श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः ।
BK. No. 358, Buh. VI. No. 835, DA., (III) orgessagen of Sakalakirti. Idar. 77; 177. 27 (94; 95); 74 (20); DB. 13 (58- (IV) agar Anon. Pet. V. No. 925. 61), JG. p. 62, JHA. 18; Hams. Nos. regenerare Pet. V. No. 925. 260; 619, PAP. 24 (38), PAPR. 1 (7); PAPS. 55 (9), Pet. V. A p. 161; PRA. No. 913; SA. Nos. 1573; 1695; VB. 10 (42); VC. 4 (27-28).
Chani. No. 868; JG. p. 84; Hamsa. No. 1319; PAP. 79 (26); SA. Nos. 1,9; 2613, 2893.
(1) Vrtti. Anon. Surat. 1 (913). Bengal. No. 6877.
cafe in Prakrta by Jayasirishasuri. Patan Cat. I. p. 31.
(2) Vrtti by Harṣakula (Gram. 1600). Bhand. VI. No. 1141, DA. 27 (96, 97), JHB. 21. This is probably the same as No. (1). Harṣakula was a Guru of Vijayavimala, ef. Kap. No. 385.
(3) Vṛtti by Malayagiri. Bah. VI. No. 835. This is a mistake. The author is Vijayavimala. PRA. No. 913.
(4) Tikā Anon. Agra. Nos. 453; 455; JG. 62, Hamsa. No. 1620; JHB. 21; KB. 1 (40); Limdi. No. 206, SA. Nos. 800; 1563. All these are probably the same as (1).
in Präkṛta, quoted in Gathasahasri. Pet. III. A. p. 284. गजसिंहपुराण Bik No. 1475. गजसिंहराज चरित Bah. VI. No. 713. गजसुकुमालमहामुनिकथा Bhand. VI. No. 1301. गजसुकुमालचतुष्पदी in Sarvat 1624, by a pupil of Ratnaprabha Vacaka of the Añcala Gaccha, during the spirtaal reign of Dharma
murtisuri. PRA. No. 586.
g in 9 Sanskrit Karikas. Limdi. No. 1698. गणधरवूढशतक by Somacandra. JG. p. 160. Probably this is a copy of Ganadharasardhakataka.
गणधरपादुकायजन by Nemidass Varnin, pupil of Candrakirti, successor of Nemicandra of the Musangha. PR. No. 149. Jourgfave Limdi. No. 1343.
naucasusuiqa by Pandit Asadhara. List (SJ.) FREE SG. No. 1695.
(1) saucamuger of Subbacandra. Idar. 162. (11) case of Śrutasagara. Idar. 192.
Jain Education International
arcerias in 150 Gathas composed by Jina
dattasuri, pupil of Jinavallabhasüri of the Kharatara Gaccha. See Bhand. III. A. p. 45ff, where a brief summary of the contents is given. The work describes the lives of the Jain pontiffs of the Kha ratara Gaccha. The author says that the title Kharatara was first conferred upon Jinesvara, the pupil and successor of Vardhamanasuri and the Gaccha owes its name to this fact. This is, however, repeatedly controverted by the followers of the Tapa Gaccha. The work is pub lished as an Appendix in Gaek. O. Series, No. 27, Baroda, 1927. It is also published with the commentary of Sarvarāja (No. 2) by Hiralal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1916. AM. 258; 307; Baroda. No. 2106, Bhand. VI. No. 1142; BK. Nos. 387, 1928, Chani. No. 295; DB. 22 (105); Flo. No. 705, Hamsa. No. 852; Jeasal. Nos. 148, 405; 484; JG. p. 159, Kath. No. 1359; KB. 3 (52); Kundi. No. 393, Limdi. No. 1288; Mitra. X. pp. 51, 52, PAP. 7 ( 34 ); PAZB. 13 (3), 14 (19), Pet. V. No. 826; PRA. No. 1130, SA. No. 293; Samb. Nos. 33, 252; 358; Weber. II. No. 1979.
(1) Vṛtti composed in Sam. 1295 by Sumatigani, pupil of Jinapatisuri of the Kharatara Gaccha (Gratis. 6000). AM. 258; 307, Bhand. III. No. 426, BK.
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