ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
viram jinanātham ). AM. 269, Bengal.
where one Droņa is mentioned in the III. H. 21; BO. p. 72; Buh. II. Nos. 261;
Prasasti ( v. 6). 262; Chani. No. 485; DA. 3 (18 to 26 );
(7) Vrtti. Anonymous. Agra. Nos. 4(1 to 4); DB. 2 (1;2); 3 (29);
37 ; 39, AM. 269 (Be:-śrīviram jina); DC. pp. 13; 40; Flo. No. 495; Hamsa.
Bengal. No. 2544, JB. 8, 9, 10; 11; Nos. 1378; 1444; JA. 91 (1); Jesal.
PAP. 70 (this is Dipikā, foll. 317); SA. Nos. 86 ; 226; JG. p. 2; JHA. 3 ( 2c.);
No. 2032, Tapa. 243 , Surat. 1 ; Samb. JHB. 2; Kap. No. 67 ; Keith. No. 30;
Nos. 65 ; 67. Kundi. Nos. 60 ; 90; 122; 349 ; Limdi. Nos. 191 ; 368; PAP. 2 (18); 70
(8) Paryāya. Kap. Nos. 70; 75. (2; 6; 11; 13; 14; 16), PAPL. 4 499171FTTTTT913 DA. 4 (3; 4); Limdi. No. (22); PAPS. 6 (1 to 4; 11); PAZA.
2312. 2 (2); Pet. I. No. 359 ; III. A. p. 100; FAC ET in 9 Sanskrit Slokas. JG. P. 365; V. No. 908; Punjab. Nos. 3087 ; 3088;
Vel. No. 1861. 3091 , 3092, SA. Nos. 2; 917; VA. 8 ( 4 to 7); VB. 14 ( 4 to 12); 15 (2);
Femaleqrara perhaps same as above. JG. p.
154. VC. 7 (1); VD. 6 (3); Weber. II. Nos. 1781 ; 1782.
FerTC16*JG. p. 204 ; Hamsa. No. 441. (2) Dipikā ( Gram. 14100) compos- F ararara in Sanskrit. Punjab. Nos. 3093 ; ed in Sam. 1657 by Nagarsigani, pupil
3094. of Kusalavardhana of the Tapā Gaccha
Featu5DA. 60 ( 215 to 218 ); DB. 35 (Be:- pranatasurāsuranātham). BO. p.
(190, 191 ). 32 ; Hamsa. No. 549; JG. p. 2; Limdi. No. 392; PAP. 70 (15); PRA, No.
FAIGHET OG Punjab. No. 3095. 176; VA. 8 (1;2); VD. 6(2). ffufaara Pet. V. No. 768.
(3) Dipikā composed in Sam. 1659 Forraga of Bālacandra. BK. No. 1259. by Megharāja of the Pārsvacandra Gaccha. DB. 2 ( 3 ). This is probably in
(I) FOHIT by Siladeva. Surat. 7. Gujrati and is the same as the one which
|(II) F uata in 684 Sanskrit Slokas by is published in the Benares edition.
Jayānandasūri, pupil of Somatilakasuri of (4) Vivarana (Gram. 13604 ) com
the Tapā Gaccha. It is published by Hiraposed in Sam. 1705, by "Sumatíkallola
lal Hamsaraj, Jamnagar, 1910; it is also and Harsanandana, pupils of Samayasun
published in the D. L. P. Series No. 25, dara of the Kharatara Gaccha. This is a
Bombay, 1915. Agra. Nos. 1555; 1556; commentary on the Gātbūs contained in
Bhand. VI. No. 1350 ; Bt. No. 350 ; Abhayadeva's Vitti of the Sutra. Chani.
Buh. VIII. No. 416 (=PRA. No. 937); No. 171; Hamsa. No. 47; JG. p. 2;
Cal. X. No. 55, DA. 50 ( 60, 61, dated Limdi. No. 432; PAZB. 5 ( 30 ) PRA.
Sam. 1478; 62); DB. 31 (71; 72, 73; No. 364 ; SA. No. 1609.
74); Hamsa. No. 823 ; KN. 10, Limdi.
No. 991; PAPS. 48 (138); 67 (18); 3. (5) Vrtti by Pārsvacandra (Bez-var
77 ( 8, dated Sam. 1484 ) ; Pet. II. No. dhamāno jino.). Bik. No. 1537.
301 ; III. No. 653; V. No. 909; V. A. (6) Vrtti by Droņācārya; Gram.
p. 216 ; PRA. No. 937, Punjab. No. 18125. VA. 7 ( 27; 28); 8 (3). Ths
3098 , Surat. 7; VC. 7 (10); 12(7); is probably Abhayadeva's commentary,
Vel. No. 1790.
Sam. 1470. 55, DAO (PRA N° 350
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