अन्धविमागः प्रथमः।
the Kbaratara Gaccha. It contains 8
Rikhabh Das Jain in the sacred Books chapters and is written in Sanskrit. DC.
of the Jainas, Arrah, 1915. A new p. 57; Mitra. VIII. p. 112.
edition with a learned and exhaustive (1) ITATA ET in Prākrta by Śruta Muni. SG.
Introduction &c., along with the text of No. 1452. It was composed in Saka
Yogasāra is brought out in the RJS. 1263 and contains 230 Gāthās; cf. Ane
Series by Prof. Dr. A. N. Upadhye of kānta, I. p. 196.
Kolhapur at Bombay, 1938. AD. No. (II) TÆTTARTT by Pārsvakīrti. Mud. 607.
170; Agra. No. 823; AK. Nos. 442 to परमाणुखण्डषत्रिंशिका by Abhayadevasuri. See
445 ; Baroda. No. 6120 ; Bhand. V. No. Khandasatrimśikā. These are 36 Gathäs
1079; BO. p. 30; Bod. No. 1374; Buh. compoeed by Abhayadeva in the course
III, No. 117 ; IV. No. 165 ; VI. No. of his commentary on the Bhagavatisātra
633 ; CP. p. 665 ; DB. 23 (4); 45 V. 7 according to the commentator.
( 156 ); Flo. No. 609; Hebru. 7 ; Hum. They are published with the commentary
189; 212; Idar, 39 ( 4c.); 189; Idar. by the JAS. Bhavnagar, 1917. The text
A. 51 ( 2c.), JG. p. 112; Kath. No. is also published in No. 8 of the Agamo
1193; KB. 1 (39); Limdi. Nos. 21, daya Samiti Series, Surat [Be:-khitto
1606; Mud. 615; Pet. II, No. 271 ; IV. gāhana. ). DA. 60 (143 ; 145 ; 148 );
No. 1447, V. No. 255; Punjab. No. DB. 35 (118-121 ); 76 (52); Kap.
1585; Rice. p. 310; Tera. 23-32 ; VC. Nos. 97-100 ; SA. No. 560.
8 (26); Vel. No. 1625. (1) Vrtti by Ratnasimhasuri. Bt.
(1) Tikā by Brahmadeva (BrahmaNo. 67 ; DA. 60 ( 143 ; 145; 148 );
datta according to CP.). (Be :-cidānandeDB. 35 (118-121 ); 76 (52); SA. No.
karūpāya). Buh. III. No. 117; CP. p. 665; 560.
Limdi. No. 21 ; Rice. p. 310 ; Vel. No. qtalgiaantazjárat by Dharmaghosa. JG. p.
1625. 140.
(2) Țiká by Prabhācandra. Flo. (1) Tīkā by Ratnasimhasūri. JG.
No. 609. p. 140.
(3) Tikā Anonymous. Bengal. III. परमाणुषत्रिंशिका by Ratnasimhasuri. Both this
H. 25; Bhand. VI. No. 1027 ; BO. p. and the last one are very probably identi
30; Bod. No. 1374; IV. No. 165; VI. cal with the Paramāņukhaņdaşattrim
No. 633 , CP. p. 665; DB. 23 ( 4); Idar. sikā. DA. 76 ( 52 ); SA. No. 560.
39 (2c.), Idar. A. 51 (2c.); Kath. No. परमात्मतरदिगणी This is another name of Amrta
1193, Pet. V. No. 955; Punjab. No. candra's Samayasāra-Kalasa.
1585; Tera. 27–32. Very likely most of परमात्मद्वात्रिंशिका Bengal. No. 6914.
these mss. contain commentary No.(1). (I) परमात्मप्रकाश in Sanskrit by Padmanandin | परमात्मज्योतिःपञ्चविंशिका by Yasovijaya of the Tapa (Gram. 1300). Mud. 581.
Gaccha. Patta. I p. 107. It is published (II) TCRAT 137 by Yogindradeva in 345 Dohās.
in the Muktikamala Jainamohanamāla, It is in Apabhramsa and was composed
Baroda. for one Bhatta Prabhākara. It is published #175412 by Amaracandrasūri. VA. 11 (7). with Brahmadeva's commentary in the
See Padmānandakāvya. RJS. Series (No. 12), Bombay, 1915. It qara ayaráztrat DA. 39 ( 18-20); DB. 22 is also edited with English translation by
(144, 145); JG. p. 112 ; Limdi. No.
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