201, Chani. No. 351, PAP. 2 (9); |(1) galang ay in 87 Slokas by HaribhadraTapa. 60.
sūri. It is published with Gunaratna's (1) Tagitia one of the six Karmagranthas of
commentary in the Bibliotheca Indica, Devendra. See Karmagrantha (II).
Calcutta, 1905, as also in the Jain AtmāBengal. No. 2589; BO. p. 32; BSC. nanda Sabha Series, No. 49, Bhavnagar No. 468 ; DA. 53 ( 67 to 75 ) ; Limdi.
1918, and with Maņibhadra's commenNo. 809 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 208 ; Punjab.
tary in the Chowkhamba Series, Benares, No. 2668 ; Strass. B. No. 404d.
1905. The text alone is published in the (1) Svopajña Țikā. Strass. B. No. JDPS. Series, No. 15, Bhavnagar, 1918. 404d.
Agra Nos. 854-857; Bhand. III. Nos. (II) wsatía of Jinavallabha. See Agamikava
460 ; 461 ; V. Nos. 1386; 1387 ; VI. Nos. stuvicāra.
1413 ; 1414 ; BO. pp. 48 ; 72 ; Bt. No. VEIT a hymn in 25 artistic stanzas characterized
374 ; Buh. II. No, 243; DA, 36 ( 46 by Yamaka, composed by Devanandin.
to 48); 76 (15; 16 ); Hamsa. No. CP. p. 699; KN. 39; Pet. VI. No. 690.
1371 ; Idar. 138 (8 copies ); JG. pp. (1) Tīkā. Anonymous. CP. p. 699.
79; 102, KB. 3 ( 64 ); Kiel. I. No.
102 ; Limdi. Nos. 930; 1193; 1201 ; Telafu mara (Gram. 2375 ) composed in Sam.
1535 ; Mitra. X. p. 49; PAP. 21 (3); 1498 by Mahisāgara Upadhyāya, pupil of
71 ( 24 ; 25 ); 18 (24); 24 (42); Jayakesarisuri of the Añcala Gaccha JG.
27 ( 41 ); PAPR. 8 ( 10 ); PAPS. 46 p. 24.; PAP. 6 ( 35 ).
( 29; 30 ) ; 60 ( 56 ); Pet. IV. No. vara5 See Avaśyakasūtra. Kath. No. 1131 ;
1353, V. Nos. 868; 869; 870; Punjab. PAP. 21 (31); 22 ( 21 ) ; Punjab. No.
Nos. 2669 ; 2673; 2674 ; 2675; 2677; 2687.
2679; SA. Nos. 1635 ; 1780; 1792; (1) Vrtti composed in Sam. 1530) by
Tapa. 321, VA. 18 (11); VC. 14 (41); Rājavallabha (Gram. 4401 ). Punjab.
VD. 14 ( 26 ); Vel. Nos. 1667; 1668; No. 2689.
1669, Weber. II. No. 1610. y a ZR JG. p. 86.
(1) Tarkarahasyadipikā (Gram 1252; gygiaan TTTT Bt. No. 373 ; JG. p. 83.
in some mss. 4252; Be :- jayati vijitarāgah. TE fa a brief treatise on the six systems. i.e.
According to JG. p. 79, it exists in two Bauddha, Mimārsā, Sārkhya, Nyāya,
recensions.) composed by Gunaratnasuri, Vaiseșika and Jaina, composed by Meru
pupil of Devasundarasūri of the Tapā tunga, pupil of Mahendraprabhasüri of
Gaccha. Baroda. No. 2962; BO.p. 72; Bt. the Añcala Gaccha. The book is other
No.374 ; Buh. II, No. 243; Hamsa. No. wise called Saddarśanasamuccaya and is
1201 ; JG. pp. 79; 102; Limdi. No. mentioned under this name by the author
1535; PAP. 18 (24); 24 ( 42 ), 27 in his Prasasti to the commentary on the
(41); PAPR. 8 (10); PAPS. 46 (29); Saptatibhāsya, composed in Sarn. 1449.
60 (56); Pet. V. No. 869; Punjab. PRA. No. 523. The only known ms. is
Nos. 2679 ; 2680 ; Surat. 1 ( 2 copies ); Vel. No. 1666.
VC. 14 ( 41 ); Vel. No. 1669 ; Weber. Toyafafaiataraga (foll. 20). SA. No. 1643 ;
II. No. 1610. Surat. 1, 4.
(2) Țikā composed in Sam. 1392, by r aq ITSAT of Subhacandra. SG. No. 1519.
Somatilaka alias Vidyātilaka, pupil of T aha Bhand. V. No. 1385.
Sanghatilakasuri of the Rudrapalliya
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