श्रीजिनरत्नकोशः । ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः ।
(1) **** of Bhattāraka Siihanandi. List 3176219 Tr Bik. No. 1624 ; DA. 50(98). ( S. J.).
अग्निशीतत्वस्थापनावाद Surat 1; 7. (II) 737 of Bhattāraka l'rabhācandra. List 192 2 The story exists in three recen(S. J. Phaltan ).
sions, of which one is in prose. This last (1) 3199 rata of Akalauka, son of Jinadāsa.
is translated into German by Dr. Miss Published at Katni, Sam. 1963.
Krause in Indische Marchen, Leipzig, (II) 310fata in 16 stanzas. Anon. AK.
1922. Agra. No. 1593; DA. 50(73-74); Nos. 1 to 9; CP. p. 260.
DB. 31(88-89); JG. p. 247 ; Pet. V. No. 377 Film of Akalarika Kavi. Published at
606; SA. No. 232. Bengalore, 1873 (W. S.).
STRET 7 of Devanandi. Idar. 82 ; 84. see CMB. 5; CP. p. 260; Kath No. 1044;
Sadaracakra. Limbdi. No. 1401 ; Pet. IV. No. 1393 ; Tigorary Bub. No. 561 ; Pet. VI. No. 690. VI. p. 143, No. 94 ; Surat. I (No. 620); SG. No. 2200.
S1029 Hamsa, No. 1432; the Ms. also contains
Vandākalpa, Varuņakalpa and the Hasti3FIrama in Prakrit. JG. p. 364. THI JG. p. 351.
351T is sometimes regarded as a Prakirņaka. (I) praator of Kanakakusala, pupil of
It mentions the Vargaculikā and VivāhaSomakusala, of the Tapā Gaccha. BK.
prajñapti and deals with rules of discipline No. 1617.
of a Yati. According to H. R. Kapadia, (II) s ugatan anon, Bengal. Nos. 6867;
Descriptive Catalogue, No. 360, an Ariga7544; DA. 76(97); Limbdi. No. 1409 ;
cülikä is mentioned in the Nandisutra and Surat. 1 ; 4; 5; 8
the Sthānārgasūtra. stergaarge of Ksamākalyana, pupil of
Agra. 481 ; AM. 237 ; Baroda. No. Amrtadharma of the Kharatara Gaccha
2701 , Bhand. V. No. 1160; BO. p. 28, Published by Hiralal Hansaraj, Jamnagar,
DA. 10(38, 39 ); 204(12, 13); JB. 67, 1917.
JHA. 29; JHB. 15; Kath. Nos. 1226; Bengal. Nos. 6867; 7544 , Bik. No.
1227 ; KN. 12, Limbdi. No. 318; 1712; 1459; JHA. 56; JHB. 35; Mitra. IX.
PAP. 23(8); 76(144); SA. Nos. 347;
553; Strass. p. 377; Surat. 1; 2; 8, ala Pet. IV. No. 1394.
VB. 2 (6) Tagiha 1 1 of Kanaka Kavi (perhaps 375gaur This is probably a manual on progno. Kanakakusala of the Tapā Gaccaa ). SA.
stication based on the natural movements No. 627.
and throbbings of diiferent parts of the STATTETATUT Buh. IV. No. 118 ( foll. 31 ).
body. JG. p. 354. 3787Traia11qt of Rāmavijayagaại. VC. 2(2). Age of Subhacandra, pupil, of Vijayakirti of Gramthāgra 600.
the Mula Sangha. It contains three
p. 9.
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