PAZA. 3 (7); Pet. V. Nos. 762, 763; | PAPS. 60 (12); 67 (76); 68 (41), PRA. No. 190 ; Punjab. No. 1718 ; SA.
69 (64); PAZA. 3 (7), Pet. V. No. Nos. 81; 834; Samb. Nos. 56 ; 193;
763. SB. I ( 29-31 ); Surat. 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8,
(5) Trtiyapadasangrahaņi-Tikā by: 9; VB. 20 (14); 21 (3); VC 8
Kulamaņdana. DB. 35 (141-143 ); (18; 29 ); Vel. Nos. 1494 to 1498;
Hamsa. Nos. 136 ; 281 ; Kap. No. 224 Weber. II. Nos. 1837-1840.
(Kath. No. 1393); Pet. I. No. 295. (1) Pradeśavyākhyā (Grar. 3728 )
(6) Bālāvabodha compased in Sam. composed by Haribhadra, pupil of Jina
1784, by Jivavijaya, pupil of Jñānabhata. This is mentioned by Malayagiri.
vijaya, of the Tapā Gaccha. AM. 16; DA. (12 (22; 23 ); Hamsa. No. 1447;
PRA. No. 190. Jesal. No. 1731 palm ms.); Kiel. II.
(7) Paryāya. Kap. Nos. 226-233. No. 48 ; PAP. 51 (1); PAS. No. 417; SA. No. 1548 ; VC. 8 (18).
9aare Neo by Abhayadevasūri. See Prajna
panāsūtra Com. (4). JB. 143 ; KB. 3 (2) Vrtti by Malayagiri ( Graṁ.14500
(59). Be :- jayati namadamara ). AM. 50;
SITTAIESTATTET in prose. Pet. I. A. p. 63. 379; Bengal. Nos. 2521 ; 6858, Bik. No. 1505 ; Buh. III. No. 116; Chani.
F I T in 133 Gāthās. This is a copy of No. 544; DA. 12 ( 20 ; 21 ; 23; 24);
Abhayadeva's Titīyapadasangrahaņi. DC. DB. 5 (1;2; 13 ); DC. p. 36; Flo. No.
p. 38, No. 309 (3). 517; JA. 24 (1); Jesal. Nos. 158, 556; T111 TESTETIT of Yasasvigani according to JHA. 14 ( 2c. ), JHB. 13 ( 2c. ); Keith.
Punjab dist. Agra. No. 1940; BO. p. 60; No. 43; Kundi. Nos. 144 ; 238 ; Limdi.
Punjab. No. 1721. Nos. 114 ; 340; 386 ; Mitra. VIII. p. 60; JUFI Fala in Prākrta. JG. p. 284. PAP. 1 (4); 51 (2; 5), PAPS. 21 09176 in 90 Gāthās by Devendrasuri. See (11; 12); 37 (1); 46 (13); Pet. III.
Vrddhacatuśśaraña. JG. p. 201. A. p. 100; IV. No. 1288 ; V. No 762;
TAITEK (Gram. 400 ). VB. 23 (12) Punjab. No. 1720, SA. Nos. 81 ; S34; 2027 ; Samb. No. 184, Surat. 1, 2, 5;
(I) in 60 Gāthās (Be :- namiūņa mahāVB. 20 ( 14 ); 21 (3), VC. 8 ( 29 );
vīram). Limdi. No. 1726 ; Pet. III. A. Vel. Nos. 1497 ; 1498, Weber. [I. Nos.
p. 128. 1839 ; 1840.
(IT) T EHOT by Gotama. Rice. p. 316. (3) Vrtti. Anonymous. Agra. No.178. (III) FAT AK. Nos. 507-512. Bik. No. 1759 ; DC. pp. 13 (Nos. 111; HOEFAT also called Pratikramanagarbha118); 14; KB. 2 (5);3 (6); Punjab.
hetu, or Hetugarbha Pratikrama, composNo. 1719, SB. 1 (29-31).
ed in Sam. 1506, by Jayacandra, pupil of (4) Trtiyapadasangrahani based on the
Somasundarasūri of the Tapā Gaccha. third chapter of the Sūtra and consisting of
This work is worngly described as a com. 133 Gáthás composed by Abhayadevasuri
on Jayacandra's work by Nayacandra at [ Be:-disigai indiyakāe] AM. 409, Chani.
Pet. JII. A. p. 229; cf. Pet. IV. A. p. No. 179, DA. 59 ( 83 ); DB. 35 (141
107. Agra. Nos. 331-334 ; Bhand. IV. 143 ); Hamsa. Nos. 136; 281 ; JB. 143;
Nos. 1210; 1211 (dated Sam. 1506); JG. p. 8; Kath. No. 1393; KB. 3
Chani. No. 461; DA. 22 (21); 26 (59), Kiel. II. No. 18; PAPL. 6 ( 49 );
(51-62); 74 (14); DB. 12 (-18-20);
COS. 1210., Nos. 331. Pet. Ticandra at
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