श्री जिनरत्नकोशः ।
snfefer by Hargacandrasiri. JG. p. 273;
KC. 12.
(I) आदित्यव्रतकथा composed by Srutasāgara, pupil of Vidyanandin of the Sarasvati Gaocha. PRA. No. 1240 (No. 36).
(II) आदित्यव्रतकथा Agra. No. 1589. (1) smearing of Kelavasena. Idar. 73. (II) आदित्यव्रतोद्यापन of Jayasagara Idar 73
(III) enfe by Devendrakirti. Idar. (II) (2 copies).
(IV) suferarenga by Yasaḥkirti Idar. 73. sme containing 25 Sanskrit stanzas. Pet. I. No. 238. This is the Yugadideva-se In the last stanza, Munisundara, (I) Laksmistigars and Subhasundara of the Tapa Goocha are mentioned. PRA. No. 969.
(II) आदिनाथचरित्र in Prakrta, composed in Smi 1160 by Vardhamana, pupil of Abhayadevasuri (Grati. 11000). It is divide
into five cantos and describes the life of the 1st Tirthankara. Chani. No. 32; DC. p. 42 (cf. DI. p. 45); Jesal No. 152; Kuli. No. 363; PAP. 14 (3); PAPM. 41 (ms. dated Sami. 1289); Patan Cat. I. p. 350 (quo. ).
(1) Avacuri. Pet. I. No. 238. This is really a Tabs in Gujarati by Candra (II) dharmagani in Sa 1633. (I) आदिनाथचरित्र in Sanskrit by Amaracandrasūri. Jesal. No. 1597, JG. p. 238.
(III) few composed in Sai 1474 by Vinayacandra. DB. 25 (5; 6), SA. No. 50; Surat. 1, 9.
आदिनाथ जगन्नाथस्तुति JG. p. 273. आदिनाथजयमाला Bhand. VI. No. 992 ( 20 ). (1) ser by Munisundara. VA. 2 (6). Anon. Agra. Nos. 886-888; Bhand. V. No. 1259; JG. p. 169; Surat. 1, 4, 11, VA. 2 (7).
Jain Education International
62 (4), 63 (1; 12); PAPL. 1 (6); SA. No. 456, VA. 3 (5), VC. 3 (17, 18). See also Bgabhadevacaritra of Hemacandra.
(1) Vrtti. JG. p. 169. शतक JG. p. 208.
serie in 88 Gathas (Besa săre natthi).
Bah. II. No. 202; Limid. Nos. 674; 930, 1153, VB. 3 (44), Vel. No. 1563a.
( IV ) आदिनाथचरित्र the first book of the Trisasti | (II) salaka of Hemacandra. It is translated into English by Dr. Miss H. Johnson, and published in the Gaek. O. Series, No. 51, Baroda, 1931. BK. No. 173, JA. 60 (12); 110 (21); KB. 1 (56); PAP. 14(5); 20 (4); 60 (2; 13; 14);
few Anon. Agra. No. 1418; DA. 50 (102).
snfrage Anon. Probably the same as above. AM. 204, DA. 60 (90-95); DB. 35 (48, 49), Flo No. 661; Jesul. No. 868; VB. 3 (46)
आदिनाथदेशनी द्वारशतक See Adinatharlesaoddhara (I).
anfanager in 20 cantos by Sakalakirti, a Digambar writer. AI No. 69, Bhand VL No. 1042 (P. p. 624; Hum. 156; Idar. 1 (2 copies); 88 (4 copies); 89 (2 copies); 95; Idar. A. 21 (3 copies); 53; 54 (2 copies); 58; 64; 65; Lal. 200; 223; 394; 405; Pet. II. No. 265; SRA. 374; Tera. 26-27. For further references also see alludenicaritra and Vrsabhanathacaritra, which are but other names of this work.
आदिनाथपुराण (see Vrsabhanāthapurāna) by Candrakirti. CP p 623.
sufragerer by Santidasa. Kath. No. 1048. also called Pañcakalyāṇaka (s. v.) in Sanskrit, by Jñanabhuṣaṇa. CP. p. 624 Idar. 117 118; List (S. J.), SG. No. 2559.
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