. AD. No. Bombay, 1916, for the Jinadattasūri
65 , AK. Nos. 177 ; 180, 181; 925; Bhandar, Surat.
Bhand. V. No. 1154; CC. I. p. 143; TUTTTTT in Prākrta. JG. p. 276.
II. pp. 28; 196 ; CP. p. 636; Hum. TOTUTTI in 29 Prākrta stanzas by a Jain author.
32; 99; 124 ; Idar. 154 ; IO. No. 2880;
KO. 222; MHB. 38 ; Mud. 85; 329; Patan Cat. I. p. 81 ( quotation ).
Mysore. I. p. 49; II. p. 184 ; III. p. 106; गणरत्नमहोदाध a well known work on Grammar,
Padma. 33; PR. Nos. 138; 163; 165; composed in Sam. 1196 by Vardhamāna,
166 ; Rice. p. 318, SA. No. 748 ; SG. pupil of Govindasūri. Bhand. VI. No.
Nos. 928; 1526; Vel. Nos. 229; 230. 1364 ; BO. p. 89; Bt. No. 472 ; CC. I.
(1) Tikā by Varadarāja. CP. p. 636. p. 142 ; II. pp. 28; 196 ; III. p. 30; DA.
(2) Tikā. Anon. PR. No. 138. 63 ( 48 ) ; IO. Nos. 915-917; JHA. 72; 2669r in Prākrta. Agra. No. 1638 ; JG. p. KB. 5 ( 24 ); SB. 2 ( 159 ); Surat. 5;
267. VB. 10 ( 53 ).
TOEPT Buh. IV. No. 241. (1) Vrtti Svopajña (Gram. 4200). Tartare in Sanskrit by Ponna Kavi, pupil of BO. p. 89; CC. I. p. 142 ; II pp. 28;
Indranandin. This is mentioned in the 196 ; III. p. 30; DA. 63 ( 48).
author's Knarese Santipurāņa ; compare Tofagyaror in 86 Gathās is sometimes called
JH. Vol. VIII. p. 189. Gaņitavidyāprakirņaka, as it deals with referalaro of Odayadeva Vādibhasir ba, pupil of astrological calculations etc. It is published
Puspasena. It is a romance in Sanskrit along with other Prakirņakas in the Aga-|
prose and treats of the story of Jivan. modaya Samiti Series, ( No. 46 ) Bombay,' dhara. It is edited by T. S. Kuppu1927. Bengul. No. 7498; Bhand. VI.!
swami Sastri, Madras, 1902. Compare E.
for Lidyaprumulati
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