ग्रन्थविभागः प्रथमः।
sutrecuei by 140.6219Bened. No: quarantent
92493 TEUS JG. p. 85.
PRA, No. 187, Punjab. Nos. 1516 ; Pagaiaratay by Munisundara. Kath. No. 1389 ;
1517 ; 1518 ; 1519. this is another name of the author's Trai
(2) Țikā in Gujrati called Bālabodha, vidyagosthi.
composed by Yasovijaya, pupil of NayaTAH1The Pet. VI. No. 671; SG. No. 2642. vijaya of the Tapā Gaccha. Buh. II. Nos. 27 THESITETO Bengal. No. 7475.
210; 823; Kaira. B. 77; PAPS. 45 ,922 in 118 Gāthās, by Jinacandrasuri.
( 36 ). JG. p. 183; Limdi. No. 1288.
(3) Avacuri. Anonymous. (Gram.
260). Agra. No. 822; Bengal. No, qaraciyaar JG. p. 137.
7312; Bhand. V. No. 1202 ; Bod. No. (I) q araft of Abhayadeva. See below, Panca
. 1337 ; DA. 60 (57-60); 76 (50); DB. nirgranthivicārasangrahaņī.
35 ( 82 ; 83 ); Hamsa. No. 1639; JG. (II) fureft of Yasovijaya, pupil of Nayavijaya
p. 134 ; JHB. 55 ; KB. 3 (3); PAPR. of the Tapā Gaccha. Buh. II. No. 210 ;
3 (8), PAPS. 82 (181); Punjab. Nos. JG. p. 134. This is perhaps the com
1515; 1517; 1518; SA. Nos. 629 ; mentary No. 3 on the next work.
1639; 2693; Surat. 1, 4, 5, 9; VB. 20
(24); VC. 8 (22); VD. 9 (8). paraurtfaranguft also called Pancanirgranthi
contains 107 Gāthas ( Be:-namiūna mabā. 129€ SA. No. 2777. viram ) and was composed by Abhaya
PATANI Hamsa. No. 1423; PR. No. 84. devasuri. It is based on the Bhagavati- पञ्चपरमेष्ठीगुणरत्नमाला of Rāmavijaya. See Gunasutra, XXV. 6. It is published with an
mäla. Avacuri by the JAS., Bhavnagar, Sam. PITANIUurraaa Bengal. No. 7697. 1974 ( Series, No. 62). Agra. Nos. 824;
QPTTAGITA Bengal. Nos. 4308; 7076; Limdi. 825; 1234 ; AZ. 1 (31); Bengal. No.
No. 1033 ; Pet. V. No. 742. 7312; Bhand. V. No. 1202 ; Bod. No. 1337; Buh. II. Nos. 210 ; 823 ; IV. No. i
| पञ्चपरमेष्ठीपद by an unknown author. 163 ; VIII. No. 387 ; Chani. No. 829;
(1) Vyākhyā by Devaratna. Hamsa. DA. 60 ( 57, 58; 63; 64; 65; 245); 76
No. 1459. ( 50 ), DB. 35 ( 84 to 87 ); DC. p. 38,
(2) Vyākhyā. Anonymous. Hamsa. No. 309 ( 3 ); Hamsa. Nos. 407; 1271;
No. 148. JB. 143 ; JG. p. 134 ; JHA. 47; JHB.
| PATTITIE of Yasonandin. AD. Nos. 74; 95 ;
andria of 55, Kaira. B. 77 ; Kath. No. 1274 ;
112. KB. 3 (3); Limdi. Nos. 977; 1242, 1243; PAPR. 3 (8); PAPS. 45 ( 36 ) ;
PACagight of Jñānabhūsana. Idar. 162. 49 (15); 82 (181); Pet. I. No. 287;
TATTACIqhtgefa CP. p. 662; Pet. VI. p. 143, SA. Nos. 661 , 2693 , Surat. 1, 4, 5, 9;
No. 91. VB. 20 ( 24 ); 22 ( 10 ); VC. 8 (20; MATTaggara Bengal. No. 7713. 22 ), VD. 9 (8); Weber. II. No. T arafa DB. 24 ( 112 ; 113 ). 1791.
9229THTHEIF f These are a few Jain (1) Bālāvabodha by Merusundara,
Tantric extracts. Vel. No. 1846. pupil of Ratnamurti of the Kharatara
See NamaskäraGaccha. AZ. 1 ( 31 ); Chani. No. 829 : 4229TĀSTA TEST by Jinakirti. DA. 60 (61, 62); DB. 35 (85);
stava. Hamsa. No. 1271; PAPS. 49 (15); The area Bengal. No. 7214. J.......29
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