(I) aftastgerot composed in Saka 705 by Jinasena II, (XII) gra ngerar in 112 Sandhis by Caturmupupil of Kirtişeņa of the Punnāta Sangha.
kha Svayambhu in Apabbraṁsa. The It contains 66 chapters and is published
work was finished by the author's son in the MDG. Series Nos. 32, 33, Bombay,
Tribhuvana Svayambhū. It mentions 1930. It mentions (in I. 39--40) Jina
Bhāmaka, Dandin, Bäņa, Harisena and sena I, as the author of the Parsvābhyu
Caturmukha. See Allahabad Univ. Studies, dayakävya. AD. No. 2, Bhand. V. No.
I. p. 170. Out of the 112 Sandhis, 92 1134 ; Buh. VI. Nos. 700; 701 ; CP. p.
were composed by Caturmukha, 93-102 715, Idar. 5; Idar. A. 4 (4 c.); 5
by his son Tribhuvana and the rest by (3 c.); 6; 12; Kath. No. 1176, Mitra.
one Yasahkirti, pupil of Gunakirti ; cf. VI. p. 74; Pet. IV. No. 1502; V. No.
Apabhramsa Pathāvali edited by Modi, 987, SG. No. 622; Strass. p. 307, Tera.
Ahmedabad, 1935, notes, p. 24. Kath. 9 to 11.
No. 1177 (dated Sam. 1582); SG. (II) aftasigarot by Dharmakirti. CP. p. 716.
No. 2309. (III) aftaggtrot by Ravişeņa. CP. p. 715. (XIII) Ertasig Troy Anonymous. CP. p. 716 , (IV) gitang tot by Srībhūsaņa. CP. p. 715.
JG. p. 219 ; Tera, 1-8. (V) gfiaagriot by Srutakirti. SG. No. 1264.
(1) Tippana. Anonymous. Bhand. V. (VI) gfta TETTO by Sakalakīrti. CP. p. 715.
No. 1136. (VII) graagtfut by Jayasāgara. Idar. A. 8.
festety Anonymous. Agra. No. 1815. (VIII) aftag ut composed by Jinadāsa, pupil of a& 21 JG. p. 263; Limdi. No. 569; Pet. Sakalakīrti. It contains 39. Sargas of
IV. No. 1385. which the first 14 were composed by
aftfahi (Gram. 5350 ) composed by Jaya Sakalakirti acc. to Strass. p. 312. The
tilakasuri, pupil of Cāritraprabha of the original recension of the work mentions
Agama Gaccha: It is published by the this collaboration, while the secondary
Jain Sreyaskara Mandala, Mhesana, 1907. one does not do so. Baroda. No. 11357;
Agra. No. 1557 ; BK. Nos. 392, 557; Bhand. V. Nos. 314 (ms, dated Sam.
Bt. No. 323; Chani. No. 430; DB. 30 1654); 315; CP. p. 715; Idar. 5; 6
(10); DC. p. 51 (dated Sam. 1415); (5 c.); 7 (2 c.); Idar. A. 4 (2 c.);
Hamsa. No. 490; JB. 124; JG. 15 (2 c.); Pet. III. No. 570; IV. No.
p. 333; JHA. 54; Kaira. A. 76 ; PAP. 1503 ; SG. No. 1087.
40 ( 37 ); 65 ( 4); PAPR. 13 ( 4); (IX) aftasigaTOT by Mangarasa. Hebru. 51;
PAZA. 7 (12); Surat. 5 ; Tapa. 117. Padma. 3.
(1) Svopajña Țikā (Gram. 12093) (X) featgrror containing 122 Sandhis and com
composed in Sam. 1436. JG. p. 333; posed in the Apabhrarsa language by
PAP. 65 (4). Dhavala, son of Sūra. See Allahabad Uni.
Bengal. No. 7672; Bhand. V. No. Studies, I. p. 166. CP. p. 716 (ms.
1334; Buh. III. No. 179 ( the last one dated Sam. 1599).
is Haricandrakathā i. e. Vijayacandacari(XI) ditangtur by Puspa danta in the Apabhra
tra (No. I) of Candraprabhamabattara ). msa language. This is a part of the Mahä
JG. p. 263. purāņa. It is published in the 3rd part हरिश्चन्द्रतारालोचनीचरित Bengal. No. 7672. of the Mahāpurāņa pp. 1 to 184 (MDG. rugagan777 by Māna vijayagaņi. Published Series, No. 42, Bombay, 1941), Bhand.
in the Satyavijaya J. Granthamālā, No. V. No. 1135 (dated Sam. 1441 ).
7, Ahmedabad, 1924.
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