मन्थाविभागः प्रथमः
(I) लब्धिविधानउद्यापन by Pandit Vidyadhara | छाटीसंहिता composed by Rajamalla Kavi in Sarv List (Savai Jaypore).
by Sivajilla. List. (Savai
1641. This is a book on the conduct of laymen; hence it is also called Śrävakcara. It was composed for Phaman during the reign of Emperor Akbar; cf. SGR. II. p. 95. It contains 7 cantos and about 1600 Slokas in all. It is edited by Pandit Darbari Lal, in the MDG. Series, No. 26, Bombay, Sam. 1984.
by Kalyanasagarasuri of the Añcala Gacaha. Buh. VI. No. 762; DA. 61 (67); Hamsa. No. 1714; PRA. No. 904. See Miśralingakosa.
Jaypor ). atafuran Bhand. VI. No. 1003; Pet. IV. No. 1473, V. No. 968; VI. p. 144, No. 98.
ent by Nemicandra. It is a sort of an appendix to the Gommaṭasara. It is published in the RJS. Bombay. It is also published together with Ksapanasara, in the Haribhai Devakarana Jain Granthamālā, No.5, Calcutta. AK. Nos. 659 to 662; Bhand. VI. No. 1028; CP. p. 688; Hum. 182; Idar. 38 (2 c.); Kath. No. 1123; KO. 17; Lal. 431, Mitra. IX. p. 86; Mud. 24; 55; PR. No. 86; Rice. p. 310; SRA. 66; Tera. 16, 17.
(1) Vṛtti by Madhavacandra. CP. p. 688, SRA. 66.
(2) Vrtti (Be-jayatyanvaya). Anonymous. AK. No. 660; CP. p. 688; Mitra. IX. p. 86, Rice. p. 310.
See below; Bengal. Nos. 7037, 7668. of Bengal. Nos. 7037; 7668; JG. p. 145; SA. No. 856.
(1) Avacuri. Bengal. No. 7668; JG. p. 145, SA. No. 856.
fafata of Haribhadra. See Caityavandanasutra-Vṛtti.
feaften by Jinadattasuri. VD. 19
feargar Anonymous. Agra, Nos. 1562; 1563; JG. p. 259; see below. ललिताङ्गकुमारकथा Limdi. No. 814, see above and
fearafta composed in Sam. 1561 by Isvarasuri, pupil of Santisuri. Buh. VI. No. 761; PAP. 73 (14); PRA. No. 903. ललिताङ्गनरेश्वरचरित्र The same as above. JG. p. 231. ललिताधारचरित्र Hebru. 59.
Jain Education Intemational
(1) Vivarana. Hamsa. No. 1714. by Hemacandra. Bhand. V. No. 1366. foffa JG. p. 82. लिङ्गलिङ्गिविचार
(1) feggere by Sakatayana. CP. p. 688; cf. लिङ्गानुशासन Belvalkar Systems of Grammar, p. 71. (II) feign of Hemacandra. It contains 138 Slokas only and is published by the N. S. Press Bombay, in the Abhidhānesagraha, Saka 1818. It is published also with an avacuri in the YJG. Series, Benares, A. D. 1905. AL. Nos. 780, 781; AZ 3 (10); Bendall. No. 374, Bhand. VI. No. 1400; BK. No. 1716; BO. p. 54; Bod. No. 1143, BSC. Nos. 448, 450; Bul. IV. Nos. 278, 279; CC. L pp. 544-545; II. p. 129; III. p. 116; Chani. No. 85, DA. 61 (51; 52; 54 to 65); 62 (20, 21); DB. 36 (30; 31, 35); Hamsa. Nos. 34; 1028; 1331; 1367; Idar. 146 (2 copies); 10. Nos. 813, 814, JA. 89 (1); Jesal. No. 570; KB. 1 (22), 3 (29, 66, 74); Kiel. I. No. 41 Kundi. Nos. 4; 12, 103, Limdi. Nos. 612; 687; 734, 1318; 1330; Mitra. VIII. p. 117, PAP. 17 (18, 24, 26; 40, 45), 41(27); PAPR. 18 (21), PAZB. 5 (8; 16); Pet. I. Nos. 321; 322; I. A. p. 76; SA. Nos. 499, 1634; 2084, Samb. No. 45,
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