ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
1398); Pators palm) 20
(VI) कथासंग्रह Anon.
(1) tracca (Nyāya? Upadesa ?) Kiel. Agra. Nos. 1610-1616; Bhand, V.
II. No. 12. No. 1272 ( dated Sam. 1524), Buh. II. (II) Refacca by Naracandrasūri. JG. p. 95. No. 335 ; III. No. 170; DB. 30 ( 38);
See Nyāyakandali-Țikā (2). Hamsa. Nos. 671, 1669; JB. 115 ; FAPATTI (Jinastotra ) of Harsayasagani. 122; JG. p. 267 ( 3 copies; Gram. 1255,
Chani. No. 791. 1400 and 1653 ); JHB. 33, Kath. Nos.
igraiaita Kundi. No. 4 ; Surat. 11. 1325; 1326 ; Limdi. Nos. 1429 ; 1561 (dated Sam. 1648 ); PAPS. (palm) 20
(I) * gorta in Sanskrit composed by Jinedra(dated Sam. 1398 ); Patan Cat. I. pp.
bhüsaņa Bhattāraka, son of Brahma 378 ; 405 ; SA. Nos. 671 ; 1668.
Harsasāgara, successor of Visvabhūsana FeaT JG. p. 267.
Bhattäraka. It contains 4 chapters and
about 900 stanzas ) and is a part of FUTET by Rājasekharasüri (Antara kathasar
Jinendra Purāņa by the author. List graba?). Bhand. V. No. 1273 (dated
( Mathura, with Mr. Camparama) ; Pet. Sam. 1497 ).
IV. No. 1407 =IV. A.p. 142 (quotation) Flere is a love-story of a Vidyadhara prince
(II) Fauzata in Apabhramsa, containing 10 in 16 chapters, containing 4000 Präkrta
chapters, composed by Kanakāmara, who Gáthás ; it was composed in Sam. 1095,
mentions Svayambhū and Puspadanta ; by Dhanesvaramuni, pupil of Buddhi
cf. Allahabad University Studies, I. p. 174. sāgarasuri and Jineśvarasuri, pupils of
It is edited with translation, introduction, Vardhamānasūri. It is edited with notes
notes etc. in English, by H. L. Jain in by Muni Shri Raj Vijayaji, Benares,
the Karanja Jain Series, No. 4, Karanja 1916. It is also published in the Abha
(Berar ), 1934. CP. p. 631 ; Idar. 119; yadevasuri Granthamālā, Bikaner. Its
SG. No. 31. Gujrati translation is published by the
(III) Ugaita in Sanskrit by Brahma NemiJDPS., Bhavnagar, Sam. 1915. Bt. No.
datta, pupil of Mallibhüşana. List (Dehli 331 ; Chani. Nos. 27; 518; DB. 31 (133;
Panchayati Mandir. 134); PAPR. 23 (6); see Surasundari
|(IV) FT Tita in Apabhramsa by Raidhū caritra.
Kavi. List. (Jaipore). F art of Dharmasekhara. Bhand. No. 1299. ragtru of Chandrasāgara.
(V) Cugara of Sridatta Pandita. List. This is perhaps in Kaparese. SRB. 245.
(VI) F ogafta of Prabhācandradeva. Idar, 119. #7777 ( Bhaktadānopari) in Sanskrit. Hamsa. (VII) gaita of Subhacandra, composed No. 1603 ; JG. p. 248 ; Lindi. Nos. 541
with the help of Sakalabhūşana. CP. p. (dlated Sain. 1489); 852 ; 930; SA.
631, Idar. 119 (2 copies) ; List (S.J.), No. 1603.
Tera. 24; 25. 75yaita JG. p. 221 (foll. 67).
F a ce of Bhaskarācārya (non-Jain ) composen Bengal. No. 7588.
ed in A. D. 1184. (1) raatarts by Jinasuri. See Rüpasena
(1) Tikā called Gaņakakumudakaucaritra. Buh. II. No. 336 = PRA. No.
mudi composed in Sarn. 1678, by Suma838 ; JG. p. 221.
tiharsagani, pupil of Harsaratna of the (II) araaraita composed in Sam. 1604.
Ancala Gaccha. Bendall. No. 451; BO. PAPS. 48 (140).
p. 19; CC. I. p. 81 ; II p. 15; Hamsa.
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