1076; VI. No. 1008; BO. p. 79, Buh.
pupil of Jayavijaya, for his own pupil VI. No. 616; CP. p. 655 ( 7 mss. ); DB.
Daivavijaya, during the reign of Vijaya16 ( 31 ); Hum. 43 ; 233; JG. p. 161;
prabhasüri (Sarn. 1710-1747), successor Idar. 114 (5c.); Idar. A. 3 (3c.);
of Vijayadevasuri of the Tapa Gaccha. Kath. No. 1091 ; Lal. 6; 20; Mud. 233;
BK. No. 93 ; PRA. No. 1064. PAP. 64 (7); PAZA. 9 ( 28 ); Pet. III. (XI) FÅTTET Anonymous. Agra. Nog. 947 ; No. 513; III. A. p. 294 ; V. No. 945 ;
948 ; 949 ; DB. 16 ( 33); SB. 2 ( 55 ); SG. No. 2567 ; Strass. p. 304; VA. 9
SG. No. 2209 ; Tera. 3 to 9; 21 to 24. ( 38 ); Weber. II. No. 2019.
(I) Ágie composed in Sam. 1645, by (1) Tikā in Kanarese by Candra
Padmasāgaragani, pupil of Dharmasägarasägara. Hum. 233.
gani of the Tapā Gaccha. It is published (IV) A ir of Pārsvakirti. Hebru. 2.
in the DLP. Series, No. 15, Bombay, (V) nafrat by Devasena. See Dharmasan
1913 and also by the Hemacandra graha. AK. No. 342 ; Hamsa. No. 60;
Sabhā, Patan, Sam. 1978. This work VB. 18 (7).
contains 1474 stanzas in all, out of which (1) Tikā in Kanarese by Vrttavilāsa.
about 1250 have been bodily reproduced AK. No. 342.
from Amitagati's work. Compare JH.
Vol. 13, p. 314ff. Bhand. VI. No. 1178, (VI) V rati composed by Jinamaņdana, pupil
JG. p. 267 ; Pet. V. No. 729. of Somasundarasuri of the Tapå Gaccha (Gram. ahout 1800). It is published
(II) Ágirer by Rämacandra, a Digambara by the JAS. Bhavnagar, Sam. 1974
writer. It is in Sanskrit and was com( Series No. 67). Chani. No. 211;
posed at the request of Devacandra, pupil Hamsa. Nos. 118; 473; PAPR. 9 (3);
of Padmanandin, a spiritual descendant PAPS. 49 (17); 63 ( 40).
of Pujyapada. Its Graṁ. is 900. Hamsa. (VII) Åqfar in Sanskrit composed in Sam. 1571
No. 60; JG. p. 253; Kath. No. 1270,
PAP. 64 (9); Pet. IV. No. 1268 - IV. by Saubhagyasagara. Hamsa. No. 522.
A. p. 100. (VIII) DACT composed by Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. It is
TE KB. 1 ( 63-fo]]. 187), 1 (72); 2 (16; published with the Svopajña sīkā, by the
4c.); 3 ( 34); 5 (12); 8 (9). Hemacandra Sabha, Patan, Sam. 1978
13 in Sanskrit. Hamsa. No. 1012. ( Series, No. 14). AM. 309; Bhand. VI. 99919T SA. No. 3047. No. 1177 ; BK. No. 83; DB. 16 ( 30); gaiviąg SG. No. 1364. Hamsa. No. 213 ; JG. p. 104; PAPS. ÅTZTETT also called Prasnottara Srävakācāra or 46 ( 2 ); SA. Nos. 35; 1659; VB. 17
Praśnottara Upāsakācāra or Śrāvakācāra (48).
by Sakalakirti. It is in six chapters. It is (1) Tıkā (Svopajña). AM. 309;
published at Surat, 1926. It is on the Bhand. VI. No. 1177 ; BK. No. 83 ;
duties of a Jain layman. Bengal. Nos. DB. 16 ( 30 ); Hamsa. No. 213; JG. ?.
6619; 6646 ; Bhand. V. No. 1077; VI, 104 ; PAPS. 46 (2); SA. Nos. 35 ;
No. 1033 ; CP. p. 655 (17 mss.); 1659 ; VB. 17 (48).
Idar. A. 27; 46 ; 47 ; Kath. Nos. 1092, . (IX) #919 by Naya vijaya (Yasovijaya ?).
1093; 1094 (dated Sam. 1654 ); Pet. BK. No. 83.
V. No. 972; PR. No. 82; SG. Nos. (X) at composed by Mānavijayagaņi,
628 ; 672 ; Strass. p. 304.
; Bhan 1978
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