Pet. L A. p. 70; IV. No. 1253; VA. 14 (34), VB. 29 (1); VC. 5 (10). (1) Vrtti by Somatilaka. This is not available at present, but it is mentioned by Sadhuratna in the introduction to his commentary, cf. Pet. III. A. p. 278, vv. 6, 7.
अन्यविभागः प्रथमः |
(2) Vrtti (Grah. 5700) composed in Sam. 1456, by Sadhuratna, pupil of Devasundarasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. Bhand. VI. No. 1234; BK. No. 94; DA. 73 (8); DB. 7 (11); Hamsa. No. 477, JG. p. 56, Kap. No. 604; PAPS. (III) 22 (7, 10); PAZA. 5 (7); Pet. III. A. p. 277 (quotation), IV. No. 1253; VL No. 573; SA. No. 152, VA. 14 (34); VB. 29 (1), VC. 5 (10).
(1) (II) afaf
(I). (III) affa
(3) Vetti. Anonymous. JB. 4; 73; PAPR. 17 (2, Gram. 5197. This is probably Sadhuratna's Vrtti).
by Yasovijaya. Hamsa. No. 1365. af JG. p. 155. See Yatidinacarys (IV).
by Devasäri. See Yatidinacarys
(Gram. 500) by Haribhadrasuri. DB. 22 (61; 62); JG. p 100; Pet. V. No. 801. See Yatidinacarya (III).
प्रतिदिन चर्या by Devasūri, in 396 Prākrta Gathās (Betam jayai saham kammam). Bhand. VI. No. 1235; Bah. VIII. No. 391; Chani. Nos. 462; 961, DA. 38 (86; 87); Jesal. No. 404; JHA. 44 (2c.); Kundi. No. 12; PAP. 72 (17); 79 (58); PAPR. 21 (14, 20); PAPS. 46 (35); 63 (31); 68(54); Pet. III. A. p. 216; VB. 12 (41); VC 12 (12).
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supposes. See Dinacarya and Yatisamācāri (I). Baroda. Nos. 2223; 2899; BK. No. 95; DB. 22 (58 to 60); Hamsa. No. 733; JG. p. 151, Kath. No. 1293; KN. 12; PAP. 23 (38); 45 (13); SA. Nos. 188, 1750; VC. 12 (13).
(1) Tik by Matisigara Upadhyayn (Grain 3500). Baroda. No. 2899; BK. No. 95; DB. 22 (57); Hamsa No. 899; JG. p. 151; PAP. 23 (38); SA. No. 1750.
यतिप्रतिक्रमणसूत्र See Sadhupratikramanasiitm. fagfagrexiquens composed in Sam. 1185, by Jinadevasuri. BT. No. 636 (foll. 26); JG. p. 85.
fangs by Padmanandin. Limdi. Nos. 586; 610, SG. Nos 86; 87. यतिमूर्तिप्रतिष्ठाधिDB. 22 (90) - यतिमृत्युविधि DA. 39 (68).
JG. p. 154.
fregar in Prskṛta (Grain. 262) by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapă Gaccha. It is pubished along with 9 other works of Yasovijaya in No. 13 of the JDPS. Series, Bhavnagar, Sam. 1965. BK. No. 34; JG. p. 105, PAPR. 6 (8); PAPS. 69 (85); SA. Nos. 538; 1759.
(1) Tiks. Grah. 3500. PAPR. 21 Hamsa. No. 553. See next. (14). यतिशिक्षापञ्चाशिका arafangsen Prthvicandra. Bhand. IV. No. 1220, DA. 60 (33); DB. 35 (172); (afari by Bhavadevasüri, a descendant of Kalikācārya. This is a separate work Hamsa. No. 553, JG. p. 187; Pet. V. No. 803. and not a commentary as JG. p. 151,
afferat (Graria. 500) by Hariprabhasüri
in Sanskrit. This is probably the same as Yatidinakṛtya (III) DA. 38 (84); DB. 22 (61; 62); SA. Nos. 2748; 2750; SB. 2 (67); VB. 12 (43). (IV) यतिदिनचर्या by Yasovijaya of the Tapa Gaccha. Chani. No. 243; Hamsa. No. 1365. (V) ufafawai Anonymous. Agra. No. 2092.
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